"The Three Stars: The Release of Blue Ninja, please," Lucas brightly and politely answered.
"Okay, how many tickets?" the cas.h.i.+er replied.
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"Two adults, and one child, please," Lucas brightly and politely answered. Calculating the price, the cas.h.i.+er responded, "That'll be 110 Pokedollars per adult and 100 Pokedollars per child. But since it's a special movie, we'll lower the prices to 100 Pokedollars per adult and 90 Pokedollars per child." Paying it with his money, Lucas brightly replied, "Here you go." Receiving the money from Lucas and gave the tickets for the said movie, the cas.h.i.+er replied, "Here. Enjoy the movie."
"Thanks," Lucas happily replied upon receiving the said tickets; Rico and Rosario then said the similar thing. He and his family then proceeded to one of the cinema theaters to watch the movie.
In one of the cinema theaters, they picked seats in the deluxe section for a better view.
Once in their seats, they settled down, and waited for the movie to be played. Moments later, the movie started as other people chewed their popcorn and potato snacks. The movie started with the characters, especially the antagonist. Later they kept watching through, including the intense action, the great climax, and good resolution. At the middle of the film, the hero of the film, Blue Ninja, come into action, stopping the antagonist's evil plans and rescued the Three Stars. Later at the end of the film the two characters kissed each other, creating a happy ending. At the credits, most of the people left the theater, but Rico and his parents stayed, reading the list of characters, main, supporting, and minor. They then read the actor's name Ash.
"Who's Ash?" Rico thought, "Do I know him in the Alola League? Maybe, he is. I'll find out soon;" he and his parents then grabbed their belongings, stand up, and left the theater. And what Rico didn't know is that the Ash he thought will become his future companion, mentor, and teacher.
Later, at home, Rico talked about the movie he and his parents watched on his Pokebook account online, using his smartphone. He talked about its plot, setting, and characters, the awesome and the antagonist, with positive comments. Moments later, a respondent under the name Isaiah replied, "Yeah, me and my gym leader friend watched it in his house." And then, after that, another respondent named Catherine then replied, "Yes, I watched it in my rental hotel room here in the Tahod Region." And then, after that, another respondent named Red then responded, "Yeah, it's awesome and cool. I love it." Impressed by these, Rico replied back, "Yeah, thanks for the comments. Anyway, want to be my friends online?" In response, the three respondents sent him friend requests; Rico then accepted them immediately, making him a friend to them. They continue chatting for the rest of the afternoon, before stopping for dinner. But these online friends of Rico will soon become his real-life companions, and also, had secrets of their own, especially in family terms.