Power and Wealth - Chapter 999: Granddaughter of a friend

Chapter 999: Granddaughter of a friend

Chapter 999: Granddaughter of a friend


After 8 pm.

It was dark, and the temperature dropped.

Dong Xuebing and Xu Yan returned to the hotel after bringing Chaochao and his cla.s.smates around Ma Yang County. He booked two rooms for Chaochao and his cla.s.smates at Ma Yang Hotel. Two boys will share a room, and the other two girls will share one.

Sister Xu, are you leaving tonight? Dong Xuebing asked.

Xu Yan looked at the time and smiled. Its too late to go back.

Dong Xuebing nodded and said. Then I will book another room for you.

Xu Yan thought for a second. Alright. But I will pay for the room. I cannot let you pay for everything.

Dong Xuebing walked towards the reservation counter. Ah, its fine. I can reimburse you for the room as I am on official duties.

Xu Yan looked at Dong Xuebing. Since when have you reimbursed anything?

Dong Xuebing smiled. I did not need to do that as those expenditures were not much.

Xu Yan replied. Alright. Just go ahead. This is not the first time you paid everything for me.

Dong Xuebing smiled as he swiped his card.

Dong Xuebing had spent a lot today on Chaochao and his cla.s.smates. He treated them to grill meat, brought them to a firing range, and went to a spa.

The second floor of the hotel.

Outside of a hotel room.

Chaochao held Xu Yans hand. Mum, do you want to play cards with us?

Xu Yan stroked her sons head. Go ahead and play by yourselves. I am tired and going to sleep.

Chaochao nodded. Ok. What time do we need to wake up tomorrow?

Xu Yan thought for a while. Around 7 to 8 am. I will send you all back to the city.

Oh. Dong Xuebing said. Take down my number. Call me if you reencounter any troubles.

Chaochao replied happily. Sure. Thank you, Uncle Dong. Hehehe. He entered Dong Xuebings number into his phone.

One of Chaochaos female cla.s.smates said. Thank you for saving and bringing us around, Aunt Xu and Uncle Dong. Aunt Xu, let me know if you and Uncle Dong return to Beijing. I will ask my Grandfather to play host.

Another male cla.s.smate added. Cant you tell from Uncle Dongs accent? He is also from Beijing.

That girl smiled. I know. But I have to thank Uncle Dong and Aunt Xu properly.

Chaochao quickly explained. Mum, Uncle Dong, Wen Tings grandfather is a Central Party School Leader.

Ok. Xu Yan was slightly surprised and looked at Wen Ting.

Dong Xuebing blinked. Your surname is Wen. Is your grandfather the Central Party Schools Vice-Princ.i.p.al, Wen Dehua?

Wen Ting was surprised. Do you know my grandfather?

Really? Dong Xuebing smiled. I had met Princ.i.p.al Wen a few times, and I know him. He spoke to Vice-Princ.i.p.al Wen the last time he was sent to the Party School for training. He also seemed to be close with the Xie Family and Huilan.

They chatted for a while, and Wen Ting said. Good night. We are going to our rooms.

Ok. Dont go out at night. Dong Xuebing reminded them.

The kids entered their room.

Without adults around, the kids started to talk without restraints among themselves.

A male cla.s.smate grabbed Chaochao excitedly. Chao, why didnt you tell us your mother is so powerful here?

Chaochao scratched his head. You all did not ask, and I also dont know much. My Mum seldom tells me about her work, and I dont know her position.

Stop pretending in front of us. That cla.s.smate said. You are just trying to stay low.

Another female cla.s.smate joked. Thats right. Your mother is so powerful. We only know Wen Tings family is in the government service in our cla.s.s. Now, we got one more.

The male cla.s.smate said excitedly. Your mothers friend is amazing. When I saw them at the military base, I thought Uncle Dong was your mothers subordinate and thought nothing of him. Those soldiers dared not move with their guns when they heard his name. All twenty soldiers froze in front of him, which was their base. How powerful is your mothers friend? Everyone is scared of him just by hearing his name.

