President Daddy's Infinite Pampering - Chapter 411

Chapter 411

Chapter 411: Avoiding Her

As soon as Amy finished speaking, she felt the air around her becoming thinner and the temperature dropped sharply .

She seemed to feel an icy chill that was as cold as one that had blown in from Siberia .

Looking at the man's darkening face and cold eyes, Amy s.h.i.+vered and became fully awake .

What the f*ck, it's over . She was going to die .

She had just told little Beauty Nan not to expose Mu Sihan's condition so that he would not be upset .

But she had stupidly spilled the beans in her half-conscious state .

Mu Sihan was wearing a black s.h.i.+rt and black pants . Ever since she had known him, he liked dark colored clothes and he looked cold and domineering in them .

But at this moment, she felt that the man in all black was like a demon from h.e.l.l, with a murderous air .

He was so cold that she did not dare to look at him .

“Han, calm down . Listen to me…”

Before she could finish, her slender neck was suddenly grabbed by his steel-like fingers .

“Amy, are you seeking death?”

Amy waved her hands around in the air . “She saw the message I sent to your phone . Han, it might not be a bad thing for her to know…”

He gave her a hard push and left without saying anything else .

Nan Zhi went back home and thought for a night .

Mu Sihan having two personalities really shocked and frightened her to the core . Especially his second personality . Every time he came out, he was malicious to her and disliked her very much .

But he was sick .

Based on what Amy had said, if it was not treated properly, a mental illness like this would become more and more serious .

If his second personality swallowed his main personality, she might never see Mu Sihan again .

When he was normal, he gave her a lot of warmth and support .

Was she going to brush him aside because he was suffering from such a frightening illness?

No . She was not so cold-blooded .

Leaning against the head of the bed, Nan m Zhi looked quietly at Xiaojie, who was lying in her arms, using the moonlight s.h.i.+ning in from the window . Her fingertips gently caressed his small and delicate face . Regardless of her relations.h.i.+p problems with Mu Sihan, Xiaojie needed a normal father .

The next morning .

After breakfast, Nan Zhi brought Xiaojie to the manor . When Junyuan finished his checkup on Xiaojie, Nan Zhi went to the main house .

To her surprise, she did not see Mu Sihan there .

The next few days, she would go to the manor in the morning but Yi Fan said that he went to the company everyday before dawn .

It seemed like he was avoiding her deliberately .

Nan Zhi met Xue'er twice in the manor . She had recovered a little from self-harm and would come out occasionally to get some sun .

When she saw Nan Zhi, Xue'er would give a faint smile . There was no hostility to it but it was not too friendly either .

Such att.i.tude was perfectly normal, no one would really like their rival in love .

She was unlucky in love but was doing quite well in her career . Nan Zhi was nominated for next month's Golden Microphone Award . Only Lin Wanyue and her from their broadcasting station were nominated .

Another happy thing was Yan Hua's flash marriage to Bo Yan . She heard that Yan Hua gotten drunk one night and they had slept together . It was found out by Yan Hua's father and the pair had no choice but to get married .

They did not hold a wedding ceremony and went straight for their honeymoon .

Nan Zhi, who had not seen Mu Sihan for a few days, got up early and reached the manor before dawn .

She sent away the servant and personally went to the kitchen to prepare a scrumptious and nutritious breakfast for him .

“Miss Nan?” Nan Zhi brought out the cooked porridge and saw Xue'er in the dining room . Xue'er saw Nan Zhi holding the porridge and she furrowed her eyebrows slightly . “Ah Han cares about you a lot . I thought you cared about him too, but how could you not know he doesn't like having shredded ginger in his porridge?”

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