Power and Wealth - Chapter 1175: Visiting

Chapter 1175: Visiting

Chapter 1175: Visiting


The sky turned dark.

A single ward in the Citys Third Peoples Hospital.

Monitoring devices were beeping by the bedside. Dong Xuebing woke up and opened his eyes slowly. He saw a nurse inserting a needle in his arms.


Ah! You can speak now!

Yes. What time is it?

Its after 8 pm now.

Wait, and dont move. I will get the doctor.

Move? Dong Xuebing could not move now. He could not even speak properly, and his chest was hurting. He could not even breathe properly. Every part of his body hurt, and it was highly uncomfortable. He lowered his head and looked at his body. He was heavily wrapped in bandages and casts. He was happy to see all the bandages and casts. I will make sure you all pay for these.

The nurse went out.

A few doctors entered the ward after a while. They asked Dong Xuebing some questions and started checking on him.

Hmm. His recovery is fast.

His condition is better than expected.

Change the medicine and the IV drip.

Should we move back the CT scan?

Ok. Lets observe his condition first. Let the patient rest.

The doctors ended their discussion and decided on the treatment plan for the next few days. They told Dong Xuebing to rest well and left the ward.

Outside of the ward.

Meng Rui and Jiang Fangfang walked over when the doctors came out. Yan Yizhi, Chen Xiaomei, and Yao Cui were there too. They were waiting for Dong Xuebing to wake up.

How is it, Doctor? Meng Rui asked.

The doctor nodded. His condition has stabilized.

Jiang Fangfang asked. Can we visit him now? Will it affect his condition?

The doctor thought for a second and nodded. You all can go in now. But try not to speak too long with the patient. He needs to rest.

All right.

Meng Rui and Jiang Fangfang entered the ward.

Yan Yizhi, Yao Cui, and the rest followed.

Inside the ward.

Dong Xuebing saw them and said weakly. Ah, Secretary Meng, Mayor Jiang. Why are you all here?

Dong Xuebing was wrapped in bandages from head to toe.

Although Meng Rui and Jiang Fangfang arrived at the hospital this afternoon, the hospital did not allow anyone to visit Dong Xuebing in the ward. This was their first time seeing Dong Xuebing after his operation.

Meng Rui said. How can we not visit you after what happened?

Jiang Fangfang looked at Dong Xuebing. How do you feel? Are you still in pain?

Dong Xuebing tried his best to turn his head to look at them. I am fine. Thank you for your concern. Sorry to make you two come and visit me.

Jiang Fangfang replied gently. Glad you are safe.

Dong Xuebing smiled. I am lucky and will not die so easily.

Jiang Fangfang calmly replied. You are indeed lucky. We heard what happened. The doctor says you landed on your feet, and it absorbed most of the impact. You might be dead if you land at another angle.

Yao Cui, Chen Xiaomei, and the rest were still scared when they thought about it.

Meng Rui said. You had suffered, Mayor Dong. Just focus on your recovery, and leave the rest to Mayor Jiang and me. Dont worry. We will make them pay for what happened.

Dong Xuebing replied softly. Thank you, Leader.

Dong Xuebing did not expect Meng Rui and Jiang Fangfang to come together. Most of the time, it will be the department leaders or the higher leaders to visit. The Countys no. 1 or 2 will appear if it is a severe incident. But this time, Secretary Meng and Mayor Jiang put aside their work to visit him. Its rare for both top county leaders to leave the County together. One of them should be around in case of any emergencies. It seemed that the City had angered Zhen Shui County thoroughly.

This incident had blown up.

Dong Xuebing wanted things to blow up when he pretended to fall from the third floor. This is how the government works. No one would care if the incident did not blow up. He wanted to teach the City a lesson and make them return the funds.

Meng Rui knew what to do but did not know Dong Xuebings fall was planned. It might be planned if it was on the second floor. Falling from the third floor might be fatal, or he might be paralyzed permanently. No one will think Dong Xuebing had done this purposely because no one will risk their lives to get the funds back for the County. Meng Rui could only think Wei Lin pushed Dong Xuebing off the building. He was furious but relieved.


Because the ball is in his court.

The City had held the funds, and they had to negotiate with the City for its return.


Give in.


These are their only options.

But Dong Xuebings accident allowed them to stand on higher moral grounds and pressure the City.

This is a good fall!

This fall changed everything!

Meng Rui praised Dong Xuebing in his heart. This guy had done well, and the rest was up to them. They also have to see the Citys reaction. At this moment, he felt sending Dong Xuebing here was the right move.

They chatted for a while, and it was almost 9 pm.

Jiang Fangfang looked at the time and turned to Meng Rui. Secretary Meng.

Meng Rui nodded. All right. We are relieved to see you are fine. We will not disturb you anymore. Rest well and recover quickly.

Dong Xuebing replied. Thank you, Secretary Meng.

Jiang Fangfang pulled up the blanket and covered him. Secretary Meng and I will be in the City these two days. We will visit you again tomorrow.

Dong Xuebing replied. Its ok. You all dont have to visit me.

We must. Jiang Fangfang stood up.

Meng Rui turned to Yao Cui. Xiao Yao, take care of Mayor Dong.

Yao Cui replied immediately. Dont worry. I will take care of him.

Chen Xiaomei added. I will stay here too.

Yan Yizhi was about to speak, but Dong Xuebing interrupted him. No Old Chen, Old Yan. You all had accompanied me the whole day and must be tired. Go and rest at a hotel. Xiao Yao, you should go back too. I feel bad for making you all worry today.


There are nurses taking care of me here. It will be fine.

We got nothing to do too. We should stay to take care of you.

Just do as you are told. You all are exhausted.

Dong Xuebing felt his chest hurting again and coughed. It made the pain worse, and he turned pale.

Yao Cui got a fright. All right we will go back.

Jiang Fangfang said. Everyone will go back. Stop talking and have a good rest.

They were relieved after Dong Xuebing got better.

A doctor entered the ward. Its about time for you all to leave. The patient needs to rest.

Meng Rui replied. Ok. We are leaving now.

The doctor nodded and asked. Oh, is the patients family here?

Jiang Fangfang and Meng Rui exchanged looks and had weird expressions.

Whats wrong? Why are they not here yet? The doctor frowned and looked at Yan Yizhi. Didnt I tell you all to inform his family? We need them to sign the doc.u.ments, and you should inform them about his condition. How are we going to face them if anything happens to him?

Jiang Fangfang replied. We had informed them.

Dong Xuebing got shocked. My family knows about it?

Please dont. Dong Xuebing was anxious. If Huilan and his mother knew what happened.

Yes. They know. Jiang Fangfang replied.

Meng Rui was afraid it was a significant blow to Dong Xuebing. I asked Xiao Zhang to call your wife and mother on our way here.

Dong Xuebing started sweating. Please dont ask them to come. I am fine.

Zhang Feng heard it and thought to himself. Dont ask them to come. They did not plan to come in the first place, and your wife asked us to call her when you were dead.

Meng Rui replied. We had informed them. You can call them and ask when you are better.

Meng Rui, Jiang Fangfang, and the rest left the ward.

Dong Xuebing was afraid they did not tell him the truth and pressed the alarm to get the nurse. Sorry to bother you, comrade.

The nurse looked at Dong Xuebing. What do you need?

Dong Xuebing replied. Can you walk them out for me and return to the ward afterward?

The nurse thought for a second and nodded.

Dong Xuebing had planned everything today and was prepared for the chaos. But Yao Cui, Chen Xiaomei, and the rest do not know about his plan. They were scared and shocked. He did not want them to fall sick from worrying about him and did not want them to care for him at the hospital.