President Daddy's Infinite Pampering - Chapter 304

Chapter 304

The clock on the banquet hall showed that it was half past eight . The conductor in the corner of the hall raised his baton high and a lively dance song resounded around the hall .

The highlight of tonight was about to begin .

Mu Sihan had no female companion but Qin Yubing, who he was rumoured to be with recently, had come . Who he would be having the first dance with, instantly became very important .

Although there were rumours that his first dance would be with Qin Yubing, many socialites still held some hope .

What if Qin Yubing was not the one picked in the lottery later? They still had a chance!

Mu Sihan was surrounded by countless expectant eyes and attracted a lot of attention . He swept his eyes over the hall, his jaw was clenched tight, and he seemed to be in low spirits, making him seem cold and arrogant .

Wei Lin came on stage, drawing the number while smiling . “The lady who is drawn will be having the first dance with President Mu . ”

The hearts of the girls present began to pound .

Qin Yubing was so nervous that her hands were curled into fists, her long eyelashes trembled and her heart was almost jumping out of her chest .

She knew she was going to be chosen, but she still felt nervous before Wei Lin made the announcement in public .

Qin Yubing saw Wei Lin pull out a number from the lottery box and then look over at her . Her heartbeat accelerated as if her heart was jumping out of her chest .

The number drawn was hers!

Otherwise, Wei Lin would not give her that look .

Qin Yubing was both nervous and happy . She turned around and looked at Nan Zhi from the corner of her eyes .

Nan Zhi was looking at the stage while eating dessert .

Her gaze met Qin Yubing's .

Raising her chin slightly, Qin Yubing once again showed her the haughty demeanor of someone who had won .

Nan Zhi looked at Qin Yubing who had changed beyond recognition and her expression became slightly dazed .

In order to get to the top, she stepped on her best friends and climbed into a man's bed . Even if she really did become popular in the future, would she not feel any regret at all?

Was the friends.h.i.+p between them since they were young, so vulnerable in the presence of a man?

Nan Zhi looked away first . She had given up on Qin Yubing .

After Wei Lin had pulled out the number plate, he peeked at it and his eyes swept through the crowd, landing on Qin Yubing .

The other socialites and stars who were still expectant with hope had disappointment shown on their faces .

Qin Yubing took out her own number plate and walked up to the rostrum with a smile .

“She's so shameless, a.s.sistant Wei has not announced it yet and she went up so impatiently!”

“But a.s.sistant Wei looked at her . There's an 80% chance that it's her!”

“Recently she and Young Master Mu have been pretty close with all those news articles and everything . It seems like Young Master Mu is really smitten by her . No wonder she can be do shameless . ”

When Qin Yubing was approaching the rostrum with her number plate, Wei Lin suddenly called out into the microphone, “Number 18 . ”

Number 18?

The smile on Qin Yubing's face froze in an instant .

She even thought she might have heard wrongly and quickly looked down at the number plate in her hand .

Number 8 .

Did Wei Lin say it wrong?

Qin Yubing's body stiffened and narrowed her eyes at Wei Lin . Holding out the microphone, Wei Lin walked towards Qin Yubing .

“Miss Qin, are you number 18?”

Before Qin Yubing could say anything, Wei Lin saw the number plate in her hand and said, “Miss Qin is number 8 . ”

It was silent for a few seconds . Suddenly someone started to laugh unkindly . Then, it was followed by several other people's mocking laughter .

Qin Yubing stood on the stage, she could neither retreat nor advance and it became very awkward .

The smile on her face was frozen and she was extremely embarra.s.sed .