Pet King - Chapter 1613 - -enraged

Chapter 1613 - -enraged

Chapter 1613: Chapter 1613-enraged

Fina, old time tea, and Vladimir were suddenly surrounded by a large group of cats. The bright cat eyes all over the mountains and fields made peoples hair stand on end. Even so, they were not afraid. No matter how many ordinary cats there were, they did not care.

Normally, the three of them would fight and leave as they pleased, but now they knew that there might be cats infected with prion, so they didnt want to have physical contact with each other unless it was absolutely necessary, so it was not easy to get out for the time being.

Are you guys trying to rebel? Fina looked at the cats and said coldly.

Although these cats didnt really listen to Finas orders, it still had its power, and their arrogance suddenly stagnated.

Get out of the way immediately, and this Queen will spare you for your insubordination! Otherwise, dont blame bengong for being impolite!

Fina hoped to get out of trouble without doing anything.

There was a commotion among the cats, but they did not make way.

Old time tea whispered from the side,Your Majesty, it seems that this is a trap. In my opinion, its better for us to wait and see for the time being. Its best to wait until Zi an and the others finish solving the matter of the law deduction and come to meet us. At that time, we can work together from the inside and the outside. We can get out of this trap.

Vladimir raised an objection.Were waiting. Theyre obviously waiting too. Were waiting for Zian. Who are they waiting for? If we continue waiting like this, we dont know who will be the first to come out.

The group of cats surrounding but not attacking was also waiting. Both sides were waiting, which was tantamount to leaving their fate in the hands of others. Vladimir didnt like this, so it was more inclined to take the initiative to attack. Otherwise, if the other side waited for the person they were waiting for first, the balance would immediately be broken.

Fina thought that what they said made sense, and it was difficult to make a decision for the time being. However, with her character, she was more inclined to Vladimirs opinion. With her ident.i.ty, how could she wait for the help of a mere mortal?

After a little thought, it decided to try to provoke the other party to show itself. Thus, it raised its voice and shouted into the darkness,Dont let this Motley crowd come out and make a fool of themselves. Since they dare to challenge this Princes authority, why are they still hiding like rats?

The group of cats were all scared by its voice and curled up.

After waiting for a while, fina didnt hear any response, so it concluded that the culprit was not at the scene, and the cat group was probably waiting for the culprit.

Fina sneered and decided to wait according to old time teas suggestion, because it had come here to find the culprit. Since it was already here, it should just let it be. If it was afraid, it should not come. If it came, it should not be afraid!

Old time tea kept its energy and responded to all changes by staying the same.

You poor cats who have been enslaved, do you want to be used as tools? Far away in the East, we are building a cat paradise. There will be no exploitation or bullying. I hope you can join our team! Vladimir seized the time and tried to shake the will of these cats.

However, its words had little effect on these cats with strange expressions.

Vladimir did not give up and continued to persuade them to surrender.

After a long night, it was not too far away from dawn.

Hehe! Hahaha!

Suddenly, a wild and arrogant laugh came from the darkness, and a shadow slowly walked out of the forest.

Fina and old time teas eyes widened, and Vladimir shut its mouth.

If Fati was present, he would definitely recognize the cat immediately.

The cat was quite old and didnt belong to any cat breed today. Even Zhang Zian couldnt cla.s.sify it. The most eye-catching thing was the bright M-shaped pattern on its forehead, which seemed to have been left by someones fingers when they were dipped in ink.

In addition, the cat seemed to be surrounded by a strange aura, which made people feel afraid for no reason.

Fina snorted coldly.Whats your name? Im not interested in nameless rats.

The cat looked at fina with a fake smile, and its eyes were as cold as a poisonous snake.You dont know me, and theres no need to know me. Youre going to die anyway, so it doesnt matter if you dont know me. But I can guess who you are. Im looking at you. Youre the messenger of Bastian, the false G.o.d, right?

No matter how good-tempered fina was, it would be furious at this time, not to mention that it had a bad temper to begin with.

What did you just say? Do you dare to say that again? Fina was so angry that its whole body was trembling slightly.

Hahaha! So what if he said it ten times? Bastian, that false G.o.d, didnt have any abilities. He was just a name, and now, two thousand years later, wasnt he still buried in the yellow sand? Oh, thats right, we were the ones who buried that false G.o.d. If we were happy, we would leave those ruined temples for people to bury. If we were not happy, we might even sweep the ruins of the temple out of the door! Oh, thats right, Ill also bury you today so you can go to the netherworld and hug your false G.o.d for warmth!

The cat shouted arrogantly, as if it was not worried about angering fina at all.


Fina gritted its teeth. It had never hated anyone or any animal so much. Its hatred for the cat even surpa.s.sed its hatred for Anthony.

Previously, it had thought that if the culprit had a good att.i.tude when confessing and was willing to repent, it could consider letting him live after punishment. But now, it had completely dispelled this idea.

You should die!

Fina started walking towards the cat, slowly but firmly.

Your Majesty, please calm down Old time tea was very worried, because the other party seemed to be deliberately provoking fina. If he just wanted to kill fina, there was no need to say such nonsense. Was there a conspiracy?

Dodge! Fina rudely pushed away old time teas paw, which was trying to stop it.

Now, no one or anything could stop Finas actions.

On the other hand, the cat seemed to be standing there without any defense. It was at ease and did not know that death was coming.

Although fina was extremely angry, her instinct as a warrior made her always vigilant. She didnt think that the other party would give up without a fight. She would definitely put up a last-ditch struggle, and maybe she was hiding some killer move.

So, fina stopped a few meters away from the cat. It changed its plan of killing it with its own hands and announced proudly,I am fina Paris XIII, The Guardian of the kingdom of eternity, the high priest of the Bubastis divine Palace. In the name of the cat G.o.d Bastian, I grant you suicide!

The cats face finally showed fear, because one of its front paws was lifted up uncontrollably, and a sharp claw was extended.

Before old time tea, Vladimir, and the other surrounding cats could react, it saw its claws stabbing towards its neck at an extremely fast speed!


A few deep gashes appeared on its neck, and fresh blood spurted out.

It stared at fina in disbelief, its throat making a gurgling sound, but it couldnt say a word, and then fell to the ground.

The surroundings suddenly became quiet.