President Daddy's Infinite Pampering - Chapter 198

Chapter 198

Nan Zhi looked at Mu Sihan . Her bright almond-shaped eyes found his deep black ones .

There were a few seconds of dead silence .

The frozen silence was only broken by Mu Sihan's soft laughter . He played with the black gun as he looked at Nan Zhi in a careless manner . “Why wouldn't I dare? Isn't she just a woman? There's nothing much to care about . ”

Nan Zhi pursed her pink lips tightly . Her breathing started to lose its rhythm, despite how calm she appeared .

She did not believe Mu Sihan would really shoot her . However, she was still hurt by his heartless words .

It was very clear how possessive he was when it came to her .

She thought that he would at least be a little sincere when it came to her .

She did not make any preparations before she came to get the antidote with him, as she had trusted that he would settle everything . Because of this blind faith, she did not think about any countermeasures at all .

Just when she was starting to depend on him, it turned out he was the one to give her a deadly blow instead .

Unwillingly, Nan Zhi's eyes started to tear up .

She clenched her teeth down tightly as her fingertips sunk into her palms . They were pressed so hard it was about to break her skin .

Xiao Yi observed Mu Sihan without a word . It was either he was too good at acting, or that he really did not care about this woman .

However, Ye Qianqian had said that Mu Sihan cared a lot for this woman, and even allowed her to stay in the manor…

Could it be that Ye Qianqian misunderstood?

“Young Master Mu, you sure are courageous . ” Xiao Yi clapped once more . “If that's the case, let's begin . ” Xiao Yi looked at Nan Zhi, who was next to him, as he said so . “Beauty, we'll have to see how accurate Young Master Mu's shooting is, to know if you will walk out of here alive tonight . ”

Nan Zhi was a very decisive and courageous person . She was like a clear mirror that knew what type of decision to make in a situation .

If she wanted to save Gu Sheng, she did not have an option to saying a 'no' .

She still had to respect and follow the rules of the bet made by Xiao Yi, no matter how scared and angry she was .

Closing her eyes, her eyelashes fluttered as she took a deep breath . She then looked straight into Mu Sihan's deep black eyes . “Alright, I agree . ”

She was a smart and straightforward woman .

It was a refres.h.i.+ng change to see a woman who was courageous and brave, rather than those women that kept crying .

Nan Zhi took a rose and walked towards the stage . The other woman that Xiao Yi chose also walked up .

Light music started to play as Xiao Yi got the two woman to start dancing .

Mu Sihan stood from the chair in a speed that was not too fast or slow . He turned on the noise canceler on the gun as gave a lazy smirk .

Nan Zhi's heart froze at the sight of his careless behavior .

“Young Master Mu, if you kill me tonight, please let Xiaojie be taken cared for by Brother Gu Sheng . ”

Mu Sihan narrowed his deep black orbs slightly . His voice was slightly cold and had a tinge of anger . “Don't you have any other last words?”

Nan Zhi was speechless .

Xiao Yi gestured for someone to come and cover Mu Sihan's eyes .

Nan Zhi felt like she had a foot in the doorway to h.e.l.l, the moment she saw Mu Sihan's eyes being covered .

She was done for .

With a deep breath, she closed her eyes as an overwhelming hopelessness filled her heart .

Ye Qianqian was hiding in the room inside . She was gloating as she watched the scene occurring in the ballroom .

Nan Zhi would probably die by Mu Sihan's hands tonight, right?

What a laugh . She knew Mu Sihan would not like Nan Zhi for too long . It had only been such a short time and she was already worthless to him .

The referee shouted, “The compet.i.tion begins in three, two, one…”

A loud bang sounded in the ballroom .

Nan Zhi was so shocked that she was nailed to the spot .

This bet was terrifying .

Her mind blanked for a few seconds . Nan Zhi only realized then that she did not feel any pain . Did that mean that she was still alive?

Nan Zhi opened her eyes hurriedly and looked at the rose in her mouth .

At the sight of the perfectly unharmed flower, she looked at the woman next to her . The petals of the flower that she had in her mouth had fallen completely, petals fluttering to the ground like red silk .