The cook left the tent a few minutes later and headed toward a round tent that was covered in furs, two guards stood in front of it.
One of the guards slapped the cook across the face when she approached the entrance, then laughed when she collapsed in a heap. She climbed to her feet a moment later and entered without further issue.
The Nether rat skirted around the back and slipped in through a loosely staked corner. The tent had a half dozen men and women inside, each of them were chained to a bunk. The cook removed her headwrap and started feeding them.
A few minutes later, Nansu and Ronnie were sitting at the conference table. They called the human alchemist because she was well versed in what humans could tolerate. She had three large bottles of clear liquid in front of her.
Nansu handed the bottles to Ronnie. "These are lethal, but a small bit will put you out of commission for a few hours."
Ronnie flashed her a grin. "Got any extra? Sounds like something I should keep in stock."
Nansu shook her head. "It's very expensive, half a bottle would be enough for a large pot of stew."
"Change of plans." Nix stood up from the seat he shared with Shae and walked toward them. "Weapons out, Ronnie you're with me."
Nix opened a breach into the tent he just left and jumped quickly through. All of Alpha team had their weapons out when Ronnie followed him a moment later.
The woman who had been feeding the prisoners seemed to freeze for a moment when a breach opened up in the middle of the tent and two strangers stepped through.
Nix held a hand up to his lips and motioned for her to enter the breach.
The dark-haired woman shook her head. "I can't without my people."
Nix pushed flames into Wrath, a moment later the white blade appeared. "I'll cut them loose."
The woman shook her head, "these chains cannot be cut through w..." She stopped speaking when Nix's blade sliced through the first set of chains like they were tissue paper.
A few quick slices and everyone was free. The prisoners were in rough shape, but with the exception of one person were all able to walk. Nix picked up the old man who couldn't get up.
Ronnie stopped the cook from entering the breach. "Going to need your clothes and that head wrap thing."
A minute later Nix exited the Breach carrying the old man, the rest of the group raised their hands up to show they weren't armed.
Semmi gripped her daggers loosely in her hand but didn't move closer. "What are Su' doing in the bandit camp?"
/Inferno: Jun Li: Tess, come to the TOC.
/Inferno: Tess: On my way.
"Su'" Jun Li studied the small group a few minutes later while Tess healed their wounds and they were given something warm to eat.
Inferno's interaction with the Su' in Oasis could only be called minimal. Although they managed to build strong relations with the Ain' and the Fir', the reclusive and nomadic tribes of the Su' didn't willingly interact with the humans from Colonial.
/Inferno: Nix: Let's stay on target, this changes nothing.
Ronnie left the tent a few minutes later and received a slap from the guard as part of her pa.s.sage. The dark beauty stayed in character and let herself fall into the side of the tent. She slowly climbed up from the ground, amid the laughter from the guards, and headed toward the prepping area.
A long table with a dozen huge stew pots filled the center section of the tent. Ronnie received a thirty-second briefing from the Su' woman they rescued so she had an idea what to expect. The cook spent the afternoon cutting up carrots and potatoes for the evening meal. She finished her duties and managed to sneak her people a few vegetables to eat.
Ronnie unstoppered all three of the bottles and poured a liberal amount of clear liquid in each pot. The food was for the elite fighters that took up residence in the center of the camp. Those bandits on the outskirts organized their own meals.
"Hey! You inside the tent! Help me with the meat packages."
The dark archer stowed the empty bottles in her inventory and walked outside. A single wagon was stacked high with several bundles of cloth-wrapped meat.
A young man in his early 20s, with long dark hair and a tanned face, jumped down from the driver's seat. He walked around the back of the wagon and picked up several bundles before handing them to Ronnie. He grabbed a few more and followed her inside the tent.
The man's hair fell in his eyes while he worked, his brown work clothes had seen better days. "The butcher took his sweet a.s.s time, now we're in trouble. Put three bundles in each pot, please."
Ronnie nodded and slyly put her dagger away before reaching for one of the kitchen knives. He didn't realize it, but his manners saved him from being the first casualty of the camp.