President Daddy's Infinite Pampering - Chapter 269

Chapter 269

The three young men looked at the man holding Nan Zhi .

They saw a man with a cigar in his mouth, wearing a black s.h.i.+rt with three b.u.t.tons unb.u.t.toned . They could also vaguely see his firm muscles, his slightly rolled sleeves easily displaying his strong arms . Raising his eyebrows, the corners of his mouth lifted slightly, giving a faint, yet arrogant smile .

Nan Zhi was very close to Mu Sihan and she hardly needed to look back because she knew it was him when she caught a whiff of his masculine breath .

“Who are you? What business do you have with us. .h.i.tting on a girl?” The young man who was in the lead, demanded aggressively . This man was challenging him! Who did he think he was?

Mu Sihan smirked and his voice was deep and strong . “It seems like you drank too much . I will sober you up . ” After he finished speaking, he raised his long leg and kicked the young man in the abdomen .

The young man flew backwards and crashed into the ground .

When the other two men saw this, they waved their fists in the air and attacked Mu Sihan .

Mu Sihan quickly pushed Nan Zhi behind him and clenched his hands into fists . He waved them left and right, and before the two young men could touch him, they were already howling in pain from being beaten up by him .

The pain sobered them up quicker than any ice bath would .

They looked at the man who had Nan Zhi behind him . His features were solemn and his eyes were cold like a demon from h.e.l.l . From the threatening air seething out from him, it was suddenly clear that this man was not to be provoked .

The two young men hurriedly helped up the other man who was kicked by Mu Sihan . After cursing him, they fled in panic like dogs with their tails between their legs .

Nan Zhi looked at the tall and cold figure of the man in front of her . Her long eyelashes fluttered and her expression was a little dazed .

She really could not understand what he was thinking . Since they were treating each other as strangers, why did he still help her?

Or, was he like that with every woman in trouble?

Nan Zhi was still in a daze when the man in front of her suddenly turned around, his expression icy cold as if she owed him millions of dollars .

“Who asked you to go out without wearing any pants?” He looked at her coldly as if he was going to swallow her alive .

Nan Zhi was frightened by his dark expression and cold tone . She backed away subconsciously, wanting to stay away from the danger zone .

But in the next second, her slender waist was held firmly by his large hand and she couldn't escape .

The man offered no explanation and re-entered the elevator while holding her .

“Mu Sihan, what are you doing? Let go of me!” Nan Zhi struggled but the man's grip was strong . The more she struggled the tighter he held her .

“Mu Sihanー”

He interrupted her coldly, “Shut up!”

He forced her into his room .

After that night at the beach, when she had body contact with him, she would instinctively be afraid and tremble .

Fortunately, he released her after pus.h.i.+ng her into the room .

He found a s.h.i.+rt and long pants and took them out . “Amy hasn't worn them yet . You should be able to wear these since you're about the same height as her . ”

Nan Zhi was speechless . What was wrong with him? Why would he even consider letting her wear his girlfriend's clothes?

“No need, I have my own clothes . ”

The man glanced at her fair legs . “You have clothes but you still don't wear pants?”

Nan Zhi had already turned red with anger . She pulled up her sweater and growled at him angrily, “Which of your eyes saw that I'm not wearing pants? You're acting like a gangster but blaming the girl . You're sick!”

Nan Zhi opened the door and was about to go out but very quickly, the door was pushed closed by a large hand .

Her slender body was turned around strongly by the man . Before she could speak, the man's handsome and cold face moved towards her . “Are you going to change?”

He was very close to her, his nose almost touching the tip of her nose, and his masculine breath filled her nose .

Nan Zhi's heart quivered, the emotions surging around in her chest . “What does it have to do with you if I change it or nー!”