Please Be Patient, Grand Duke - Chapter 14

Chapter 14

Chapter 14

“It’s been four years, but I’m still not used to snow in the spring.” Kieran stuck his hand outside the window and felt a snowflake land on his palm and watched as it turned into water. It was snowing in Eton, Geore’s capital. However, the snowflakes melted the moment they touched the ground. The sky was winter but the ground showed that it was in fact spring. He saw pastel violet lilacs and watched a maid moving about hastily, stepping on the sensitive mimosae on the ground. Kieran looked down at the pretty flowers and then turned his head and called out, “Ian!”

An ash-haired man was sleeping with an open book covering his face, and Kieran stepped away from the window smiling. The man whose limbs were relaxed and hanging over the armchair, was Ian Sergio, the King’s illegitimate third son. However, unlike people from his background, Ian was an honest and strong man. He was the only person who had protected Kieran in a country where he could’ve been beheaded at any moment. Kieran had been able to focus on his treatment and learn about George’s new ideas too.

“Ian Sergio, how about returning to your room now? You’re an eyesore.”

Ian woke up only after Kieran’s voice became sharp, and the man with eyes that resembled a beast’s stretched and yawned.

“An eyesore? You don’t know how to be grateful.”

“I am truly grateful, that’s why I’m informing you that my mother will arrive at any moment.”

Ian jumped up, “Why didn’t you say that earlier! If the beautiful Marchioness sees me, she won’t stop nagging me.”

Kieran shrugged his shoulders as he handed Ian a letter before the man ran out of the room, “Send this to my home please.”

It was a letter with the Vale seal, and Ian’s brow furrowed as this was a pageboy’s job, “Why not give it to the Marchioness?”

“I haven’t been able to get Lia’s answer even though I’ve asked my mother a few times. That’s because…”

“She seems to disapprove of your sister knowing about you,” Ian finished his sentence for him.

Kieran’s smile was faint. He had not hidden Canillian’s identity from Ian, and he had praised her angelic beauty, even though their mothers were different. It may have been a way to make the prince his alley in Geore, but things had developed into friendship. “Probably,” he agreed.

Kieran didn’t want to suspect his mother, but he had not received an answer from Lia as yet. He had liked her from the start and had been sad to treat her like a boy to respect his mother’s wishes.

However, he was now certain, after reading a letter from Rosina that his suspicions were correct. His fiancé had written that Canillian would enter the academy and spend time with Wade while getting measured for the school uniform. Wade had also told Rosina that Canillian had not known about the engagement and had no intention of attending the ceremony. Mother, Kieran sighed.

Ian shrugged as he waved the letter, sensing that Kieran was upset, “All right, I will give this to your sister.”

Keiran nodded in thanks but thought something was strange. “Ian, wait!” But Ian was already running across the garden. Kieran thought he knew what Ian would do, but even a prince would not be able to cross the border without the King’s approval and he was curious when Ian would return.


After cleaning up the mess Ian had made, he heard his mother’s voice, and he looked back with a pleasant smile, “Mother.”

Anastasia thanked the gods for seeing Kieran looking healthy as she took off her hat. He had gained weight and hadn’t coughed in months. However, she was now impatient as Kieran seemed like he would not return to his home.

“The prince is not here today,” remarked Anastasia.

“Ian…seems to be preoccupied.”

“I appreciate his kindness, but he’s a prince of an enemy state. Don’t let him too close.”

“I won’t,” he lied, “aren’t you tired from your journey? Rest for a while, and I will come back before dinner.” Kieran picked up the books he had read and the one Ian had left behind.

Anastasia didn’t hide her irritation as she sat on the chair, “You avoid your mother in new ways.”

“Don’t say that. I’m preparing to go back.”

“Let us return after ten days then. You need to prepare for your engagement ceremony, present yourself to the Emperor and spend time with Princess Rosina,” said Anastasia.

Kieran was satisfied with his engagement. He had known her for a long time and desired to be connected to the Imperial family. Everything was returning to normal, and Kieran had learned new things after becoming healthier. If his country was protected by goddesses of arts, culture, and agriculture, Geore was ruled by science and war. Therefore, Geore was filled with knowledge he couldn’t learn back home. Ordinary people could make drinkable water using science and a high-energy generator could light the entire palace for three hours. It was amazing, and that was why Kieran h