Power and Wealth - Chapter 1186: The Non-human Dong Xuebing!

Chapter 1186: The Non-human Dong Xuebing!

Chapter 1186: The Non-human Dong Xuebing!

Everything happened fast.

All the villagers laughed at Dong Xuebing.

Zhen Shui Countys people were shouting at Dong Xuebing, asking him to be careful.

But none of them understood Dong Xuebing. They dont know what he is capable of or what he has done. Yes, he had fractures all over his body and had difficulties moving. Even standing is painful for him. Theres no difference between him and a paralyzed person. However, he is Dong Xuebing! The G.o.d of plagues! No one can escape, even if all his bones were crushed!

Mayor Dong!

Come back!

Drag him back! Quick!

Yan Yizhi, Zhang Feng, and the rest were scared to leave the vehicle. But Mayor Jiang ordered them, and they must obey. They got out of the car.

It was too late.

That tall and strong villager swung his pole at Dong Xuebing. I shall see how you are going to stop us!

The pole was going to hit Dong Xuebing!


Mayor Dong!

He is Zhen Shui Countys Executive Deputy Mayor!

The villager ignored their cries, but he still held back. He swung the pole towards Dong Xuebing to scare him and hoped to see him embarra.s.s himself. But that villager was nave. Anyone from Fen Zhou City would not go near the G.o.d of plagues when he has this expression.

The pole was about to hit Dong Xuebing, and he smiled.

He tolerated the pain and looked at that villager. He reached out slowly with his bandaged hand, and that villagers pole appeared in his hand. It was too fast, and he pushed the pole into that shocked villagers mouth!


Blood and pieces of smashed teeth flew out of that villagers mouth!

The villager screamed in pain and covered his mouth.

Dong Xuebing twisted the pole in the villagers mouth, and more blood gushed.

That villager collapsed in pain, and blood flowed from his mouth!

This was not the end. Dong Xuebing pulled the pole out of his mouth and swung it with his weak, heavily bandaged arm. Bam! He hit that villagers knee, and blood started to soak through his pants. The villagers leg was broken! Dong Xuebing lowered that pole calmly and used it as a walking stick.

Everyone was stunned.

Old Gao!

Brother Gao!

Brother Gao!

It happened too fast, and no one could stop Dong Xuebing.


You are seeking your death!

Go! Kill him!

Yan Yizhi and the rest were still shouting at Dong Xuebing. Come back, Mayor Dong! Quick!

Dong Xuebing was unfazed by the 17 villagers rus.h.i.+ng toward him. He asked calmly. Who was the one who spat at Mayor Jiang?

Jiang Fangfang shouted. I am fine. Come back now!

I am not fine! Dong Xuebing replied.

A young man reached Dong Xuebing, and he kicked him.

Dong Xuebing did not look at that young man. He leaned against the car and swung the pole. The pole landed on that young mans temple.

That young mans eyes rolled back, and he fainted.

Xiao Liu!

Xiao Liu!

All the villagers were furious!


Kill him!

Dong Xuebing asked slowly. Who spat earlier?

No one replied, and three villagers rushed forward. One was holding a pole, and the others were holding hoes.

A villager behind them reminded. Be careful!

He cannot move! Hit him from a distance!

Thats right. Your hoes are longer!

Two villagers had collapsed, and the rest got more careful.

However, these warnings and strategies were meaningless to Dong Xuebing. He glanced at the two villagers with hoes, trying to attack him from a distance, and he blocked one of the hoes. Dong! The young villagers hoe hit Dong Xuebings pole, and Dong Xuebing pushed against it while tolerating the pain in his wrist. That villagers hoe s.h.i.+fted towards his side and hit the other villagers thigh!


Blood spurt out of that villagers leg!

Dong Xuebing pressed the hoe with his pole, pus.h.i.+ng the sharp edge a few centimeters more into that mans thigh. It was so deep that it almost penetrated his thigh!

That villager fainted from the pain.

The young villager panicked. Its not me!

