Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories - Chapter 666 - Overwhelming

Chapter 666 - Overwhelming

Chapter 666: Overwhelming


Atlas Studios


Atlas Studios

“Oh gosh…” The craftsman exclaimed and trembled in excitement. He looked at the stone he had cut open in astonishment. All he could see was a piece of dark green. It was thick, mellow, crystal clear, and dazzling.

The rare imperial green jade.

The entire piece was imperial green jade.

The craftsman went closer and took out his magnifying glass. “Not a single crack!”

Not only was it imperial green, but there were also no impurities, nor were there cracks. She had simply hit the jackpot!

Shen Qianshu’s uneasiness was washed away.

She felt really indignant to have lost to Lu Mengxi in front of so many audiences across the nation. She had only made one bet, and she did not expect herself to have won it. Back then, Master was right. Due to the weather, some stones have formed thick layers of sediment. No tools could detect through that.

Then, she was learning about it. Butler Luther took a stone for Ye Ling to play with. That rock was very similar to the current one.

Ye Ling did not even think much about it back then.

“This clearly looks like worthless crap. Get rid of it.”

Shen Qianshu was young, and she had great interest in jewelry. Ye Ling could not be bothered to even look at it. She studied it very clearly, and with her knowledge, she verified that this was indeed just a rock.

“Master, shall we cut it open and take a look?”

“There’s nothing much to see. It’s just a worthless piece of stone.” Ye Ling responded.

“Just take a look,” Qianshu said persuasively.

Ye Ling remained silent for a moment and cut the rock from the middle without any thought just so he could please Qianshu’s request.

Upon cutting it open, it blinded them with its dazzling nature.

It was an imperial green jade.

The surface was very thick, but they still got an imperial jade that was palm-sized.

It was really thick and mellow with no impurities. It was worth a lot.

Ye Ling rarely made wrong judgments. He found it unbelievable. The two of them studied the water stone for a few days, and Ye Ling concluded. “Those that look ugly on the outside are indeed beautiful