Pokemon Pearl - 10 Chapter 10 - A Ranger Friend

10 Chapter 10 - A Ranger Friend

"Fine, mom," Rico happily answered upon seeing her making cheese sandwiches, "Me and Santiago had a Pokemon Battle, and I won in the end."

"That's great, Rico," Rosario replied, "You're so cool."

"Thanks, mommy," Rico happily replied; he then went upstairs to his room to change clothes.

By 3:59, after changing his clothes, Rico went back downstairs, grabbed the sandwich Rosario made for him, turned on the TV, sit on a sofa, and relax. As he eats his sandwich, Rico responded, "Thanks for the sandwich, mom."

"You're welcome, son," Rosario brightly replied as she read a book. Minutes pa.s.sed, as Rico watch his favorite TV show, Air Crash Investigation, someone was knocking at their front gate. It was Ben, the one who witnessed Rico's ever first Pokemon battle, and showed up after spying at him behind someone's car. In response, Rico stood up, went to the gate, opened it, and said to him, "Hi, good afternoon, who are you?"

"Hi, I'm Ben," Ben brightly answered, "I'm a Pokemon Ranger from the Oblivia Region. Are you Rico Cruz?"

"Yes, it's me," Rico replied, "Why?"

"I just seen your battle with those Pokèmon Pinchers, or Pokèmon thieves," Ben replied in amaze, "You're so cool."

"Really? Thanks," Rico replied, "Wait, are you there when I battle those guys?"

"Yes, Rico," Ben brightly answered, "I was there, hiding in the bushes while watching these Pokèmon Pinchers tried to win against you, but they lost against you."

"Wow, really. That's nice," Rico responded, "Anyway, you wanna come in?" Thinking about this, Ben accepted his offer and come in. Rico then shut the door.

Inside the house, Rico introduced Ben to his mother. In response, Rosario and Ben handshake to each other. At this point, Rico was happy about this.

As she went to the kitchen to get some water for Ben, Rosario asked him, ''What kind of water would you like? Faucet or mineral?"

"Uh, just mineral water, from that gallon, please," Ben answered. Rosario then pour mineral water from the gallon to a gla.s.s and give it to Ben.

"You know, my father Lucas drink from the faucet sometimes," Rico shared. Disgusted and almost spitting his drink, Ben answered, "Eww, why?"

"Well, he came from a rural, poor family," Rosario replied while cooking dinner, "So he drinks from the faucet sometimes."

"But my mom drinks mineral water always, and avoids the faucet," Rico added. In response, Ben sighed in relief, and replied, "At least two family members don't drink from the faucet."

"Yeah," Rico replied. They then watch TV together while enjoying their drinks.

Later, by 6:03 p.m., Lucas came home from work. Upon seeing him entering the house, Rico and his mother greeted him in friendliness and happiness. Rico even introduced Ben to his father. In response, Ben and Lucas handshake to each other. Rico then became happy by this.

At the dining table, as they eat dinner, Rosario asked Ben, "So, you were the one who witnessed my son's first battle? What do you think?"

"Cool!" Ben happily answered, "Your son is cool and awesome. He had a Riolu."

"Yes, he had one," Lucas replied as he gets some food from a plate, "And now he had a Philas Pokedex, thus became an official Pokèmon trainer."

"Yeah. Cool. Right?" Rico brightly replied as he drinks his Iced Tea drink.

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"Oh, wow, cool, right," Ben replied. And as both kids watched Rico's Riolu ate its special food in its bowl, Ben commented, "Wow, that's so cool."

"I know right," Rico brightly replied.

Later, after dinner, Rico decided to let Ben to sleep in his room for the night. As Rico lay down a single mattress for Ben, Ben took a look at Rico's stuff: books, gadgets, writing materials, toys, etc. Rico allowed him to touch them, but forbid him to break them.

"Why you had so much stuff?" Ben asked as he holds a s.h.i.+nx stuff toy, "In my home region, we focus a lot on Pokèmon and little on others."

"But I balanced two things: Pokèmon companions.h.i.+p and training, and lifestyle and education," Rico responded while reading a book about Mathematics, "I make sure that none of them will go out of balance." After a very short silence, Ben answered, "Oh, wow, I understand. That's a great idea you ever have. I never heard of that." Rico, switching his Math book for a book about Pokemon, then replied, "Yeah, I believe that. So no disruption will occur either of them."

Later, at 9:44 p.m., as they lie down on their beds, Rico asked Ben, "Hey, Ben, how did you found my home address?"

"I asked the region's Pokèmon professor and some neighbors in your neighborhood," Ben answered.

"Oh, I see," Rico replied, "His name was Campillo Nester."

"I didn't know his name," Ben replied.

"'I think you just call him 'sir,'" Rico joked. At this point, they both laughed at that joke.