Power and Wealth - Chapter 1172: Chaos!

Chapter 1172: Chaos!

Chapter 1172: Chaos!

The Finance Department compound.

Everyone was discussing among themselves.

Such incidents had never happened in their City Finance Department.

Is that person dead?

Why is the ambulance not here yet?

Eh, Chief Wei is here!

Chief Wei, someone fell from the third floor just now.

Someone went up to report. Many Finance Department staff walked toward Chief Wei and other staff members to ask what happened.

Wei Lin ignored them and shouted. Move! Move aside! He got past the crowd and walked towards Dong Xuebing.

But someone was faster than him.

Yan Yizhi and Chen Xiaomei ran over.

Mayor Dong!

Mayor Dong!

Yan Yizhi kneeled beside Dong Xuebing.

Chen Xiaomei was worried and scared. She shouted. Say something! Please say something!

Yan Yizhi was about to turn Dong Xuebings body to check on his injuries.

But Yao Cui screamed. No! Dont touch him! Wait for the ambulance first!

Yan Yizhi remembered some first aid knowledge. He might cause more injuries or death if he moved Mayor Dong. A broken rib might pierce his heart. He quickly retracts his hands.

What should we do now?

Where is the ambulance?

Why is the ambulance not here yet?

We just called. It will take at least five minutes.

Zhen Shui County people were anxious, but they could do nothing.

Wei Lin and a few staff members got nearer and saw Dong Xuebing lying face down motionlessly. Wei Lins face turned green. He was anxious and did not want anything to happen to Dong Xuebing.

Mayor Dong!

Can you hear us, Mayor Dong?

Wei Lin called, but Dong Xuebing did not react. He moved closer and reached out.

Chen Xiaomei was furious. What are you doing?!

Yao Cui shouted. Take your hands away!

The Finance Department people were stunned. What is going on? Why do they dare to shout at Chief Wei this way?

Something is wrong.

There must be something going on.

Could Chief Wei push this person down from the third floor?

No one is an idiot, and they could guess what happened.

Wei Lin tried to explain. I only wanted to check his pulse. He ignored Chen Xiaomei and the rest and touched Dong Xuebings wrist.



Wei Lin shouted. He still has a pulse!

Yan Yizhi heard and saw a glimmer of hope.

This means Mayor Dong can still be saved.

Wheres the ambulance?

Eh! The ambulance is here!

They heard the ambulances siren outside, coming into the compound. A few staff members waved to them, and it stopped about ten meters away from Dong Xuebing. A doctor and two nurses got out.

Wei Lin shouted at them. Why are you all so slow?

The doctor explained. We received the call, and we.

Shut up! Wei Lin shouted. Hurry and save him!

The doctor nodded. Which floor did the injured fall?

Chen Xiaomei interrupted. He fell from the third floor. Hurry and save Mayor Dong!

The doctors expression changed. A Mayor is a government official! He turned to his nurses and ordered them to get the stretcher before running to Dong Xuebing.

Check the pulse.

Feel the body for fractures.

Check the injuries.

The doctor looked up and said. He is still alive. Please give us some s.p.a.ce! Xiao Lui! Bring the stretcher here! Quick! His injuries are serious. We will try to save him on our way to the hospital!

The nurses came to carry Dong Xuebing.

Yan Yizhi and Yao Cui rushed over to help.

Chen Xiaomei continued to talk to Dong Xuebing. Mayor Dong! Dont scare us! Please wake up. The doctor is here, and we are bringing you to the hospital. You will recover. Hang on, Mayor Dong!

Wei Lin took a deep breath and pulled that doctor. He asked softly. Can he be saved?

That doctor shook his head. He knows Wei Lin. We can only try our best. Sigh. Falling from the third floor. His injuries are severe.

Please save him.

We will do our best.

Dong Xuebing was carried into the ambulance.

The doctor got in and asked. Who is his family member?

I will go! Chen Xiaomei quickly got into the ambulance.

Yao Cui also got into the ambulance.

When Yan Yizhi tried to get in, he was stopped by the doctor. Theres no more s.p.a.ce. You have to go to the hospital yourself.

The ambulance switched on the siren and drove out of the compound.

Wei Lin looked at the ambulance leave. He was feeling anxious and nervous.

