Power and Wealth - Chapter 1008: Are you human?

Chapter 1008: Are you human?

Chapter 1008: Are you human?

How high is Dong Xuebings alcohol tolerance?

Li Feng does not know. Da Feng County leaders do not know. Liu Haibin and these military officers family members do not know. Dong Xuebing had not drunk with anyone after he was posted to the City. Even when he drank alcohol, he only drank a few gla.s.ses and never exceeded his limits. He felt it was unnecessary to go all out. He had not drunk like this for around six months to a year. He got excited when he saw Liu Haibin and his friends trying to make him drunk. Lets see how you are all going to make me drunk.

Dong Xuebing waved to the waiter. Come and fill our gla.s.ses.

The waiter poured a full gla.s.s and gave it to Dong Xuebing.

Xuebing. Li Feng looked at Dong Xuebing. You had drunk a lot earlier. Dont overdo it.

But they are offering me a toast. I got to give them face. Dong Xuebing smiled.

Liu Haibin laughed. Great. Lets drink.

Dong Xuebing saw Li Feng was about to say something and kicked him lightly under the table.

Li Feng paused for a second and looked at Dong Xuebing. He did not try to stop him because he understood him well. Although Dong Xuebing was rash, he was not stupid. How can someone who became a Deputy Division Chief, and a City Discipline Inspection leader, at his age be stupid? If he is stupid, then more than 99% of Feng Zhou City leaders are morans.


They knocked on their gla.s.ses, and both drank 150 ml of alcohol.

Liu Haibin said loudly. Good. Fill up Director Dongs gla.s.s now.

w.a.n.g Yue smiled. Director Dong is a good drinker. Xiao Siao, you should also give him a toast.

Come, Director Dong. I will drink with you. Xiao Siao picked up the full gla.s.s and looked at Dong Xuebing, waiting for him to make a fool of himself.

But Dong Xuebing did not hesitate. He picked up his gla.s.s and finished it. He could feel the alcohol rus.h.i.+ng to his head. He slowly crossed his legs and patted his body. REVERSE one second! The next moment, he was sober again. However, he pretended to be drunk and swayed his body.

Liu Haibin, w.a.n.g Yue, and the rest noticed it and got excited.

Director Dong, let me offer you a toast. Liu Haibin stepped forward.

Dong Xuebing waved his hand. I had drunk a lot and am at my limits. My alcohol tolerance is not high.

Liu Haibin pretended to be mad. How can you drink with others and dont drink with me? You are making me look bad. Director Dong, just one more gla.s.s.

Dong Xuebing thought for a second and raised the gla.s.s unwillingly. Alright.

Dong Xuebing had drunk more than 500 ml of alcohol, including this gla.s.s.

Dong Xuebings body swayed more, and Liu Haibin and w.a.n.g Yue exchanged looks. They immediately filled Dong Xuebings gla.s.s, and another youth stepped forward.

Dong Xuebing could not reject it and drank another gla.s.s.

The commotion was loud and attracted everyone.

Even Commander Xiong noticed them. He laughed. These young men can drink well.

A junior member of Commander Xiongs family said. I think those seven youths are trying to make that guy drunk. That guy had drunk around 750 ml of alcohol, and the other party had only drunk 150 ml each.

Commander Xiong laughed. 750 ml. his alcohol tolerance is better than mine.

Another junior member added. They are Political Commissar w.a.n.g and Commander Chens sons. Why are they trying to make that man drunk?

Dong Xuebings drinking continued while everyone discussed them.

Liu Haibin, w.a.n.g Yue, and the others drank with Dong Xuebing.

One gla.s.s.

Three gla.s.ses.

Five gla.s.ses.

The spectators slowly face changed as Dong Xuebing drank. Very soon, the whole restaurant became quiet. All the guests were looking at them in shock. The waiter, pouring alcohol for them, looked at Dong Xuebing as if he were a monster. Even Li Feng and his men were stunned.

2.5 liters of alcohol!

Dong Xuebing had drunk 2.5 liters of alcohol.

Even Commander Xiong was stunned. He had seen good drinkers, but he had never seen such a good drinker.

Dong Xuebing seemed to be getting soberer as he drank. Compared to earlier, he looked more relaxed and crossed his legs. He turned to the waiter. Stop looking and fill up our gla.s.ses.

The waiter wiped his sweat, and his hands were trembling while he filled Dong Xuebings gla.s.s.

Li Feng took a deep breath. Xuebing, you had drunk around 2.5 liters. I think its enough.

Da Feng County Government leaders added. Thats right. Director Dong, you should stop.

Dong Xuebing waved his hand. Nah. How can I refuse when they offer me toast? This will make them feel bad. Eh? Why are you all not toasting with me? Fine. Its my turn now. Dong Xuebing raised his gla.s.s in front of Liu Haibin, w.a.n.g Yue, and the rest. Here, lets have another toast.

No one replies to him.

Liu Haibin, w.a.n.g Yue, and the rest were cursing in their hearts. They knew Dong Xuebing had fooled them. F**k! How high is your alcohol tolerance? You can drink 2.5 liters of alcohol and still pretend to be drunk to catch us off guard. You made us think that you will be knocked out with one more gla.s.s. But. We are the ones who got drunk in the end.


Dong Xuebing! You are too evil.

Li Feng laughed in his heart as he looked at the pale Liu Haibin and the youths. Director Dong was indeed too evil.

Dong Xuebing blinked. Come on. I did not reject anyone of you earlier and drank so many gla.s.ses. What is this? This is the first time I have offered a toast to you all, and you all are not giving face? How about this? I will drink first, and you will drink a gla.s.s each. He turned to the waiter before they could say anything. Pour seven gla.s.ses for me.

Seven gla.s.ses?!

Everyones jaws dropped.

Dong Xuebing looked at them. Can you all still drink?

Liu Haibin retorted. Sure! Lets drink!

Good. Dong Xuebing picked up the first gla.s.s and drank. Then he picked up the second gla.s.s, third, fourth, etc. He did not even rest in between and finished all seven 150 ml gla.s.ses of alcohol within two minutes. With the alcohol he drank earlier, he had drank almost 4 liters of alcohol!

Liu Haibin, w.a.n.g Yue, and the rest were stunned. They did not expect Dong Xuebing can still be sober after drinking so much.

4 liters of alcohol.

F**k! Are you human?!