President Daddy's Infinite Pampering - Chapter 376

Chapter 376

When Nan Zhi met the man's eyes, his lips curled up in a meaningful smile .

That smile made Nan Zhi's gooseb.u.mps creep up her arms and she s.h.i.+vered .

The car drove away very quickly .

Nan Yao blinked, pouting pitifully from having noticed that the man and Nan Zhi had made eye contact . “Mr . Qiao, are the test results out? Is my mother really the daughter of Duke Kloss?”

The man pa.s.sed the test results to Nan Yao . “Take a look at it yourself . ”

Nan Yao took the doc.u.ment file that contained the DNA test results and nervously took the papers out .

She started crying in happiness when she saw the results on the last page .

Who would have thought that this could be true?

Her mother was actually the daughter of Duke Kloss from S Country . Duke Kloss pa.s.sed away half a year ago and revealed an alarming secret before he died .

The family had a strong contention for its successor back then, and Kloss sent his pregnant wife to Z Country to prevent his wife from getting entangled in the situation . Kloss later helped his father to stabilize the situation and his father agreed to make him the successor if his wife gave birth to a boy .

To get the power and status he wanted, Kloss bribed the doctor after his wife gave birth to a daughter and exchanged his daughter for another woman's son .

He only revealed this secret just before he pa.s.sed on .

His wife, Pei Lin, gave birth to another daughter and son for him afterwards and she always thought that she had two sons and a daughter .

Never did she think that it was actually two daughters and a son .

Qiao Yanze, who was speaking to Nan Yao now, was Pei Lin's youngest son . He had an older sister and an eldest brother .

Ever since it was revealed that his eldest brother was not the biological child of Pei Lin and Kloss, Pei Lin had been wanting to find her biological daughter .

It was only until a while back when Ding Shuman suddenly appeared in front of Qiao Yanze with a piece of jade .

Qiao Yanze showed the jade to Pei Lin and confirmed that it was indeed a jade that Kloss wore back then .

As a result, he took a few strands of Ding Shuman's hair for the sample to do a paternity test with his mother, Pei Lin .

The results were what Nan Yao had just seen . Ding Shuman and Pei Lin were indeed mother and daughter .

Nan Yao found out a few days ago that she might be the granddaughter of a Duke, but she did not dare to be too happy before the results came out . She had been embarra.s.sed too many times after Nan Zhi returned to the country . She had even lost everything and was abandoned by Bo Shaoxiu . Her self-esteem had fallen to rock bottom and she couldn't suffer any more tarnished on her reputation .

However, it was fortunate that there is always a way out . It was true when they said that when one door closed, another path would surely open .

Nan Yao's lips curled up in an excited smile, as her tears fell uncontrollably .

What was Nan Zhi's diamond card compare to this? Nan Zhi was still just the b.a.s.t.a.r.d daughter that did not have any legitimate status at all, while she would be a Duke's niece after Qiao Yanze inherited the position of the Duke . Her status and power would be one that Nan Zhi could only covet,but never be able to attain in her lifetime .

Life was finally treating her well .

That night, Nan Zhi called Junyuan .

She wanted to know whether Xiaojie would be affected if she wanted to bring Xiaojie out from the manor .

Junyuan advised her that it would be best to only bring Xiaojie out from the manor after he recovered from the surgery .

He was still a three-year-old child, regardless of how mature he acted . It would not help his condition if he kept changing his environment .

Nan Zhi understood Junyuan's rationale . Although she wanted to bring Xiaojie away badly, he had finally found his daddy and it would definitely hurt Xiaojie a lot if she separated them after only one month .

Nan Zhi planned to take a shower after the call with Junyuan ended, but Yi Fan's call came in .

“Miss Nan, can you come to the manor? Young Master Xiaojie has a high fever and it's not going away . He doesn't want to take his medicine either . Can you come and coax him?”

Nan Zhi furrowed her eyebrows in confusion when she heard that Xiaojie had a high fever .

She video-called Xiaojie before she called Junyuan, and he did not tell her that he was having a fever .

Nan Xiaojie hurriedly called Xiaojie, but the call didn't go through .