Priceless Baby: 101 Bedside Stories - Chapter 1499 - : Digging A Hole For Himself Every Day

Chapter 1499 - : Digging A Hole For Himself Every Day

Chapter 1499: Digging A Hole For Himself Every Day


Atlas Studios


Atlas Studios

Ye Chu did not know that she had differently-colored pupils. Ye Tingyun said that when she cried, her pupils became a different color. However, when she made herself cry later on, she did not notice any differently-colored pupils. No one had noticed her eyes changing color before either.

Ye Chu looked at him with a cold smile. “Congratulations. You have found the person you’d been looking for. Can you release me now?”

“No!” Ye Tingyun rejected her request firmly.

“Fine. Don’t release me then. I’ll send you to heaven when you’re asleep one day.” Ye Chu was not courteous either. Anyway, it was not a secret that she wanted to kill Ye Tingyun.

She had been thinking of ways to kill him every day.

“Take him away!” The slippering python circled him. The sensation on his skin was ice-cold yet sticky. It was extremely uncomfortable. Ye Tingyun controlled his urge to cut the python into pieces.

Calm down!

He told himself that if he could not endure it right now, when she brought more toys over in the future, it would be even more unbearable. The python wrapped itself tightly around him, entangling his entire upper body. The python kept biting and licking him. What a weird fetish!

He remembered that one day, he was sleeping and felt something pressing against him. When he opened his eyes, a huge python would be crushing him, flickering its tongue at him. The toy python was extremely realistic.

Its eyes, tongue, and skin made it feel like a real python. It was extremely scary.

If he was an average man, he would have been scared to death.

Luckily, he was Ye Tingyun.

After experiencing all sorts of circumstances, he had a good knowledge of pythons. They stared at each other for a long while before he flipped the python over. However, he had to admit that when he woke up and saw the huge python beside him, flickering its tongue at him, he was quite shocked. However, if Ye Chu wanted to frighten him to death, she would have to think of more ideas.

She really had a weird fetish!

However, he had no other choice. He could not chase her away, so he could only endure.

Ye Tingyun could not even bend his body. His entire body was stiff, and when he bent his waist slightly, it felt like a snake was wrapped around him. Its tail even curl