Yan Yizhi walked out anxiously and took out his phone. He must report to his higher-ups.

Ring ring ring.

h.e.l.lo? Jiang Fangfang answered.

Yan Yizhi quickly said. Something bad happened to Mayor Dong, Mayor Jiang.

What happened? Jiang Fangfang asked. Calm down first.

Yan Yizhi angrily said. We came to the City Finance Department to get the fund. They refused to return the funds, and Chief Wei pushed Mayor Dong out of the window!

Pushed him out of the windows?!

Mayor Dong.

How is he? Tell me!

He fell from the third floor, and the ambulance took him away. We dont know if he can be saved.

Third floor?!

They are too much, Mayor Jiang.

Go to the hospital and report his condition to me now. I will go there immediately!

Secretary Yao and Old Chen had gone to the hospital in the hospital. I am going over now.

Wait! Jiang Fangfangs tone turned cold. Report to the police!

Yan Yizhi nodded. I know, Mayor Jiang.

Yan Yizhi immediately called the police to report a murder case after hanging up.

Zhen Shui County.

County Party Committee building.

Jiang Fangfang shouted after hanging up. Xiao Na! Prepare the car. We are going to the City now! Hurry!

Secretary Li Xiaona entered the office. The city? You have a meeting in the afternoon.

Dont ask so many questions, and prepare the car! Jiang Fangfang said and called Party Secretary Meng Rui. Ring ring ring.

Li Xiaona knew something terrible had happened and did not ask anymore. She left the office and called Old w.a.n.g.

The line got through.

h.e.l.lo? Secretary Meng answered.

Jiang Fangfang said. Mayor Dong fell off a building.

Meng Rui got a shock. Fell off a building?! What happened?

Jiang Fangfang told Meng Rui what happened. Meng Rui was furious and banged his desk. This is too much! Dong Xuebing had represented Zhen Shui County to ask for the return of their funds from the City. But the City Finance Department Chief Wei Lin pushed him off a building! This is disrespecting all Zhen Shui County leaders! He knows this might be an accident, but he was still furious by the Citys att.i.tude! They were angered by the Citys action of stopping their funds.


Their anger exploded.

They cannot tolerate it any longer.

Jiang Fangfang said. I will go to the city now.

How is Mayor Dong? Secretary Meng asked.

His injuries are serious, and I dont know if he can be saved.

Wait for me. We will go together!

Ok. I will wait for you downstairs.

Secretary Meng hung up and called his secretary. Push away all my appointments today! I am going to the City!

Secretary Zhang Feng was surprised. This afternoons meeting.

Theres no time for any meetings! Meng Rui replied furiously. He grabbed his bag and rushed out of his office.

Zhang Feng knew something had happened and got nervous.

Mei He City.

Wei Lin paced around his office anxiously. He wanted to call everyone at the scene to match their statements, but it was impossible. There are too many people there. It will make matters worse if he is discovered. He thought for a while and called someone to prepare a car for the hospital.

On the way to the hospital.

Two police cars drove pa.s.sed him.

Wei Lin turned and saw the police cars entering the Finance Department. Someone had called the police.

Before Wei Lin could react, he received a call from Deputy Mayor Zhao Xu.

h.e.l.lo, Mayor Zhao. Wei Lin answered.

Zhao Xu shouted. Wei Lin! What the h.e.l.l have you done?

Wei Lin replied. I did not push him, Mayor Zhao.

Many people saw what happened! You still want to deny?

I only touched him lightly. I swear I did not push him! You can ask the witnesses. I did not push him and did not expect him to fall out of the windows. I.

You dont need to explain!


You are in deep trouble now!

Mayor Zhao.

Party Secretary and the Mayor know about this and are furious. They called for an emergency Party Committee for this incident. Good luck.

Mayor Zhao, Mayor Zhao, I.

The line was cut.

Wei Lin tapped his forehead and knew it was the end for him.

The City Party Committee, Finance Department, and Zhen Shui County are in chaos. The City had stopped the funds to Zhen Shui County, and theres nothing they can do. They are under the City, and theres no way for them to get the funds back. But Zhen Shui Countys Executive Deputy Mayor has pushed off a building by Chief Wei in the City Finance Department and is in critical condition.

This matter had blown up.

Theres no way to contain it anymore.