Pet King - Chapter 1811

Chapter 1811

Chapter 1811: [Side Story] the society is dangerous



Was this question fair?

It was unfair. There was no inevitable relations.h.i.+p between morality and the law. There was also no inevitable relations.h.i.+p between cat love and patriotism. There might be people who were anti-society and anti-country, but they loved cats very much. Such people did exist.

However, if you used morality to oppress others, you could only stand on a higher moral high ground and oppress them. Otherwise, no matter what you said, you would fall into an endless cycle of if you dont do this, you dont love cats. This way, you would at least have a fair environment for a debate, and not be a shrew-like pestering.

The girl in red was unable to answer this question.

Zhang Zian turned to the girl with and said,You think its wrong to not see the cat on the spot. Those catteries that dont allow you to visit the cat can only sell the cat by mail. But if you have bought a cat from a cattery before, you will find that many air boxes sent by the cattery dont have the senders address in the column. Its not the exact address of the cattery. Do you know why?

Are you afraid that the buyer will find out that youve been tricked and come to fight with you? The boy guessed.

The other customers had similar thoughts.

Thats part of the reason. Zhang Zian nodded affirmatively.But not all customers are so uncultured that they fight at the door. Many people will choose legal means to solve it. However, you have never done business before and dont know a little common sense. If you dont know the specific house number of the seller, no matter if you call 12315, go to the Industry and Commerce Bureau, call 110, or go to court, it will not be accepted. Do you understand? To Sue in court, you need to send the subpoena to the other partys reliable communication address. The court is not obliged to help you check the other partys address. Besides, you dont even know the other partys real name. The other party has no registered store name with the industrial and commercial Bureau, no name, no address, what are you suing for?

The customers were all dumbfounded, and so were the staff. Lu Yiyun also stopped painting. For the first time, they, who were still inexperienced, felt the sinister side of society.

This was The b.l.o.o.d.y Truth that had scammed countless pet buyers online.

For expensive pets like cats and dogs, which cost tens of thousands of Yuan, was it illegal for the sellers s.h.i.+pping address to be written as the delivery address? It was not illegal, but once there was a transaction dispute, if you wanted to go to legal channels to complain about the seller, sorry, you dont know the real address of the seller. The industrial and commercial Bureau, 110, court, 12315, these legal channels would not bother you.

The only way to contact the seller was through WeChat or Weibo. If they deleted you, you would have no way to complain. If you caused trouble on Weibo, they would block you and delete your messages. There would also be a lot of internet trolls accusing you, saying that the sellers cats were good and you didnt know how to raise them. What could you do?

Just admit defeat.

This is society, and everyone has to grow up in the midst of being beaten. Someone has to pay the tuition, so why cant it be you?

If you were lucky, there was no problem with the cats purchased online, or if there was a small problem but you tolerated it, it would be fine. However, once there was a problem, the only thing you could count on was the conscience of the cattery And this was back to the moral issue at the beginning.

Even if the Pet Shop was dissed by the cattery, at least it had a physical store address and had been registered with the industrial and commercial Bureau. The owner could run away, but the temple could not. Why couldnt he gain the trust of the customers?

On the one hand, it could only be said that the quality of the Pet Shop was indeed mixed, but the quality of the cattery was also mixed. On the other hand, the brainwas.h.i.+ng of the cattery was too amazing.

House catteries originated from the United States and the West, but what do house catteries in the United States or the West look like? Zhang Zian asked.

No one could answer. Even if they had traveled abroad, they might not have specially gone to a foreign cattery.

But Zhang Zian had visited it before. He took out a photo frame, which was a photo of him, Tim Lauren, and his wife in front of the blue climax cattery, and showed it to them.

Where is the home of the Americans? Im sure youve seen it in movies and TV shows. They either rent an apartment in the city for the convenience of going to work, or theyre houses in the suburbs. They drive or take the light rail to work in the city every day.

Everyone nodded. They had no objections to this sentence. Even if they had not eaten pork, they had seen a pig walk.

No one dares to open a cattery in an apartment in the city, otherwise the neighbors will complain to the police. In the United States, house catteries are all houses in the suburbs, which is equivalent to a single villa here.

Where are the domestic catteries in our country? In ordinary residential areas, no matter if its a low-rise or high-rise house, they just rent a house and start raising cats. They dont consider the trouble that the cattery will cause to their neighbors.

Everyone hates people who raise pigeons in residential buildings because they know that raising pigeons is a nuisance to people. A large group of pigeons is very noisy, and the large amount of feces they produce will attract mosquitoes. The feather dust that the pigeons drop may cause respiratory diseases for neighbors But in terms of disturbance, opening a cattery in the residential area is no better than raising pigeons. The shedding of cats, the noise during estrus, and the mosquitoes attracted by feces will all make the neighbors suffer. Have the owners of these catteries ever thought about their neighbors?

Zhang Zian raised his hand to show his pet shop.My shop and the shop next to mine are all two-story, so there is plenty of s.p.a.ce. This Street is a Commercial Street, and there are no ordinary residents around me. When my shop was renovated, I deliberately strengthened insect prevention and ventilation, so it never disturbs people. In terms of family catteries, my shop is closer to a real family cattery, not those so-called family catteries hidden in residential areas.

Think about it, if you live next door to the cattery, every day when you open the door, cat hair and mosquitoes will come into the house, and every night you hear the cats meowing from next door, what good impression will you have of the cattery?

Of course, you cant just kill everything with one blow. Is there anyone who rents a single villa to open a family cattery? Yes, definitely! However, dont forget that the purpose of opening a cattery is not to love cats, but to make money. To make money, you have to increase the output and reduce the expenditure. Not all catteries are willing to spend this kind of money. If my parents hadnt bought this shop early, I wouldnt have been able to afford the current house price. The cost is too high.

When it came to the price of a house, everyone knew that the price of a house in the suburbs of the United States and a single villa in China could be ten times more than the price of a house in the same area.

To put it bluntly, the domestic catteries in the United States were not suitable for Chinas national conditions. Only the Chinese police were easy to talk to. If it were the American police who would pull out their guns at the slightest disagreement, as long as the neighbors called the police to disturb the residents, all the catteries in residential areas would be killed.

No wonder the cattery doesnt allow customers to visit the cats. There are so many tricks in there The boy sighed.

Zhang Zian shook his head.You think thats all? No, this is just the beginning.