Chaochao smiled. I dont know who Uncle Dong is, but my mother mentioned him before. Oh, Tingting. He says he knows your grandfather.

Wen Ting replied. I am not sure.

Chaochao was curious. Hurry and ask your grandfather.

Huh? What should I ask? Wen Ting tucked her hair behind her ears.

That boy said. Just ask who that Uncle Dong is. How come everyone is scared of him just by his name alone? I am very curious about him.

Wen Ting thought for a while and called her grandfather unwillingly. h.e.l.lo, Grandpa. I am Tingting. Are you sleeping?

Wen Dehua laughed. I got to wake to answer my precious granddaughters call even when I am sleeping. Why are you calling me suddenly?

Wen Ting blinked. Do you know Dong Xuebing?

Dong Xuebing? Wen Dehua went quiet for a few seconds and asked in a serious tone. I heard from your father that you and your cla.s.smates went to Fen Zhou City. Did you all offend Xiao Dong there? If you all had offended him, come back immediately. He is not someone that can be offended.

No no. Wen Ting got a fright. We had offended a military base leader, and Uncle Dong saved us.

Wen Dehua was relieved. Are you sure you all had not offended Xiao Dong?!

Of course not.

Good. Then why are you asking me about him?

Huh? Uncle Dong says he knows you, so I called to ask.

I know him. We spoke on a few occasions when he was at the Party School for training.

Grandpa, who exactly is Uncle Dong? Why did those soldiers become quiet after hearing his name?

Haha. Of course, they are scared. Xiao Dongs combat skill is not something a military base can challenge. They will lose if they clash. Xiao Dong might be stronger than the whole base. They should have heard of him after what happened, and no one dared to touch him. You had been in Beijing all this while and might not hear about him. Anyway, everyone in Fen Zhou City knows Xiao Dong. I know more about him because I am close with his wife.

Wen Ting was using a speaker, and everyone heard Wen Dehua. They were stunned.

Wen Ting was also shocked. Ah? Uncle Dong. Uncle Dong. Is so powerful?

Thats why I was worried if you all had offended him. I am close with Xiao Dongs wife and her family. You should also try to stay in touch with him.

Uncle Dongs wife?

You will not understand even if I tell you now. Just remember that Xiao Dong is extraordinary. Since you know him, call him if you get into trouble at Fen Zhou City. Although I am in the Central Party School, my influence cannot reach the local areas. Call me, and I can help you all talk to Xiao Dong. I believe he will help if I called him. Wen Dehua knew Dong Xuebing was more influential in Fen Zhou City than him.

Its ok, Grandpa. He treated us well. My cla.s.smates mother is very close to him, so he helped us. He also brought us to the firing range and spa this afternoon.

Haha. Thats right. Although I had only met him a few times, I can tell he is nice.

Yes. He treated us well. Err. But we felt uncomfortable for troubling him and letting him spend so much money on us. We spent more than 20,000 RMB this afternoon.

He will not mind this small amount of money. Do you know Xiao Dongs a.s.sets had caused an uproar even in the Central Government? I heard he had around 100 million RMB cash, and his total a.s.set is more than 100 million RMB if you include his houses and other things.

Huh? More than 100 million RMB?! Wen Ting was shocked.

Wen Dehua continued. Xiao Dong is amazing.

Chaochao and his cla.s.smates were stunned and understood why his mother did not mind Uncle Dong paying for the rooms. He was wealthier than many businessmen.

Ok. Thats all, Grandpa. Sleep early. We are going to bed too.

Ok. Be careful when you are outside. Try to stay out of trouble. But if you encounter anything, dont be scared. Grandpa will protect you.

Yes. Thank you, Grandpa.

Wen Ting looked at her cla.s.smates after hanging up the call. My Grandpa knows Uncle Dong. I didnt expect Uncle Dong to be famous, and my grandpa seems close with his family.

Chaochao was in awe. Even your grandfather thinks so highly of Uncle Dong. No wonder those soldiers are so afraid of him.

That male cla.s.smate added. When can I reach Uncle Dongs level? He scares people just with his name alone.