Prodigiously Amazing Weaponsmith - Chapter 521 - Little lass is shy

Chapter 521 - Little lass is shy

Chapter 521: Little lass is shy


Misty Cloud Translations


Misty Cloud Translations

Li Moying raised his head slightly and locking her arms in front of him, he said in a love-hate tone, “You little thing with no no conscience, every day you must conjure different ways to drive me up the wall!”

Huang Yueli was vexed to the peak.

What happened to her, why was she easily settled with just a kiss from him?

She used her might and pushed Li Moying from advancing, “You’re too much, I’ve told you that you cannot just kiss me without notice!”

Li Moying raised his brow. Although he was rejected, but he was not upset.

Because in that earlier passionate kiss, Huang Yueli had unknowingly accepted it, which deeply delighted him.

And he had heard from Mo Yi that when he was unconscious, Huang Yueli had shown different ways of protecting him.

This little lass must be feeling shy….. that right, this little fox was just fourteen and had yet to reach the marriageable age, so to show resistance towards relations between the two sexes was perfectly normal.

Anyway what he had were time and patience, so he need not push her too hard now. He can slowly, bit by bit tear her down and digest her up…. That would be another type of feeling.

As Li Moying thought of these, he released his grip slightly and tried to amuse her, “Alright, don’t be angry. You’ll turn ugly when you are angry. These few days must have tire you out, right? Go rest a little in the cabin. When we have reached to South Yue Kingdom, I’ll wake you up.”

Huang Yueli nodded and turned to leave.


South Yue Kingdom, Capital.

A lavish carriage went through the city gates and as it travelled along the bustling and wide road, the sound of clopping against the ground was heard.

The carriage’s speed was extremely fast, the surrounding vendors nearby were not able to avoid in time and were sent reeling onto the ground.

It was only when the carriage reached the