President Daddy's Infinite Pampering - Chapter 275

Chapter 275

Nan Yao sat up from the bed immediately and her expression changed when she saw Nan Zhi standing by the door with a cup of tea . “Who let you in without my permission?”

Nan Zhi walked into the room and closed the door behind her . She looked at Nan Yao's slightly thinner face with a smile . “Wasn't this princess room my boudoir before? After I went abroad, you occupied it . Did you even ask for my permission?”

Nan Yao got out of bed and glared at Nan Zhi angrily . “Nan Zhi, is this your att.i.tude in apologizing to me?”

Nan Zhi's smiled deepened . “Nan Yao, don't think I don't know that you made yourself miscarry . How terrifying, really . You must be a bit mad!”

Nan Yao's eyes turned red and she said, “Nan Zhi, the results of the test in the hospital have already come out . There were abortion drugs in the juice I drank, stop acting already! You're also a mother, didn't you know how painful it would be for a pregnant woman to take abortion drugs to cause a miscarriage? I want you to experience that gut-wrenching pain too!”

Seeing the tears in Nan Yao's eyes, Nan Zhi had no sympathy at all . “Enough, you don't have to put on a show in front of me . You drugged yourself to cause a miscarriage and even put the blame on me . You're truly impressive!”

“Nan Zhi!” Nan Yao screamed, “You're the one who drugged me, I didn't do it myself!”

Looking at Nan Yao's highly strung emotions filled with agitation and intense hatred, Nan Zhi started to have some doubts . “It really wasn't you who drugged yourself?”

“I didn't!” Even if she did not want to keep the child, she would not be that ruthless to feed herself abortion drugs .

Nan Zhi pursed her lips . “Whether you believe it or not, I didn't drug you . ”

Nan Yao opened her mouth and was in disbelief . “If it wasn't you, then who could it be?”

Perhaps, there was still a third person involved!

Nan Zhi did not come to discuss with Nan Yao who had caused her miscarriage . She did not want to waste any more time and handed Nan Yao the cup of tea . “Although I didn't harm you, I still wanted to apologize . I am sorry you lost your child . Please tell Dad and the Bo family to stop deprecating me . ”

Nan Yao was a little surprised and suspicious . She did not expect Nan Zhi, with her strong personality, to apologize to her .

Nan Yao smiled and reached for the cup .

When Nan Yao's hand was about to touch the teacup, Nan Zhi s.h.i.+fted her hand so she accidentally spilled the tea on Nan Yao .

Nan Zhi apologized before Nan Yao could say anything . “Sorry, sorry…”

Nan Yao waved off Nan Zhi's hands which were trying to wipe her clothes . “Go away, don't touch me!” After that, she took a change of clothes and went into the bathroom .

Nan Zhi saw that the bathroom door was closed and quickly searched the room for what she wanted .

This room had previously been hers, so she knew exactly where things could be hidden from sight .

Within ten minutes, she found what she wanted .

It was as she had guessed, Nan Yao had no intention of having the child .

When Nan Yao came out from the bathroom, Nan Zhi was no longer in her room .

Ding Shuman pushed open the door and said to Nan Yao, “We cannot let Nan Zhi off so easily for this matter . Just now Lin Wanyue called me and said she was willing to give us an interview . When the interview comes out, Nan Zhi will certainly be like the sc.u.m of the earth, hated by everyone . She's finished . ”

Nan Yao felt that the punishment Nan Zhi had now was enough . She did not want to make to make things blow up even bigger . “Mom, forget it . She already came to apologize today . ”

“No . ” Ding Shuman was very agitated, thinking of how because of Nan Zhi, she was detained for such a long time and her chest was burning with anger . “I have already promised Lin Wanyue . During the interview, I want to reveal the truth of how Nan Zhi used drugs to cause you to miscarriage!”