Power and Wealth - Chapter 1049: Treatment

Chapter 1049: Treatment

Chapter 1049: Treatment

Deputy Minister Jias apartment.


Deputy Minister Jia stopped frowning and was puzzled. He shook his head hard.

Dong Xuebing asked. How are you feeling, Minister Jia?

Jia Miao looked at Dong Xuebing. The pain is gone.

Dong Xuebing smiled. This is only a temporary relief.

Mrs. Jia was surprised. Are you alright now, Old Jia?

Jia Miao laughed. I am fine. The pain is gone.

Migraine pain ordinarily lasted one to two hours, and painkillers were ineffective. They did not expect Dong Xuebing to relieve the pain in a few seconds. This was a miracle. Jia Miao and his wife finally believed in his skills. You cannot judge a book by its cover. Who says a young man cannot be a good doctor? He treated a troublesome condition with only a simple ma.s.sage.

The old doctor was awkward. He had performed acupuncture treatment on Minister Jia for a few days without any results.

The doctor asked. Which school are you in, young man?

Dong Xuebing laughed. I had been working for a few years.

The doctor blinked. Are you working in a Provincial hospital or a Beijing hospital?

Dong Xuebing replied embarra.s.sedly. I am not working in the hospital. I am not even a doctor. I had only learned some traditional Chinese ma.s.sage.

You are not a doctor?! The doctor, Jia Miao, and his wife were stunned.

Mrs. Jia said. It doesnt matter as long as the treatment is effective.

The doctor knew he had met a master and wanted to leave. Minister Jia, Mrs. Jia, I I will leave now.

Jia Miao did not treat him differently after he could not cure his condition. Its almost lunchtime. Stay for lunch.

No no. I got work waiting for me at the hospital.

Alright. I shall not stop you. Thanks for treating me these few days.

Dont mention it, Minister Jia. I am going now.

The old doctor left and closed the door behind him.

Jia Miao turned and smiled at Dong Xuebing. Whats your name, young man?

Dong Xuebing replied. My surname is Dong.

Have a seat. Jia Miao turned to his wife. Give Mr. Dong a cup of tea.

Mrs. Jia nodded and went to prepare tea.

Dong Xuebing quickly replied. Please call me Xiao Dong.

Ok. Have a seat first. Jia Miao sat on the sofa with Dong Xuebing.

Mrs. Jia came back with a cup of tea and said. I will prepare lunch. What do you like, Xiao Dong?

Dong Xuebing quickly stood up to receive the teacup from her. I am fine with anything. Thank you.

Mrs. Jia entered the kitchen and asked while was.h.i.+ng the vegetables. Oh, do you know the root cause of Old Jias condition? Can he be cured?

Jia Miao looked at Dong Xuebing.

Dong Xuebing paused for a second and said. There are many causes for migraine, and even modern medicine cannot explain some of the causes. Minister Jias condition is quite severe, and its hard to cure it completely. He needs more rest and got to take care of himself. The hospital doctors should have told you what to take note of, and I shall not say more. I can only guarantee that you will not experience the pain within the next six months.

Jia Miao was overjoyed. You can guarantee it will not relapse within six months?!

Dong Xuebing nodded. Yes. I will treat you a few times in the afternoon. The process is quite troublesome. If you are alright with it, I can.

Sure! Lets do it. Jia Miao will not object. He patted Dong Xuebings shoulder. It would be great if the pain is gone in the next six months. I could not work now with the pain. Although I will retire soon, I am considering getting an early retirement because of my condition. Its been two months, and the pain made me bang my head against the walls of my office. It worsened recently, forcing me to take one week off work.

Dong Xuebing replied. Headaches are unbearable.

Thats right. But I feel much better after your ma.s.sage. Jia Miao replied. I only want to relieve the pain.

Dong Xuebing smiled. Dont worry. This is what I am good at.

About fifteen minutes later.

Lunch was ready, and they sat at the dining table.

