Picked Up A Demon King To Be A Maid - Chapter 39

Chapter 39

Momm was getting impatient. After saving Caesar, not only did he not relax, but he was even more worried.

He still had no idea where Lin Xiao and his maid Elena were, as if they evaporated into thin air, and Rosie was taken away by a Jackalwere, and could lose her life at any time. The situation was very serious!

With his acc.u.mulated experience of being a mercenary for many years, Momm carefully observed and followed the footprints on the ground, continuously chasing after them.

The Jackalwere shouldn't be able to run as fast while carrying a person, so he may still have an opportunity to save Rosie before the Jackalwere does anything! As for Lin Xiao… He can only hope that Lin Xiao was lucky enough and didn't come under harm's way.


The desperate cry for help from the depths of the forest drew Momm's attention.

“It's Rosie!”

She's not far from here! Momm shouted loudly, and instantly disappeared from his current spot along with his giant ax.

I can make it, I have to make it!

“Jackalwere, die!!!”

As he rushed out of the bushes, a large open s.p.a.ce came into view.

“Eh? Where's the Jackalwere?”

Looking around, Momm noticed that there were no Jackalweres, there was only a girl with tattered clothes crouching in the middle of the open s.p.a.ce.

Blood, mud and an unknown translucent substance stained the girl from head to toe. Her streaks of tears also turned into dirty black lines because of all the dirt. It looked like she was a brat that just finished playing in the mud.

“Rosie!?” Momm was stunned and couldn't believe that the n.o.ble Miss from the Childe family was in such a miserable state.

Rosie seems to have lost her soul. She did not respond to Momm's question. She just stiffly turned her head and set her dull gaze on Momm. Looking… Through the dim moonlight, she was finally able to recognize Momm, her body trembled fiercely, and it seemed that she once again found her lost soul.

“Momm…teacher?” Rosie was calling the teacher's name.

She didn't dare scream too loudly, for fear that the happiness in front of her eyes was but a fragile dream, but gradually, gradually, the burly figure came closer and closer, and it became clearer and clear that this was not a dream, but reality, her soulless eyes also recovered along with her.


As if she was releasing all of her acc.u.mulated sorrow and grief, Rosie began to wail, tears flooded out, large drops of tears sliding from the corners of her eyes. The tears mixed with the dust stuck on her cheeks, becoming muddy water, and making her already dirty face even more unsightly.

“Yes, it's me, don't be afraid, everything is okay!" Determining that the other party was Rosie, Momm finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Although her appearance was a bit miserable, her clothes torn and even her underwear was exposed, but Rosie was not missing an arm or leg, all she had were scratches, and more importantly, there was no loss —— this was the best outcome.

Both Caesar and Rosie have been found, but where was Lin Xiao? Momm was troubled.

Lin Xiao did not have superb sword skills like Caesar, he had no teammates, and he even brought a maid who can't do anything. It would be impossible for him to break through an encirclement!

He couldn't have already been done in, right?

Momm didn't dare relax. He quickly walked over and tried to confirm Rosie's physical condition, then continued to look for Lin Xiao, but just as he was about to leave, he suddenly noticed there was a large black ball, around the size of half a person, at the side of his feet blocking his way.

Was it a demonic beast?

Momm was about to swing his ax and chop it up, but found that the rock-like big black ball was motionless, it had a dark exterior, and for some reason, it emitted a scorched smell.

At this time, a familiar voice came from nearby.

“Hey… teacher Momm, that's a dead Jackalwere, it's completely burnt already, you don't need to worry about it.”

Momm was shocked, he didn't even notice that there were other people in the surroundings. Although the voice was very familiar, he instinctively picked up the ax and prepared to fight back.

“Who is it!?”

Following the sound, he saw a smiling black-haired boy, and a beautiful maid who was behind the boy, with a pale frost-like face and silvery red hair.

The two of them stood not far behind Rosie. Because they were wearing dark burqas, they were very inconspicuous in the darkness. Momm's attention was focused on Rosie, so he did not see them.

“Teacher Momm, you're finally here, we're finally safe now!” Lin Xiao walked over and exaggeratedly sighed.

“You guys were alright? That's great!” Momm touched his big bald head and finally flashed a scarce smile.

He did not expect Lin Xiao and Elena to appear in front of him safely. Now, the three students who fell behind, together with a maid, were all safe!

“But… Lin Xiao, how did you end up with Rosie?” Momm asked questionably.

He clearly remembered that Lin Xiao had rejected Rosie's invitation, how did they end up together?

“Ah, it was only coincidental. Elena and I were chased by Jackalweres all the way here, and finally escaped, but we deviated from the direction of the camp.” Lin Xiao told him of the pretext he thought up of beforehand, “When we got here, we just happened to meet Rosie.”

