President Daddy's Infinite Pampering - Chapter 91

Chapter 91

Nan Zhi was still holding onto the wooden rod, as if she would start attacking the man anytime .

Mu Sihan stood in front of Nan Zhi with a dark expression . Both eyes were a deep black and stared fixedly at her pale face .

It was as if he wanted to skin and swallow her alive .

Although her nose was still slightly blocked from the flu, Nan Zhi could smell the strong scent of alcohol on Mu Sihan .

He kicked the door closed after a few seconds, and stalked towards her . Her instincts were screaming with the oppressive aura and strong sense of impending danger .

Nan Zhi held on the wooden rod tightly with both her hands . She glared at him with a heavily guarded expression . “Young Master Mu, what are you doing here?”

Mu Sihan's eyes were completely red and he looked like a wild beast that had been provoked . He said in a very cold tone, “What do you think I'm doing here?”

Nan Zhi raised the wooden rod at him . “If you dare to do anything over the line, don't blame me for being impolite . ”

“Do you think your pet.i.te body can withstand the consequence of attacking me?” he scoffed at her derisively .

Nan Zhi did not know what had happened to him . However, she knew that he was very dangerous right now, her instincts had never been wrong .

“Young Master Mu, I don't feel well today so I don't have the energy to make tea for you to sober up . You should just leave . ”

He stared at her as his thin lips smirked evilly . “And I should go back because you told me to? Why should I listen to you?”

Nan Zhi's thin eyebrows immediately furrowed together . She raised the wooden rod when he moved towards her again .

However, the fever made her body very tired and she barely had any energy . They merely exchanged two moves when he caught the wooden rod with his large palm .

With a flick of his wrist, the wooden rod was thrown to a corner .

She had learnt taekwondo when she was studying overseas and was fine when she were to fight against any ordinary person . However, all the lessons she had learnt seemed useless against him .

Both of her wrists were caught tightly in a firm hold after they exchanged a few moves .

He glared at her with a dark expression, looking as though he was about to go on a rampage . It was like staring at a ticking time bomb .

Nan Zhi did not know what had happened to him . In the past few days, he had not come to find her at all and she had thanked the heavens that her fate with him was over . The two of them had returned to when they did not know each other . Why did he suddenly come to find her in the middle of the night?

“Young Master Mu, what do you want exactly? Did you come across a problem in your work or is your relations.h.i.+p not going smoothly? You drank too much . I'll call your a.s.sistant and let him pick you up, alright?”

She kept telling herself to not make him angry again when he was in this perilous state . She never wanted to trigger his other side again .

If she did, it was possible that he would kill her .

Mu Sihan's eyes were both filled with blood while his lips upturned into a cold smirk . “What am I here for? Ha, I'm here to have s.e.x with you…”

Nan Zhi opened her eyes wide at his derisive words . Anyone would be angered, regardless of their how good natured they may have been . Not to mention, she was not a saint . “You're crazy!”

She had only met him a few times . The number of times she could count on one hand . They were practically strangers and they did not have feelings for each other . All she felt towards him was a very strong hatred . How could he even say such shameless things to her?!

Mu Sihan approached Nan Zhi with a cold expression . His eyes were wild and frenzied and a large palm gripped onto her chin to prevent her from escaping . His lips turned up in a bloodthirsty and frivolous manner . “Why are you acting innocent in front of me? Your son is not young anymore, you've probably slept with many men . ”

Nan Zhi's almond eyes narrowed into slits .

Did he come all the way here in the middle of the night to humiliate her?

A fiery well of anger surged in Nan Zhi's chest . She glared at the man with reddened eyes . “Get lost! Don't even think of coming near me…”

Before she could finish her words, her slender body was suspended in the air . He walked and carried her towards the bedroom, despite her loud struggles as she kicked and screamed in his arms .

Inside, Nan Zhi was frightened .

The anxiety and fear she felt from the last time when he almost strangled her to death, flooded into her mind once again . She stiffened up and clawed at him, trying to escape . She was desperate .

He threw her on the bed roughly . She struggled to get up but he found a scarf and tied both of her hands above her head to the bed frame .