Permanent Martial Arts - Chapter 1972: Severing the Present!

Chapter 1972: Severing the Present!

Chapter 1972: Severing the Present!

Translator: Atlas Studios Editor: Atlas Studios

Lin Feng had once thought that after severing the future, severing the present, and even severing the past and transcending s.p.a.cetime would be natural, and would not be too difficult.

However, he now knew that severing the future was really just the beginning.

In reality, if one wanted to transcend s.p.a.cetime, both the beginning and the outcome were very important. In particular, the past s.p.a.cetime possessed powerful s.p.a.cetime inertia. No matter how much had changed before, once one entered the past s.p.a.cetime, everything would return to square one.

There was only one past. The past was eternal and unchanging. This was the essence of s.p.a.cetime! ???????????.???

There were so many s.p.a.cetime cultivators who had severed the future and the present. All of them entered the past s.p.a.cetime, only to fail in the end.

Lin Feng was not that confident. He did not think that he was anything special.

After pondering for a long time, Lin Feng raised his head and said in a low voice, No matter how difficult it is to sever the past, being able to sever the future is already a good start. I think no one would refuse the opportunity to transcend, even if there is only a theoretical opportunity left. Tell me, how can I sever the present?

Lin Fengs eyes flickered with determination.

No matter how powerful the past s.p.a.cetime was, Lin Feng would not back down. Moreover, he no longer had anything to worry about now. His only goal was to transcend!

He would become truly free and unfettered.

This was the true meaning of cultivation!

A smile appeared on the white-haired old mans lips. He nodded and said, Thats right, this is what a cultivator should be like! Severing the present is actually very simple, especially since you have already severed the future. It is reflected in s.p.a.cetime at all times. For example, the current you is actually in the present s.p.a.cetime. Do you still not know how to sever it?

The white-haired old mans words were like a ring of clarity, jolting Lin Feng awake.

Thats right. The future was unpredictable, and the past was eternal. These all needed to be explored by oneself. It was very difficult to enter the future or the past. Hence, it was relatively difficult to sever the future or the past.

However, the present was different.

The present s.p.a.cetime was practically the only thing that was tangible to cultivators. As long as every cultivator was not in the past or the future, they would be in the present s.p.a.cetime at all times.

Since he could sever the future s.p.a.cetime, was it difficult to sever the present s.p.a.cetime?

I understand. Thank you!

Lin Feng nodded at the white-haired old man to express his grat.i.tude. Even though Lin Feng might still have realized it even without the white-haired old man, it would not be so fast in the end.

As for severing the past?

The white-haired old man did not have the ability to give pointers, and in reality, even the current Lin Feng was able to enter the past.

However, Lin Feng knew very well that he had to sever the present s.p.a.cetime first and be fully prepared.

Lin Feng bade farewell to the white-haired old man and left.

He was slowly adjusting his state. Or rather, he was constantly sensing the present s.p.a.cetime that filled his surroundings at every moment.

The present s.p.a.cetime was also s.p.a.cetime power.

In other words, as long as Lin Feng sensed the s.p.a.cetime rules, they would represent the current s.p.a.cetime.

Severing the present s.p.a.cetime was actually about severing the connection between self and the present s.p.a.cetime. Back when Lin Feng severed the future s.p.a.cetime, it was the same principle. He just needed to sever his connection to the future s.p.a.cetime.

Since Lin Feng could already sense the present s.p.a.cetime rules very clearly, was it still difficult to sever the present s.p.a.cetime?

Of course the answer was no!


Lin Feng was almost done preparing. He growled. Immediately, the s.p.a.cetime power in his entire body mobilized and intertwined with the present s.p.a.cetime rules.

Were Lin Fengs traces in the present at every moment?

This was the only proof of Lin Fengs existence. Otherwise, how could Lin Fengs existence be proven?

Every living being existed in the present. They could only be manifested in the present.

Proof of existence seemed to be everywhere.

But now, with Lin Fengs full-power slash, it was as if all the aura on Lin Fengs body had disappeared. Even the power of s.p.a.cetime had disappeared.

Even if there was s.p.a.cetime power, it was the power of s.p.a.cetime in Lin Fengs internal medium chiliocosm. It was no longer related to the s.p.a.cetime rules in the outside world.

The external s.p.a.cetime could no longer sense Lin Fengs existence.

Or rather, Lin Feng no longer existed with this s.p.a.cetime, this timeline, or the present.

The present is severed just like that? What a miraculous feeling

Lin Fengs current feeling was indeed very miraculous.

In his eyes, all the s.p.a.cetime rules in the present s.p.a.cetime were like densely packed threads, forming a huge net. The cultivators or other lifeforms that had not severed the present were all firmly trapped by this huge net.

Moreover, every change in this net could extrapolate to form countless changes in the future s.p.a.cetime.

He had severed the future and the present in succession. Of the three steps required for Lin Feng to transcend s.p.a.cetime, only the last step was left.

Having severed the future and the present, Lin Feng finally seemed to understand the connection between the present and the future. The essence of the entire world was vividly displayed before Lin Feng.

The present was closely related to the future.

The huge net of s.p.a.cetime was also interconnected. The true reason there were countless possibilities in the future was that every action and change in the present could cause countless changes in the future.

While everyone in the present might be connected by countless threads to the future, in contrast, there was only one thread connecting to the past. No matter who it was, they were only connected by a single thread.

Lin Feng even saw the white-haired old man. He was also connected by a single thread.

In the past, Lin Feng did not know the realm of the white-haired old man. Even if Lin Feng severed the future, he did not know the realm of the white-haired old man.

But now, Lin Feng vaguely understood.

The white-haired old man had actually severed the future and the present. However, he had not entered the past s.p.a.cetime. Perhaps he had already stepped into it and sunk into oblivion, but Dawn had rescued him.

The only one who could save someone who had sunk into oblivion in the past was Dawn!

Dawn had already transcended the past, present, and future. In other words, Dawn had long transcended and obtained true freedom. Whether it was the past or the future s.p.a.cetime, there was no difference to Dawn.

Hence, Dawn could retrieve the white-haired old man and stop him from sinking into oblivion in the past. This was also the real reason why the white-haired old man had such a deep understanding of the past.

This was because the white-haired old man had once sunk into oblivion in the past himself!

However, while the white-haired old man was very lucky to have Dawn, who could help him to wake up, the other s.p.a.ce-time cultivators were not so lucky. Once they sank into oblivion in the past s.p.a.cetime, they would sink forever and never wake up again.