Just happened to meet?

“Then… what's with this?” Morm said as he kicked the black ball next to him.

After being kicked, the big ball swayed, rolled a little, turned over, and finally exposed the four limbs and the head. Momm now saw that it was indeed a Jackalwere, but it had already been burnt into c.o.ke, the visage was blurred, no different to charcoal.

“It was this Jackalwere that s.n.a.t.c.hed Rosie! When I came across it, it was carrying Rosie into the forest!”

In fact, there were actually four more similar charcoal b.a.l.l.s in the bushes behind Lin Xiao, but Momm did not notice.

“What? Was Rosie really taken away by a Jackalwere?” Momm asked.

“Right, I was also shocked when I saw it!” Lin Xiao became more serious, “I think that Jackalweres love human girls the most. If Rosie was brought back to the camp, with her beauty, she would definitely catch the eyes of the other Jackalweres as well, but she's human, and the body can only take so much, once she's forcibly rotated between the Jackalweres and OOXX… how would that go?”

“So, what did you plan to do?” Momm touched his head again and took two steps forward, seemingly attracted to Lin Xiao's story.

“Do you even have to ask, of course I would make a prompt decision to rescue her!” Lin Xiao uttered with incomparable sincerity.

At this time, the maid behind him spat, with deep contempt in her eyes. Who the f.u.c.k made a prompt decision to rescue her —— weren't you just hiding in the bushes to watch, who was that d.a.m.n stinky b.a.s.t.a.r.d again?

“Hey, stop messing around, can't you see he's captivated by my story…” Lin Xiao turned back and whispered to the maid, and then continued to tell his story to Momm.

Lin Xiao's story went like this —— As a third-level magician, he originally planned to be the hero that saves the heroine, but the Jackalwere was carrying Rosie on its shoulder as hostage, so he did not dare to attack with fireball!

In order to save Rosie, Lin Xiao used a whirlwind to interfere with the Jackalwere's vision. The frightened Jackalwere had to throw away the burdensome Rosie to concentrate on the battle. That way, Lin Xiao was able to go out!

However, the Jackalwere was too fast. After the whirlwind, without even waiting until Lin Xiao released a fireball. The Jackalwere had already reached him!

“That's bad, once they get up close, you can't complete the circuit formation, so you can't release magic!” Momm, who was listening to the story carefully, was getting excited!

“Yeah, I was scared s.h.i.+tless!” Lin Xiao said with lingering fear, “Fortunately, I have a companion!”

“Companion? Who, is it your maid?” Momm asked.

“Yes, it was Elena!”

“But she can't magic, how could she have helped you?” Momm skeptically looked at the beautiful maid standing behind Lin Xiao.

“Her? She lifted a big stone and threw it!” Lin Xiao used exaggerated gestures to describe the tension at the time. “Thanks to the big stone she threw, it just so happened to hit the head of the Jackalwere, and I took that opportunity to cast the fireball and defeated the Jackalwere!”

“Throwing stones? Hahaha, you really are lucky!” After listening to the story, Momm exploded into laughter.

“That's right! I really was lucky to have saved Rosie!” Lin Xiao also followed along.

“But in any case, you saved Rosie! Lin Xiao, not bad!” Momm continuously praised him.

This simple-minded, well-developed muscular man was completely deceived by Lin Xiao's wonderful story, and regarded him as a hero that saved the beautiful damsel in distress. He did not doubt the truth of the story at all.

Elena, who was standing nearby, was getting sick of listening to it.

Although the battle Lin Xiao described could not be said to be completely fabricated, but the actual situation was no where near as thrilling as he made it out to be. And of course, Elena did not throw any stones.

——Because Rosie was already petrified, Lin Xiao did not have to worry about exposing his strength. He treated the Jackalwere as a sandbag and fired away!

He used the “Chantless instant cast” technique to the extreme. It was like he was playing the piano with his hand. He was alternating between snapping his right then his left hand, ice cones, fireb.a.l.l.s, whirlwinds, one after the other. As if they were free, who cares if they hit or not, just throw them all over for now.

Anyway, Lin Xiao relied on sleeping to replenish magic power. Even if he drained his magic, he will be fine the next day after he sleeps, so he was not afraid at all.

When the poor Jackalwere finally realized that there was a magician in the forest attacking it, there were already countless fireb.a.l.l.s and ice cones closing in on it… in not even 10 seconds, the Jackalwere who was just preparing to taste a human girl, was turned into a lump of charcoal in a blink of an eye.

Similarly, the four unfortunate wolves that came from the forest were also bombarded by Lin Xiao.

If Rosie was not stricken with fear at the time, perhaps after seeing that shocking scene, she would have became scared again.