Philip Massinger - Part 21

Part 21

And pety b forgtten. The dkes^lst.

20. _The Great Duke of Florence_, V., 2, 3:

n the great sttes it cvers. The dkes^plasure.

21. _The Great Duke of Florence_, V., 3, 127:

qual offnders, wht we shall spak^ponts.

22. _The City Madam_, III., 3, 78:

Relgious chrity; to snd^nfidls.

23. _The Bashful Lover_, III., 3, 90:

And snsual bseness; f thy profne^hnd.

24. _The Bashful Lover_, IV., 2, 60:

Tis mpius in mn to prescrbe^lmits.

25. _The Bashful Lover_, V., 3, 179:

Theres n contnding aginst^dstin.

26. _A Very Woman_, II., 3, 42:

Not fr off dstant, appars^dm with nvy.

27. _The Unnatural Combat_, IV., 1, 35:

Yet wking, I neer chrished obscne^hpes.

28. _Believe as You List_, I., 1, 144:

And secre^gratness wth the tre reltion.

29. _Believe as You List_, I., 2, 10:

A pint of jstice, his wrds^fll in masure.

30. _Believe as You List_, II., 2, 265:

Underg the sme^pnishmnt which thers.

31. _The Guardian_, I., 1, 285:

This profne^lnguage. Pry you, b a mn.

32. _The Guardian_, I., 2, 21:

Your hnour detsts^flttery, might sy.

33. Epilogue 2:

T the still dubtful uthor, at wht^rte.

34. _The Parliament of Love_, II., 3, 26:

You nw exprss yourslf a complte^lver.

35. _The Parliament of Love_, III., 2, 149:

To hve the gratest blssing, a tre^frend.