Princess Is Glamorous In Modern Day - Chapter 405 - Xiao Bao Arrives at the Jun Corporation

Chapter 405 - Xiao Bao Arrives at the Jun Corporation

Chapter 405: Xiao Bao Arrives at the Jun Corporation

Mommy, I want to eat milk candy. Because of the kidnapping, Xiao Bao had been specially granted by Jun s.h.i.+ling to rest at home for a few days and receive counseling therapy from a psychiatrist.

Xiao Bao, who did not need to go to school for the time being, was a divine beast at home. Of course, he was still very obedient in front of Xia Wanyuan, other than liking to act coquettishly and ask for milk candy.

Youve already eaten three. You cant eat anymore.

Mommy, please Xiao Bao blinked his big eyes and kissed Xia Wanyuan on the cheek. He smelled like milk.

Youre not allowed to eat it. Before Xia Wanyuan could speak, Jun s.h.i.+ling had already walked over and picked Xiao Bao up, putting him aside.

Bad Daddy. Xiao Bao saw Jun s.h.i.+lings expression and looked at Xia Wanyuan. Knowing that there was no hope for milk candy, he stopped asking and quietly played with the toys.

Application form? Jun s.h.i.+ling leaned over to Xia Wanyuan and looked at it.

Mm, I have to fill in personal information. Do you think they will believe me if I fill in this? Xia Wanyuan typed a few lines of information on the computer.

No. Just fill it in. Someone else will find out eventually.


After hearing Jun s.h.i.+lings suggestion, Xia Wanyuan sent the completed form to the Qing University email.

The teacher in charge of receiving relevant applications opened the email first and looked at it before pulling the email into the trash station.

After deleting the email, the teacher even specially called the center in charge of the schools information network security.

Please set up some protective walls for the school email. Messy emails keep being sent to me recently.

Xia Wanyuan was very busy and had many scenes to film every day, so Xiao Bao could only be brought along by Jun s.h.i.+ling.

Xiao Bao had been stuffed in the suitcase for a long time and had been a little afraid of being alone recently, so Jun s.h.i.+ling brought him into the company.

Hence, that morning, the employees of the Jun Corporation saw the cold Jun s.h.i.+ling holding hands with a cute child who was wearing a mask and had big grape-like eyes.

Jun s.h.i.+ling had long legs, and little cutie could not keep up with Jun s.h.i.+ling by walking alone. Hence, he skipped beside him like a happy little rabbit.

The large group of employees pa.s.sing by the hall, standing at the counter and waiting for the elevator, watched the two figures pa.s.s through the hall. Everyone looked extremely calm, but once Jun s.h.i.+ling entered the elevator, the hall seemed to be water that just boiled and instantly became fiery.

Is this CEO Juns son?!!!! F*ck!! Sister can!!

Although I cant be the childs stepmother, I can wait for my younger brother for another fifteen years!!

Do you dare to say this in front of CEO Jun? In a while, let CEO Jun know that youre coveting Little Master. See how many lives you have.

Goodbye, goodbye. But hes really cute. I feel like hes the kind of little cutie who has a childish voice when he speaks!!

The little cutie was squatting outside the office curiously and looking around. He had never been to the Jun Corporation before, so he was very curious about everything here.

The Jun Corporation was safe, so Jun s.h.i.+ling allowed Xiao Bao to wander around the office while he went to the meeting.

h.e.l.lo, Uncle Lin. Seeing Lin Jing come up to deliver something, Xiao Bao leaned over and called out.

h.e.l.lo, uncles. Seeing that there were other people around Lin Jing, Xiao Bao greeted them obediently.

Little Master, play here for a while. Uncle will come and play with you after the meeting, Lin Jing instructed before bringing the others into the meeting room.

Xiao Bao was strolling around when someone suddenly stopped him.