Perils in the Transvaal and Zululand - Part 11

Part 11

"That was in King Chaka's time, wasn't it, father?" asked Walter Baylen.

"No, Walter. It was Chaka who granted the land, or rather, leave to settle on the land, to Lieutenant Farewell. But he had been dead a year or two, and his brother Dingaan was king when we arrived there."

"I have heard a good deal about Chaka," observed Margetts, "and I should like to hear more. I suppose you know all about him, Mr Baylen?"

"More than I can tell you to-night, sir," answered the farmer with a smile. "You shall hear all about it another time if you like it. But it's getting late. We must go to sleep now, as we shall be stirring early to-morrow."

At daybreak the journey was resumed. The ground was still soft from the heavy rain in some places, but a few hours' hot sun dried it. The air was fresh and balmy. It was with a sense of exhilaration that George and Redgy mounted their horses, and scented the fresh morning air.

Nothing could be more delicious than their journey in the early hours of the day. Aromatic shrubs, graceful sugar bushes, delicate heaths, wild-flowers of every imaginable colour, such as in England would be accounted the rare beauties of the conservatory, grew in profusion on either side of the track they followed. The air was rich with a thousand fragrant scents. In the middle distance, Kaffir hovels or white-gabled farmhouses occasionally presented themselves, each surrounded by orange or palm groves; and the white-peaked mountains, set in their frame of the richest blue, formed a perfect background to the lovely picture.

Notwithstanding the heat, several casualties occurred, in consequence of the recent rains. Sometimes they descended into dongas, where the sun's rays had not penetrated, and there the wheels would sink several inches into the ground, and it needed all the strength of the party to extricate them. Levers had to be applied on both sides, and the unlucky oxen were lashed with rhinoceros whips, until they presented a pitiable spectacle. On one occasion, as they were pa.s.sing along a gully between two steep rocky banks, they came upon another ox-waggon journeying in the opposite direction. There was not room to pa.s.s by two or three feet. At first it seemed as if there was no mode of overcoming the difficulty, except by taking one waggon to pieces. But at this juncture they were met by a man, who came up riding a stout Cape horse, and who seemed to be well known to the farmer and his sons.

"Ah, Hardy," exclaimed Baylen, "you have come just in time to help us!

We've neglected to keep a bright look-out, and have got into this mess."

The newcomer dismounted, and, joining the rest of the party, made a careful examination of the banks on both sides of the pathway.

Presently Hardy's voice was heard.

"Here you are!" he cried. "Here, Baylen, Matamo, here's a soft place in the bank which we can dig out, and it will be deep enough to hold the waggon. Bring the picks and spades here."

All the party, more than a dozen in number, went to work with a will, and presently a hollow place of three or four feet deep was dug out, into which Baylen's waggon was drawn, just sufficient room being obtained in this manner to allow the other waggon to go by. This _contretemps_ caused a delay of several hours, and instead of outspanning on the bank of the Mooi river, as they had intended, they were obliged to stop some miles short of it.

It was not a bad place, though, for a halt. The oxen were outspanned, and turned out to graze on the veldt, care being taken to prevent their straying. The fires were lighted and supper for nine got ready, Hardy having agreed to join the party.

As they sat down, George took a good view of the newcomer. He was a strong, weather-beaten fellow, not much short of fifty, but still in the full vigour of life, with a face expressing sense and resolution. He had a good deal of the soldier in his appearance and demeanour; and George learned from Ernest Baylen that he had served in India, and under Lord Napier and Sir Garnet Wolseley. He had settled in South Africa as a land-surveyor and architect, though he combined some farming with it.

He was a friend and frequent visitor of the Baylens, who were evidently pleased at his arrival. As soon as the supper was finished, and the pipes lighted, Margetts asked the farmer to give him the promised account of King Chaka.

"I want to learn all I can about him," he said; "I have heard some strange stories of him."

"I don't know what the stories may have been, Mr Margetts," rejoined Baylen, "but certainly enough might be told about him to startle any one. He was the first person who brought the Zulus into notice. I don't know whose son he was, or who was king before him; n.o.body does seem to know. But it was about the year 1820 that he first began to attract attention. The Zulus had been an insignificant tribe before that. But soon after the beginning of his reign, he set about forming a large army, which he developed and disciplined in a manner that had been quite unknown to African chiefs before his time. There is a strange story as to what put this fancy into his head. If I don't mistake, Hardy, it was you who told it to me."

"Very likely," said Hardy. "I know what I heard from some French soldiers in India. They had been in Africa, and had known Chaka."

"What was it, Mr Hardy, if I might ask?" inquired Margetts.

"Why, these men told me they had been the servants of some French officers, who, after the close of Napoleon's wars, travelled in South Africa, and became King Chaka's guests. Chaka was fond of inquiring about what had happened in Europe. One of the officers told him a good deal about the Emperor Napoleon--his splendid army, the vast number of men he had collected under his standard, the perfect discipline to which he had reduced them, and their unbounded devotion to his service. By their help, Napoleon had conquered nation after nation, until nearly the whole of Europe had been subjected by him. 'That was something like a king,' Chaka had remarked, and from that day he began forming his famous army."