Before he could say anything else, Dong Xuebings pole flicked a hoe up from the ground, and the sharp edge pierced that young villagers a.s.s. He screamed and fell back on his a.s.s, pus.h.i.+ng the hoe deeper. He fainted from the pain immediately, and blood flowed from his wound, forming a puddle.

The villager with the pole was shocked. He stopped and dared not move.

Dong Xuebing looked at the villagers and asked again. Who spat at Mayor Jiang?

The middle-aged villager was furious as he looked at his fellow villagers covered in blood. His eyes turned red. F**k! Kill him!

Everyone rushed forward.

The remaining villagers immediately surrounded Dong Xuebing. Luckily, he was leaning against the car and not surrounded.

Kill him!


We need revenge for our people!

Most villagers were mad, and some turned pale after seeing the blood. Dong Xuebing remained calm as if these people were no threat to him.

Five to six villagers swung their weapons at Dong Xuebing.

Chen Xiaomei screamed. Watch out!

Hurry and dodge! Old w.a.n.g shouted.

Dong Xuebing did not dodge as he could not move his legs. It was painful to stand, let alone move. He also did not need to move away. He narrowed his eyes and flicked a fist-size stone up with his pole. The stone hit a villagers leg, and he tripped. He dropped his hole and fell towards Dong Xuebing. Dong Xuebing pushed the other end of his pole against that villagers chest. The other villagers weapons landed on that villagers back.

The other villagers saw it, but the hoes were heavy. They could not stop or avoid hitting their fellow villager.

Arrgh. That villager screamed in pain.

The back of that villager, which Dong Xuebing used as a s.h.i.+eld, suffered deep cuts.

When the villagers were shocked, Dong Xuebing swung his pole at them twice. He hit a villagers face first, and that villager spat out a mouthful of crushed teeth and blood before collapsing onto the ground. His second blow hit another villager in his jaw. That villagers mouth twisted, and his lower jaw smashed to his right side. Dong Xuebing saw two other villagers reaching him from the corner of his eyes, and he repeated the same actions. He pulled back his pole at an unbelievable speed and stabbed it toward the villagers. Thud! Thud! The pole was pushed into those two villagers mouths.

One collapsed almost immediately after the pole hit the back of his throat, and the other spat out a mouthful of crushed teeth. He covered his mouth in shock, and Dong Xuebings next blow landed on his head, knocking him out.

Dong Xuebings attacks were too fast for the rest to see clearly, and no one could dodge them.

One villager.

Three villagers.

Five villagers.

The villagers were knocked out one by one.

Fight it out with him!

Go! He can only move one hand!

Thats right. He cannot last too long! Kill him!

The remaining villagers continued to rush forward. They were going to tear Dong Xuebing apart!

Dong Xuebing had a calm expression as he continued to swing his pole. His pole was moving so fast that no one could see it.




The blows landed on a few villagers heads.

Blood flowed out of their heads.

The villagers whom Dong Xuebing hit fainted immediately.

Dong Xuebing looked up, and only the villagers leader remained. Everyone else had collapsed. He wanted to attack Dong Xuebing with everyone else, but he was too shocked to move when he saw the rest get beaten to the ground. He was rooted to the ground.

Dong Xuebing looked around. You are the only one left. If I remember correctly, you are the one who spat at Mayor Jiang.

Even an idiot can tell Dong Xuebing is not an ordinary person now.

F**k! We shot ourselves in our feet today! This guy is a monster!

But it was too late. Dong Xuebing had swung his pole, and it landed on that middle-aged villagers leg. He fell, and Dong Xuebing limped towards him, using the pole as a walking stick. He limped to that villager and pushed the pole into his mouth!


That villagers mouth was filled with blood.

I said earlier. None of you can escape today! Dong Xuebing twisted the pole. Try spitting at us now. Go ahead and try.

The middle-aged villager looked at Dong Xuebing. He was terrified.

What is wrong with this guy? He is not a human!

How can someone covered in severe injuries take down 18 of them with one hand?

What the h.e.l.l is wrong with this guy?