Pet King - Chapter 1599 - friendship between host and guest

Chapter 1599 - friendship between host and guest

Chapter 1599: Chapter 1599-friends.h.i.+p between host and guest

Peter Lee couldnt figure out how the power grid was destroyed, but he didnt believe in coincidences. Zhang Zian happened to appear at the same time as the power grid was cut, and he sneaked into the office to steal the laptop. How could this be a coincidence?

The slaughterhouse was a key part of his plan. Everything else could be replaced except for this one. It would not be able to resume operations in a short time.

His personal grudge with Zhang Zian started in the tomb of the Great Pyramid of Egypt. At that time, he thought that this person seemed to be a bit interesting, so he wanted to win him over. Unfortunately, this person was stubborn, so he gave up. Later, by chance, they went to the desert to find the lost Golden Pyramid. At the last moment, he and his team were strangely obstructed. At that time, he suspected that there was something strange.

The encounter in San Francisco was probably not a coincidence.

He was very puzzled as to how Zhang Zian managed to deal with so many guards by himself. Were the Taser guns of the guards useless?

In short, there were too many mysteries surrounding Zhang Zian. He could always turn the impossible into the possible, which was something he could not tolerate.

Peter Lees eyes gradually condensed into a line, like a needle piercing into Zhang Zians image in front of him.

This time, he had to end the long-term grudges. If this continued, he would either be dragged to death or be angered to death.

He coughed and waved the guards away, indicating that he would deal with this matter immediately.

After the guard left, he placed the full gla.s.s of red wine back on the table.Everyone!

There was a difference between the host and the guest. The distinguished guests were all graceful and cultured people. When they saw the guard quietly reporting private matters to the landlord here, of course, it was not good to deliberately eavesdrop. So they chatted with each other and laughed from time to time.

As the host, Peter Lee had spoken, so the guests also put down their of red wine. Their faces became serious, and they all stared at Peter Lees face.

There were only a few guests sitting at the long banquet table covered with a white tablecloth, and the banquet hall seemed empty and quiet.

Theres a small problem down there. Peter Lees smile did not change.Someone is here to cause trouble, and those good-for-nothing guards cant handle it, so I have to excuse myself and go down to deal with it.

His tone was very relaxed, but the guests were not so easy to fool. They all noticed Peter Lees worried face after the guard reported the news and knew that things were not as simple as Peter Lee appeared to be.

Peter, I think you can tell the truth. An old man with a white beard and a long robe said calmly,although we have different ideas, we respect different creators, and we have argued many times over this, the fact that we are allies will not change. Our common goal is to beat down the stupid Americans. Your business is our business. If you need help, just ask.

The old mans English was not very fluent. He had a non-local accent, and with his dark skin, he seemed to be a foreigner. He was a low-key person and was not as eye-catching as the Falcon on his arm.

Thats right! Peter, you heard the teachers words. If you have something to say, just say it! Whos here to cause trouble? Is he the same person who destroyed the slaughterhouse?

Another middle-aged man, who was also wearing a long robe, shouted.

The middle-aged man was about 40 to 50 years old. He had a thick beard and was short and fat. He had a big belly, but his movements were agile. He was obviously an agile fat man.

The middle-aged fat man had a similar skin color to the older man, and he also spoke English with an accent. However, his temper was unusually hot. He angrily slammed his pure gold and diamond-inlaid mobile phone on the table and suddenly stood up, almost knocking over the red wine gla.s.s on the table in front of him.

The third customer didnt say anything and calmly took a sip of red wine.

Having lost most of the guards, Peter Lee was now in a dilemma. He needed the help of supernatural forces to transfer people back from other places. So, his first speech was actually to retreat in order to advance. He did not take the initiative to ask for help, but waited for them to offer to help.

Cough! Since its difficult to refuse everyones hospitality, Ill be Frank and open. Peter Lee sighed.If Im not wrong, its the person who destroyed the slaughterhouse! Im generous, but he has gone against me time and time again. If it wasnt for him, I might have been able to open Egypts coffin and take out the eye of wajet amulet.

The older man smacked the table in disdain.Whats the use of such a heresy?

The Falcon on his arm followed his movements and glared at Peter Lee.

Peter Lee smiled.Of course you dont like it, but the eye of wajite itself is priceless. Ive read a lot of ancient doc.u.ments and think this amulet may have a more important role And maybe it will be useful to others.

As he spoke, he glanced at the third customer. The latter still did not say anything, but he did not continue to taste the wine.

The elder pondered for a moment.Are you sure that the eye of wajite amulet is in the sarcophagus?

Im not confident. I even have doubts about whether Egypts mummy is in the sarcophagus, but this is the most likely place I can think of where the eye of wajite is hidden Peter Lee said without any reservation.

If that womans mummy isnt there, where else can it be? Youre thinking too much, its definitely there. The tone of the older man clearly did not agree with Peter Lees judgment and shook his head slightly.

Peter Lee didnt dwell on this issue. The process Egypt Cleopatras death was only a one-sided story from a book. Who knew if there was a man-made secondary creation in the book That was almost certain.

This was what the so-called history book authors did. They used their imagination to write secret talks or secrets that should have been extremely confidential and could not be known by a third person. Later historians, because they had no other references or other references that were even more ridiculous, could only helplessly accept it and regard it as a guide.

He sighed again.Unfortunately, there were some inexplicable changes at that time, and with that persons interference, I was forced to leave as soon as I stepped into the Golden Pyramid. I didnt even reach the Queens tomb, so I couldnt see Egypts sarcophagus with my own eyes, let alone open it to see Cleopatras true appearance. I was deeply regretful A few days ago, I sent a team to take the same route, but they didnt find the place we had arrived at. According to the report, the terrain of that large area has been completely changed, so I hope that the eye of wajite is not in the sarcophagus, so that we may have a chance to find it one day

Alright, alright! I already know that you have a deep hatred for that person, and he has made you suffer multiple times. Well help you get rid of him, once and for all. Its just another floating corpse in the Bay! The fat middle-aged man laughed wildly.