Please Be Patient, Grand Duke - Chapter 102.1

Chapter 102.1

Chapter 102.1

Lia stirred from her slumber, her body pulling up the thick sheets as she blinked sleepily at the cool air rus.h.i.+ng in through the open windows. The clock on the mantle had just chimed midnight, and Claudes seat beside her was empty, his warmth a distant memory.

With a groan, Lia thought of her beloved Claude, who had fallen asleep with her earlier. She reached for the empty seat next to her, feeling the chill of the room seeping through her nightgown. Without hesitation, she slipped into a gown and picked up a lantern, heading out of her room into the dimly lit hallway.

Most of the servants were asleep, and the silence was almost deafening as Lia made her way towards Claudes study. She knocked lightly, but there was no response.

Carefully turning the doork.n.o.b, she peered inside to find him sound asleep on his large desk, his breathing deep and even.

Suppressing a giggle, Lia stepped inside, her eyes scanning the stacks of papers piled haphazardly on the desk. The only one he seemed to be holding on to was the account book with Carsos signature on it. The numbers were all jumbled up, and there were clear traces of his exhaustion.

Without a sound, Lia sat down on the sofa and began correcting the mistakes with a pen filled with red ink. She flipped through the pages one by one, the task soothing her as she focused on the work at hand.

But then she stumbled upon a doc.u.ment that made her heart skip a beat. It was the budget for their upcoming wedding, and Lia couldnt believe her eyes. It was a staggering amount, equivalent to a months budget for Del Casa.

Lia bit her fingernail in consternation, wondering where to start. She knew nothing about the customs and ceremonies of n.o.bles and was completely clueless about what was necessary and what wasnt. But spending so much money on a three-day event seemed preposterous.

Ill have to ask Edith, she muttered to herself, placing the doc.u.ment aside as she continued with her work.

The Grand Duke of Ihars immense wealth had always been a threat to the imperial family, yet she didnt deem it necessary to splurge on her own attire. After a thorough editing session, Lia gathered the papers and placed them on the desk. She then crouched in front of her sleeping lover, realizing how exhausted he must have been to doze off while working. Lia let out a heavy sigh and ran her fingers through Claudes hair before planting a tender kiss on his cheek.

Claude, wake up, she whispered, but his furrowed brows didnt budge.

She leaned in and whispered in his ear, You cant sleep here. Wake up, Claude.

This time, his eyelids fluttered open. Lia wrapped her arms around him, as if cradling him, her golden locks cascading over his face. Claudes lips curled into a smile as he stroked her arm.

Why are you here at this hour? he asked, his voice still heavy with sleep.

Lias smile was gentle as she kissed his ear. I just couldnt sleep.

Claude hugged her and pulled her onto his lap, then picked up the corrected papers.

Is this your work? he asked, his eyes narrowing as he glanced at the red ink markings.

Isnt it nice to have less work? she quipped, giving him a sly grin.

Claude chuckled and cupped the nape of her neck, rubbing his face against hers. His expression softened and turned sweet.

Thank you for helping me, but its too late at night.

Then lets retire together to the bedroom, Lia suggested.

I dont need to check the changes you made, right? Claude said, raising an eyebrow.

If you trust me, she replied, her gaze locking with his.

Their silent exchange deepened, and their lips met in a natural, pa.s.sionate kiss. In Lias blue eyes, the expression of the happiest woman in the world shone through.

The climax of their love story was fast approaching starting a family with this man, raising children that looked like them, and experiencing the changing seasons with laughter and joy. The faces of those who had given her a life beyond her wildest dreams pa.s.sed through her mind.

The beginning had been difficult, but in the end, happiness had triumphed.

Lia Claude murmured, breaking her reverie.

Yes? she replied, looking up at him.

He pressed his lips against her forehead, then stood up. Shall we go back to bed? he asked, a glimmer of mischief in his eyes.


In the depths of Lias mind, a dream lingered. Although it was difficult to recall the details, she knew that it involved her holding Claudes hand as they spun around the Great Hall. When her eyes fluttered open, the sun had already risen, casting a soft glow over the room. With her face nestled in her own pillow, Lia s.h.i.+fted her gaze to meet the familiar blue eyes of her lover.

Rest some more. You worked until dawn, Claude whispered tenderly, his fingers gently trailing through her tresses.

You stayed up with me, Lia replied, her voice barely above a whisper.

Claude pulled Lia closer, pressing a gentle kiss to her ear and cheek. His arms tightened around her waist, cheris.h.i.+ng the warmth of her bare skin. Today, you can rest. You did enough yesterday.

Despite his words, Claude was not unaware of Lias tendency to push herself too hard. As a grand d.u.c.h.ess, it was essential for her to learn how to delegate tasks and trust her subordinates. It was a balance of power and control that he knew she would have to master with time.

As Lia drifted off into slumber once more, Claude pulled the cord hanging from the ceiling. Pepe quickly entered the room and bowed deeply at the sight of them in each others embrace.

Could you draw the curtains, Pepe? Claude asked quietly, s.h.i.+elding Lias face from the suns harsh rays.

The room became darker as the thick drapes were drawn, creating a sense of calmness. With a relaxed expression, Claude carefully lifted Lia into his arms, holding her as if she were a delicate flower.

Pepe lingered in the corner, waiting for instructions from Claude. After a few moments, Claude donned his robe and made his way to the study adjoining their bedroom. There, he sat before a desk filled with notes and a nearly finished ma.n.u.script, with only a few simple drawings left to complete.

With a tug of the cord, Carso and Owen, who had been awaiting his summons, entered the room together.