Principles of Geology - Part 79

Part 79

[396] Ed. Phil. Journ. vol. iii. p. 54, 1820.

[397] Quart. Journ. of Sci. &c., No. xiii. _N. S._ March, 1830.

[398] Buist, Quart. Journ. of Agricult., No. xlv. p. 34, June, 1839.

[399] Phillips's Geology of Yorkshire, p. 61.

[400] Rivers, Mountains, and Sea-coast of Yorkshire p. 122, 1853, London.

[401] Arctic Zoology, vol. i. p. 10, Introduction.

[402] Phillips's Geol. of York. p. 60.

[403] Arct. Zool. vol. i. p. 13, Introd.

[404] Taylor's Geology of East Norfolk, p. 32.

[405] Ibid.

[406] De Beaumont, Geologie Pratique, p. 218.

[407] Taylor's Geology of East Norfolk, p. 10.

[408] From Mr. R. C. Taylor's Mem., see Phil. Mag., Oct. 1827, p.


[409] Consequences of the Deluge, Phys. Theol. Discourses.

[410] History of British Birds, vol. ii. p. 220 ed. 1821.

[411] Tidal Harbor Commissioners' First Report, 1845, p. 176.

[412] On authority of Dr. Mitch.e.l.l, F. G. S.

[413] On the authority of W. Gunnell, Esq., and W. Richardson, Esq., F. G. S.

[414] Vol. ii. New Ser. 1809, p. 801.

[415] Geog. of Herod. vol. ii. p. 326.

[416] Dodsley's Ann. Regist. 1772.

[417] See J. B. Redman on Changes of S. E. Coast of England, Proceed. Inst.i.t. Civil Engin. vol. ii. 1851, 1852.

[418] Stevenson, Ed. Phil Journ. No. v. p. 45, and Dr. Fitton, Geol. Trans. 2d series, vol. iv. plate 9.

[419] On the authority of Mr. J. Meryon, of Rye.

[420] Redman, ibid, see p. 315.

[421] Edin. Journ. of Sci. No. xix. p. 56.

[422] Redman as cited, p. 315.

[423] Webster, Geol. Trans. vol. ii. p. 192, 1st series.

[424] Mantell, Geology of Suss.e.x, p. 293.

[425] See Palmer on Shingle Beaches, Phil. Trans. 1834, p. 568.

[426] Groins are formed of piles and wooden planks, or of f.a.gots staked down and are used either to break the force of the waves, or to retain the beach.

[427] Redman as cited, p. 315.

[428] Rob. A. C. Austen on the Valley of the English Channel, Quart. Journ. G. S. vol. vi. p. 72.

[429] See Palmer on Motion of Shingle Beaches, Phil. Trans. 1834, p. 568; and Col. Sir W. Reid, Papers of Royal Engineers, 1838, vol ii. p. 128.

[430] De la Beche, Geolog. Manual, p. 82.

[431] According to the measurement of Carpenter of Lyme.

[432] Rev. W. D. Conybeare, letter dated Axminster, Dec. 31, 1839.

[433] London, J. Murray, 1840.

[434] Boase, Trans. Royal Geol. Soc. of Cornwall, vol. ii. p.


[435] Boase, ibid. vol. ii. p. 135.

[436] De la Beche's Report on the Geology of Devon, &c. chap.


[437] Geol. Trans. 1st series, vol. iii. p. 383.

[438] Boase, vol. ii. p. 130.

[439] Stevenson, Jameson's Ed. New Phil. Journ. No. 8, p. 386.

[440] Camden, who cites Gyraldus; also Ray, "On the Deluge,"

Phys. Theol. p. 228.

[441] Meyrick's Cardigan.

[442] Von Hoff, Geschichte, &c. vol. i. p. 49.

[443] E. de Beaumont, Geologie Pratique, vol. i. p. 316, and ibid. p. 260.