While Dawn was crus.h.i.+ng herbs for Riolu, Rico bought some snacks and drinks at a food stall for 1,450 Pokedollars. And as he turns around, Rico saw a man, worn in a black cape that closes his upper body and arms, light brown pants, blue shoes, and a white headband, looking at him fiercely in the distance, but the crowd block his view. Rico then, with a paper bag of his purchases, shove through the crowd to find that man, but when he arrived at the spot where the man stood, the man was nowhere to be seen. Rico then asked himself, "Who's that guy? Why did he stare at me for?" But he shrugged it off, and went back to the meadows.
Arriving back, Dawn had crushed the Revival Herbs Rico gave.
"Oh, you're back," Dawn greeted upon seeing Rico," I need some water." In response, Rico opened a water bottle, and poured it in the Berry Crusher's bowl Dawn was holding; she then mix it until the Revival Herbs dissolved into the water, and gave it to Riolu.
Riolu had successfully recovered from its injury. Seeing the medicine worked, Rico said to it, "Hey, Riolu, are you okay?"
"Ri-o-lu!" Riolu responded in happiness; it then hugged Rico.
"Wow," Dawn commented in response, "I think it likes you, Rico."
"Of course, yes," Rico responded, "Since I'm the one who rescued it so it likes me. Speaking of owners.h.i.+p, I also bought some snacks too. Want some?" He then get the snacks he bought out of the bag. In response of sharing, Dawn called out all her Pokemon, and get some Pokemon food bowls
As Rico pour Pokemon Food into the bowls, Dawn, seeing unfamiliar with the chips and biscuits Rico bought, commented, "Hmm. This is unfamiliar. I never seen this brand of snacks before. This is different from my region."
"Oh," Rico answered in response, "Those snacks are made and manufactured here, not imported;" he then tear-open a bag of potato chips.
"Oh, right," Dawn replied, "I understand;" she then tear-open a pack of chocolate biscuits as she and Rico eat their snacks together while their Pokemon eat their special food.