President Daddy Super Awesome - Chapter 549

Chapter 549

Chapter 549 - The G.o.ddess of the Bar

At that moment, the lady who was dancing on stage, suddenly noticed him after she jumped halfway. She twisted her waist and did all sorts of seductive movements, following the music to's side, step by step, she walked in front of Lan Jia, and started dancing in the corridor beside his table.

She was even the number one dancer in this bar. In terms of looks and dancing skills, she was definitely a beauty that would make any man present go crazy for.

However, at this moment, she was hopping all by herself because of this man.

At this moment, the dancer's heart was filled with an urgent desire. She had never come here to dance and had such an urgent wish to be liked by this man. She was willing to give up everything for him.

Lan Jia's lazy and enchanting figure sat in the darkness, his blue eyes narrowed as he stared at the girl dancing with him. There was not a single fluctuation in his eyes, but there were some indiscernible and unfathomable complications.

However, the dancers knew that no matter how alluring she could dance, this man would remain motionless. In fact, it gave her a certain feeling of inferiority in front of a clown, so she could only jump onto the stage with the help of the music. After playing a song, she took a deep look at the charming man on the stage, only to discover that the red wine in his hand seemed to be more interested in him.

At this moment, just after walking out of the bar, a group of drinking girls came in. These girls came out of a side door of the bar and started looking for targets in the hall. They charged tips and money for drinks, but of course, these girls were not the only ones doing this.

One of the girls saw her regular customer. She was wearing a black tight-fitting clothing with a exposed V-neck, making her look very attractive. She was Li Ya.

Forget about Li Ya, even her sisters had noticed it, at this moment, the girls' eyes were filled with a fighting spirit, this kind of trash, not to mention he was handsome, even if she had money, who would be willing to serve those chubby men? Of course, this kind of extremely handsome guy was their favorite.

"This is mine, so don't take it." One girl spoke out loud. The other girls all knew that she was the most beautiful girl between them, so none of them dared to make a sound.

She walked step by step towards her regular customer. When she pa.s.sed by Lan Jia, she only needed a glance, but her heart would start beating faster, as if she was meeting a lover in a dream.

However, Lan Jia's ghastly blue eyes seemed to be deep in thought.

Lan Jia was thinking about finding the girl he wanted to find. He held his phone and opened the photo, it was of Ye Xiaos.h.i.+ as a girl, it was so dark that it was hard to look at. He sighed, but to be honest, he felt a lot worse.

Behind him, Li Ya immediately moaned: "Yo, Brother w.a.n.g, why didn't you wait for me to drink?"

"Yo!" "My baby is here. Come, sit, I still need to get another round of wine, so it's yours."

Li Ya saw that this man was emitting an aura that women loathed. He had a messy beard and was very ugly, she also picked a guest, like how this brother w.a.n.g acted like a boss, which she liked.

"Xiao Ya, my brother just came out of the police station. He's in a bad mood, so why don't you accompany him?" Brother w.a.n.g pushed Li Ya, telling her to accompany this man.

"Sigh!" I'm just a wine drinker... I don't accept any services other than drinking with you. " Li Ya hurriedly said.

"I have money, so I can't treat you unfairly. Follow me tonight, I'll give you a hundred thousand tomorrow." A man wants to have her because he has money.

However, this man was extremely sensitive, how could he not feel Li Ya's dislike of him? He grabbed her. "What do you mean? "A little servant girl still doesn't want to keep me company."

"Ah …" "Let me go …" Li Ya pushed him in shock.

"Brother w.a.n.g, save me …"

"You dare to look down on laozi when you're drinking with me? I won't let you go."

A middle-aged woman smiled and came over, "We were in the wrong. Sir, please open my staff. I'm sorry, I apologize to you all."

With that, the lady immediately shouted towards Li Ya. "Xiao s.h.i.+, why aren't you apologizing to the customer?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry. Please let me go." Li Ya quickly apologized, she did not dare offend anyone either.

However, the man continued to hold onto her, refusing to let her go. At this time, the middle-aged woman continued to bend her waist with a flattering smile, "I'm sorry, this is my receptionist, Xiao s.h.i.+. How about I let her toast you?"

Lan Jia looked at the bodyguard beside him, "Bring this girl over."

The bodyguard immediately accepted the order and walked to Li Ya's side. He suddenly shouted out loud, and struck the man's wrist hard, causing him to loosen her grip on the wrist, causing Li Ya to quickly circle around the table and come out. The bodyguard made a gesture, pointing towards Lan Jia.