Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories - Chapter 532 - We Meet Little Princess Again!!!

Chapter 532 - We Meet Little Princess Again!!!

Chapter 532: We Meet Little Princess Again!!!

The youth was about twenty-five years old, and he was really young. He had a stern expression and blue eyes. He had a classical European face, and he looked really cold and cool. He was a distant person, and he seemed as if he had no human emotions. He looked really independent. The feeling he gave others was so overpowering that his charismatic looks would not be the first thing others would notice about him. Rather, people would notice his cool and cold persona first.

“I am Mu Yuan’s man. Call me… Jack.” He introduced simply without clarifying his identity. Zhong Ran shook hands with him, and it was sort of a greeting. There was no reason for Zhong Ran to suspect anyone that Mu Yuan used his life to guarantee for.

Shen Qianshu and Tong Hua looked at Jack curiously. With those looks, he would definitely be a great treasure to Hollywood. He could get supported and famous just with those looks, and he could choose to not do anything else. He looked like an army general who was cold and cool.

Jack was a man with few words, but he was really reliable. The moment he came, he managed to get the floor plan of the auction center that Zhong Ran had been having difficulties getting. Every pathway was clearly shown on it.

“How did you get it?”

“I have my ways!” Jack looked calm. He pointed to the security at the entrance. “This is the first level of security check. Weapons are not allowed. That is the second level of security check. Masks would be identified when anyone goes through.”

“I know,” Shen Qianshu said. “I’ll just put on makeu