President Daddy's Infinite Pampering - Chapter 254

Chapter 254

It was originally harder than conquering a mountain to make someone with bipolar disorder to admit they had lost!

However, she had done it .

A person like him was not worthy to have feelings, because no woman would be able to withstand his level of overbearingness .

What he needed was a canary . He was too possessive and if the other party was not willing to submit, the latter would be completely hurt .

He did not want to hurt her anymore .

That was why he gave her the freedom she wanted .

Nan Zhi took the contract as her lips moved . She wanted to say something, but she did not in the end .

The fact that he had set her free was really happy news that was worth celebrating .

However, the price that she had to pay was very tragic .

She would not be grateful to him .

However, she found she was not as happy as she would have expected .

Her nose was completely stuffy .

“Do not appear in front of me in the future . Don't let the brat contact me again either . ” Closing his red eyes, he lifted his large palm to caress her swollen lips that were torn and b.l.o.o.d.y from his vicious bite . However, he stopped his hand halfway at the thought of it being against her wishes . “Let's act like we don't know each other, even if we meet . ” If not, he was afraid that he would not be able to control herself and bind her to his side again . If she wanted to leave after that, it would not be so easy anymore .

A layer of moisture covered Nan Zhi's eyes . Her lips trembled as she said with a hoa.r.s.e voice, “Okay . ”

He pursed his thin lips tightly as both his hands were clenched into tight fists . His voice seemed like it trailed in from very far away and his eyes were dark and listless . “Don't ever forgive my beast-like actions tonight . ”

Nan Zhi's breathing tightened and she felt a chill creep up her spine . She did not think that he would say something like that . Her face paled as she pursed her lips helplessly . “Okay . ”

Mu Sihan turned his body again and pressed b.u.t.ton, unlocking the doors . Both his hands grabbed the steering wheel as his emotionless face leaned into his arms .

Nan Zhi did not look at him again as she pushed the door open . She dragged her heavy legs and left .

A tearing pain came from her lower body the moment her legs touched the floor .

Although it was not the first time, this pain was even more imprinted in her heart than the first time .

Mu Sihan lifted his head the moment Nan Zhi got off the car . He reversed the car and drove out of the district .

The car drove very slowly .

He could not help but look through the rear mirror .

Her shoulders were trembling slightly, as if she was crying .

She would not forgive him and he would not forgive him as well!

He was a patient . A patient with a mental disorder who was not worthy of having any feelings!

Everyone that was good to him had all left because of him .

His adoptive father, his older brother and Xue'er…

He could not harm anyone anymore .

He closed his frighteningly red eyes as her silhouette became smaller and more blurred . The car immediately drove away .

Nan Zhi tore the contract in her hands into pieces ruthlessly before she entered the elevator .

It had all ended .

Although she was sadder than she had expected, time would be the best medicine to heal her broken soul!

Nan Zhi fell sick soon after .

She only returned to work after taking three days of leave . She had lost a fair amount of weight and looked weak and frail .

But it was fortunate that her life and work were all back on track .

She was heading to lunch with Xia Xi at a restaurant this afternoon when she received a call from Yi Fan on the way there .

Yi Fan asked her to meet at the café opposite the broadcasting company .

Yi Fan pa.s.sed her a cheque the moment they met . “According to the contract, young master agreed to give you a hundred million if he asked to end the contract first . ”

Nan Zhi returned the cheque to Yi Fan . “I don't want this money . Although he hurt me, he still saved me that year . Besides, I do admit that my uncle also did wrong to the Mu family and him . ”

Yi Fan sighed as if he had expected for Nan Zhi to not keep the cheque . He continued, “Actually, it would be the best for both you and young master to cut all ties with each other . Young master's real ident.i.ty will not allow you to marry him . If you were to get together with him, you would only ever be a mistress for the rest of your life . ”