Power and Wealth - Chapter 1068: Yao Cui's transfer order is out

Chapter 1068: Yao Cui's transfer order is out

Chapter 1068: Yao Cuis transfer order is out

Before noon.

Although everyone in the Secretarial Section does not know what happened, their att.i.tude toward Yao Cui changed because of the leaders.

Yao Cui does not need to do anything this morning. The rest did all her tasks.

The other staff took over Yao Cuis duties of serving the leaders water.

Yao Cui had nothing to do and sat chatting with Xiao Hong at her table. She was not used to it and felt uneasy. She still does not believe she would be promoted and tried to do work. But she was stopped immediately by Deputy Section Chen.

Xiao Hong laughed. Cui Er, you are in luck.

Yao Cui gave her a stare. Stop teasing me. This might be a mistake.

Xiao Hong replied. Even Deputy Mayor Lui said hi to you. How can it be wrong?

Yao Cui replied helplessly. Thats why I am speechless. Deputy Mayor Lui should not be so nice to me even if I am promoted to Deputy Chief. This is weird.

Xiao Hong giggled. Maybe a leader is interested in you and wants to promote you.

Yao Cui replied. This is too sudden, and I dont know any leaders.

The County Organization Department staff came to Secretarial Office before lunchtime. He entered Chief Cais office and called Yao Cui into the office after a while.

This is Organization Department pre-promotion interview.

Everyone looked towards the office.

Ten minutes later.

Yao Cui walked out in a daze.

The Organization Department leader and staff left.

Yao Cuis promotion to County Office Department Deputy Chief spread in the County Government offices. No one would be interested if it were a regular promotion. Still, she was promoted to be the newly appointed Executive Deputy County Mayors secretary. No wonder even Deputy Mayor and Ma Lin treated Yao Cui politely. The Executive Deputy County Mayors secretary will represent the Executive Deputy County Mayors secretary in the future, and her authority will be much bigger than the leaders.

A leaders secretary.

A leaders relative.

A leaders driver.

These groups of people are unique, and everyone will treat them respectfully.

No one expected the Executive Deputy County Mayor to appoint the quiet and unknown Yao Cui as his secretary.


Everyone was surprised.

Yao Cui did not expect this and was in a daze.

Everyone in the office treated Yao Cui more politely.

Xiao Yao, lets have dinner today.

Director Yao, you are good at hiding secrets.

Sister Yao, give me the doc.u.ments. I will do it.

Xiao Yao no, I should address you as Secretary Yao. Please forgive me for everything in the past.


Everyone crowded around Yao Cui.

Yao Cui spoke to them for a while and left the office quickly.

After leaving the office, Yao Cui walked to the cafeteria with Xiao Hong.

Xiao Hong laughed on their way to lunch. Our Cui Er had finally risen to the top. The Executive Deputy County Mayors secretary. This is a good position. You will be the secretary of our County Governments No. 2 and also the secretary of a County Party Committee member. You must not forget me in the future. I am going to follow you. Haha.

Yao Cui gave her a stare. Stop teasing me.

Hehe. Our Cui Er is so capable.

Stop it. I am still in a daze.

Why are you in a daze? You should be jumping with joy.

But I dont know why I am chosen. I dont know anything.

He is the leader, and he knows what he is doing. Just come to work as usual, and I think the official transfer order will be out tomorrow. Xiao Hong looked at Yao Cui. Oh, I think you should meet the Executive Deputy Mayor first. It is his second day, and he appointed you as his secretary. You should thank and get to know him first, as you will be his secretary.

Yao Cui thought for a second and nodded. Ok.

Xiao Hong was more anxious than Yao Cui. You should go now. The leader might get mad if you go late.

Yao Cui nodded. I will go now.

Hurry and call me if you need help.

I know. Haha. Go for your lunch. We will talk later.

They were about to reach the cafeteria, and Yao Cui turned. She walked quickly towards the County Government office building. Suddenly, she stopped and looked around. She took out her phone to call home.

Ring ring ring.

Yao Cuis father answered. h.e.l.lo?

Yao Cui looked around to make sure no one was around her. Dad, its me.

Yao Cuis father panicked. Why are you calling me at this time? Did the leaders pick on you or post you to other places?

Yao Cui replied helplessly. What are you talking about? I am not posted out, and the leaders treated me politely.

Ah? What happened?

The County Organization Department leader spoke to me today.

The County Organization Department? Isnt it the department who appraises the staff?

Yes. They interviewed me earlier and told me I would be promoted to our County Government Office Department Deputy Chief.

What?! Why are you promoted so suddenly? You dont have any connections in the County Government.

I also thought it was impossible, but the leader says the transfer order would be out tomorrow. Oh, I am a.s.signed to be our newly appointed Executive Deputy County Mayors secretary.



Dad, say something. Are you there?

Yao Cuis father replied excitedly. You are in luck. The Executive Deputy County Mayors secretary. Do you still remember Old Liu, who lives on the same street? He was the former Executive Deputy County Mayors secretary. No one dares to offend him and his family in the county.

You are exaggerating.

Haha. My Cui Er has become somebody.

Enough, Dad. I should not have called you.

Hahaha. Ok ok. I will hang up now. I need to tell your mother and brother. This calls for a celebration. You must come back for dinner tonight. We will prepare more food.

No need. We dont need to celebrate.

How can we dont celebrate? Invite your Executive County Deputy Mayor to our house for dinner too.

Save it. I have not him yet.

Why did he appoint you when you have not met him?

How do I know? I was sick and stayed at home yesterday. I dont even know whats his name.

Thats right. But. I think he might have met or seen you before. Just go and meet him first and try to invite him to our house for dinner.

I know. I will ask him. Lets talk later.


Yao Cuis house.

Yao Cuis father shouted. Come out! Come out!

Yao Cuis mother walked out of the room with a frown. What is it? Why are you shouting?

Yao Li also rushed out of his room. What is it, Dad?

Yao Cuis father laughed. Our Cui Er is promoted to the Office Department Deputy Director and a.s.signed to be our County Executive Deputy County Mayors secretary.

Yao Cuis mother was overjoyed. What?! Is it true?!

Yao Cuis father replied. Cui Er called earlier.

Yao Cuis mother was excited. Thats great!

Yao Li does not know how important this position is and asks. Dad, Sis is going to be a secretary. Why are we celebrating?

Yao Cuis father laughed. What do you know? How can you compare a normal secretary with a Government leaders secretary? She is going to be our Countys Executive Deputy County Mayor. This means she is the Mayors representative!

Yao Li was shocked. So powerful?!

Cui Er must have met a benefactor. Haha. Yao Cuis father said excitedly. Lets start preparing dinner. Maybe our Countys leader might be coming tonight.