Jia Miao and his wife still do not know Dong Xuebing is a civil servant and think he is an unknown miracle doctor. They chatted without any reservations.

After lunch.

Mrs. Jia cleared the table.

Jia Miao and Dong Xuebing were about to enter the bedroom for treatment.

Suddenly, Jia Miao paused and held his head. He started sweating and took deep breaths.

Whats wrong, Old Jia? Mrs. Jia asked. Did the pain start again?

Jia Miao nodded. He was trembling from the pain.

Please check on him, Mr. Dong. Mrs. Jia said.

Dong Xuebing nodded and helped Jia Miao into the room. Please lie on the bed with your back facing me, Minister Jia. Dont worry. The pain will be gone soon.

Mrs. Jia stood behind, looking at them worryingly.

Jia Miao got on the bed slowly.

Dong Xuebing pressed his head hard and said REVERSE in his heart.

One second.

Two seconds.

Three seconds.

REVERSE deactivated.

Jia Miao relaxed after a few seconds and looked at his wife, wiping his sweat for him. I am fine now.

Mrs. Jia looked at him. You are fine now?!

Jia Miao nodded. Yes. The pain is gone.

Are you really fine? Mrs. Jia could not believe her eyes.

Jia Miao replied. Thanks to Mr. Dong. He is a miracle doctor.

Dong Xuebing quickly stop them. No no. I am not a miracle doctor. I know a few pain relief treatments.

If one is coincidental, and twice is luck, then the third time is a skill. Dong Xuebings pain relief ma.s.sage was very effective, and they were more confident in his skills. They had never heard of doctors who could relieve pain immediately without medications.

Lets start, Minister Jia.


Please sit upright. I am starting.

Mrs. Jia looked at Dong Xuebing, who repeatedly placed his hands on Jia Miaos head. He ma.s.saged the left and right sides of his head and neck.

Mrs. Jia asked. Xiao Dong, can we learn this ma.s.sage? I hope I can relieve his pain when it happens again.

Dong Xuebing replied. Its difficult to learn this ma.s.sage even if I teach you. It is not just pressing a few acupuncture points and will depend on the situation. Dont worry about it, Mrs. Jia. I guarantee Minister Jias migraine will not return within six months. He should be cured if he cared for himself during this period.

Great. Mrs. Jia said. Thank you.

Dont mention it. Dong Xuebing continued with his ma.s.sage. Minister Jia, I will press a few acupuncture points on your head. You will feel some numbness and slight pain for a while. Please prepare yourself.

No problem.

Dong Xuebing mumbled REVERSE again.

Dong Xuebing did not stop this time. He used REVERSE until Jia Miao returned to his healthy state.

A few minutes pa.s.sed, and Dong Xuebing deactivated REVERSE.

Dong Xuebing had used most of his remaining time to treat Jia Miao. But its worth it if Minister Jia can help him.

Alright, Minister Jia. Dong Xuebing let go of Minister Jias head.

Jia Miao blinked. Its over?

Dong Xuebing nodded. Yes. Its done.

Mrs. Jia said. Xiao Dong, if you have nothing to do later, stay for dinner. Its not I dont trust your skills. It is because Old Jia would have a relapse around 4 pm every day for the past two months. I am worried it will happen if you leave. Can you.

Dong Xuebing thought for a while and replied. Alright. I will return later.

Mrs. Jia smiled. Fantastic. I will bring some fruits for you now.

An hour pa.s.sed.

Two hours pa.s.sed.

Very soon, it was 4 pm.

Jia Miao and Dong Xuebing were chatting while Mrs. Jia looked at the time nervously.

4.10 pm. 4.20 pm. Jia Miao was fine.

Mrs. Jia asked. Do you have a headache, Old Jia?

Jia Miao laughed and shook his head. No.

Dong Xuebing said Jia Miao would not get any relapses within six months, and it was true.

Mrs. Jia was overjoyed. Your ma.s.sage is fantastic. Thank you so much, Mr. Dong. Please wait here. I will prepare dinner now.