Power and Wealth - Chapter 1027: Nine of them

Chapter 1027: Nine of them

Chapter 1027: Nine of them


The ice cracked without warning.

Everyone looked towards the river next to the Public Security Bureau when they heard the loud crack.

The next moment, they heard screams for help.



Mum! Mum!

Dad! Save me!

The frozen river, which a few adults and children were playing on, had cracked. They had fallen into the icy water! A few children do not know how to swim and quickly disappear. An adult swam to the edge of the crack and tried to climb out. But the ice broke, and he fell into the water again.

Everyone was stunned.

Ah! Yanyan!

Old Liu! Old Liu!


The children playing on the ice were the relatives of the people outside the Public Security Bureau. They had come to protest and brought their children along. They did not expect the ice on the river to be so thin and allow them to play on it. At the same time, they waited for the Public Security Bureau to release their relatives.


Dong Xuebings heart skipped a beat, and his face changed.

Dong Xuebing knew this was an emergency and shouted, BACK 2 minutes!

Time returned to two minutes ago.

The first thing Dong Xuebing saw was the angry crowd shouting at him.

You all are just covering up for each other!

Dong Xuebing! You are corrupted!

Stop pretending! You dont care for the people at all!

The crowd was scolding Dong Xuebing, and many leaders cars arrived. Secretary Wan and Mayor Zhong were looking out from their cars at them.

Dong Xuebing took a deep breath and ignored the crowd. He rushed towards the river and shouted. Come back now! Hurry!

An adult on the ice glanced at Dong Xuebing and ignored him.

Dong Xuebing shouted angrily. What are you all waiting for?! Its dangerous there! Come up!

That middle-aged man shouted. Its none of your business!

Dong Xuebing shouted. The ice during Spring is thin! Get out of there before something happen!

That man thought nothing and continued playing with the children on the ice.

Dong Xuebing was anxious. Hurry and get out of there! Are you going to bear the consequences?! Bring the children away from there!

That man was taking care of his child, and the other children were not his kids. Their relatives were still locked up in the Public Security Bureau and were mad at Dong Xuebing. No one listened to him.

Stop pretending that you care!

You dont need to worry for our children!

Corrupted official! You will lose your job sooner or later!

Wan Fanglei and Zhong Zhengwei were about to leave when they heard Dong Xuebings shouts. They also felt it was dangerous to be on the ice during this season. They did not go back into their cars and walked over. The other staff saw them and quickly followed.

Dong Xuebing saw them. Secretary Wan, Mayor Zhong!

Wan Fanglei turned to a Police Officer. Get more officers and bring the kids out away the ice.

Yes. I will go now. The Officer replied.

Zhong Zhengwei added. Disperse the crowd outside and try not to create any commotion.

Yes. The officer quickly ran back and waved to the other officers. The officers waiting inside came out and started to disperse the crowd.


Director Dong.

Luo Haiting and Liu Hanqing ran over.

Dong Xuebing replied anxiously. Get those people to sh.o.r.e first.

Luo Haiting and Liu Hanqing were puzzled why Director Dong was so anxious. But they did not ask and ran over to the riverside.

At this moment, the accident happened again.

Although Dong Xuebing had used BACK to salvage the situation, no one listened to him.


The ice split.



Mum! Mum!

Dad! Save me!

The officers who were about to get the children were stunned.

Two adults and four children fell into the water.

Director Dong was correct.

The ice was too thin!

w.a.n.g Fanglei, Zhong Zhengwei, and the others were stunned.

The crowd turned pale, and a woman fainted.

Ah! Yanyan!

Old Liu! Old Liu!


The situation had not changed despite Dong Xuebing turning back time.

After a few seconds of chaos, Wan Fanglei shouted. Hurry and save them!

Zhong Zhengwei turned to his secretary. Call the ambulance! Quick!


Xiao Hu!

Ah. My son! My son had fallen into the water!

Hurry and save my daughter! Hurry!

The crack was around two meters. Although it was not big, it wasn't easy to save them. Anyone who dived in to save the children might lose his direction and not get back to the crack.

An Audi sped over.

Xie Huilan arrived. She got out of the car and asked. What happened?

Dong Xuebing answered without turning. The ice cracked, and six people fell into the water.

Xie Huilans face changed. She saw the other leaders standing there and threw her coat aside. She walked quickly towards the riverbank.

Dong Xuebing quickly grabs Xie Huilan. What are you doing?

Save them.

You are pregnant.

I know. We got to save them before its too late.

The water is below zero degrees. You cannot go in.

A few staff noticed Mayor Xie and quickly came over to stop her.

You cannot go into the water, Mayor Xie.

Thats right. You are pregnant.

Someone is going over. They will be saved.

Xie Huilan took a deep breath and did not say anything.

Dong Xuebing wanted to enter the water but was injured two days ago. Although he had used REVERSE on himself, some of his wounds had not recovered. He had to keep some of his wounds to avoid letting the hospital get suspicious. He has dozens of wounds on him and doesnt know how deep he can dive in his condition.

It might seem long, but only ten seconds had pa.s.sed since they fell into the river.

The first person to enter the water was not the Police. It was a childs parent.


Two officers also jumped into the water.

A Government staff member and a Public Security Bureau guard jumped in after them.

Four people had gone to rescue the children, but the situation was different from what they expected in the waters.

That City Government staff member touched a person and tried to pull him out of the water. However, he quickly rushed out of the water after two seconds. The water was too cold, and his lips turned purple. The guard beside him lasted slightly longer. His hands and legs were numbed from the cold, and could not go deeper. An officer who was about to enter the water pulled him up. Those two officers who entered the water before them were not so lucky. They disappeared after entering the water. One of them was dragged underwater by a victim when he tried to pull him out.

Bubbles appeared on the surface.


Old Chen!

Come up first! Xiao Zhang!

No one replied, and everyone could only see splashes.

An officer ignored everyone and jumped into the water to save his colleagues. However, he did not reappear after diving in.

Only six people had fallen into the river, and it is nine people now.

Three police officers fate was unknown.

Everyone was worried.

The water was too cold, and the river was covered with ice. It is easy to lose your direction under the frozen river, and getting out of the water is hard. No one can survive in the cold water. The other officers stood near the crack and dared not enter the water.

This was no longer about bravery or trying to save others.

The few people before them proved it was almost impossible to save anyone in the cold water.