"Well, I can believe that," observed Baylen, "because his action corresponded very accurately to it. He got together a force of nearly a hundred thousand men, of whom fifteen thousand were always at his immediate command. He subjected his soldiers to severe and continual discipline. He built large barracks, in which they lived quite by themselves, not being allowed to marry until they were elderly men. The least hesitation in obeying his orders was instantly punished by the most cruel of all deaths, impalement. With this army he attacked and conquered his neighbours in all directions, until he became an object of universal terror."

"A black Napoleon, in fact," returned Redgy,--"what he wanted to be."

"He was curiously like him," remarked Baylen, "allowing for the differences of race. I have heard that Napoleon never spared any soldier who showed want of courage in carrying out an order. That was Chaka's policy certainly, though he pursued it after a somewhat different fashion. After one of his campaigns, he would a.s.semble his soldiers, and cause every regiment to pa.s.s before him. As it halted in front of his seat, he would call out, 'Bring out the cowards,' and any man who had not been as forward as the others was straightway dragged out and killed. The shrub, under which he usually sat in this manner to review his soldiers, was known as the 'coward's bush.'"

"Didn't he overrun Natal, father?" asked Wilhelm Baylen.

"Yes, and made it a desert for the time. Before his invasion it was densely populated, and in a most thriving condition. But the carnage caused by his troops was so great, that the population was reduced, I believe, to a few hundreds. That was one reason, probably, why he was willing for the English to settle there."

"But he was dead before you arrived in Natal, wasn't he?" asked Ernest.

"Yes. I told you he had been dead some years, and his brother Dingaan was on the throne. Dingaan, who was quite as b.l.o.o.d.y, and even more treacherous than Chaka, caused him to be while he was sitting in his kraal, and then was made king in his place. But Dingaan was not his brother's equal in ability or force of character, and he lost a great deal of the power which Chaka had acquired."

"Did you ever come into contact with him, sir?" asked Wilhelm.

"He never sent his soldiers to attack us, but he was continually threatening us with his displeasure, and making demands, which we were obliged to comply with as well as we could. A Zulu Impi would have been no joke to encounter. We must have all fled for our lives, and our houses would have been burnt and our cattle driven off at the least."

"How long did he reign?" asked Redgy.

"About twelve years. In the year 1836 the discontent of the Boers at Cape Town grew so great, that they too moved off to Natal--some five or six thousand of them. That, of course, made a great difference to our position. We could only have mustered a few hundreds to oppose Dingaan, if we had gone to war with him. But now it would be a few thousands."

"And men who knew how to fight the Zulus, too," remarked Walter.

"Yes. Dingaan found that out in 1837, when a war broke out between him and the Boers. Then the Zulus suffered for the first time a disastrous defeat. They rushed upon the Boers with their a.s.segays, but the moment they came within range they were shot down like a flight of birds. They hardly got within hurling distance, and the stout leathern doublets of the Dutch repelled such a.s.segays as did reach them. Not a single man, I believe, was so much as wounded. But it was an unfortunate victory in some ways. It caused Dingaan, instead of using force, to resort to treachery--treachery which was very nearly being the death of me, though in the end things turned out well."

"Ah, now you are going to tell us the story of how you first got acquainted with mother," said Wilhelm, laughing.

"Well, I daresay it will interest Mr Rivers to hear it," said Baylen.

"But, to be sure, it is a shocking history. It happened forty years ago, or one couldn't speak so coolly of it.

"I daresay, Mr Rivers, you have heard of Peter Retieff--any way you have, Hardy--the man, I mean, who founded Maritzburg. I knew him well.

He was a brave, honest, kindly man--kindly even to the natives, which is not a common feature in a Dutchman's character. There was a treaty with Dingaan which obliged us to send back to him all the natives, who had fled into Natal from his tyranny. There were great numbers that did this; and all who were so returned were instantly put to death with most barbarous cruelty. Peter Retieff would not consent to carry this out, and paid a visit to Dingaan, to try to get him to cede Natal to the Dutch as an independent kingdom. He knew the danger of such an attempt; but he was a brave man, and trusted to the justice of his cause. He invited several of his neighbours to take part in his mission. Among others, my father and myself agreed to go. I was a lad between seventeen and eighteen at the time.

"We were received with unexpected civility, and my father and myself lodged at the house of Emilius Scheren, a Dutch missionary, whom Dingaan allowed to live at his kraal, but over whom he kept a very jealous watch--regarding him half as a spy on his actions, and half as a hostage for the good behaviour of his countrymen. He was a widower with one little girl, about twelve years old, named Wilhelmine. Mr Scheren told me some terrible stories of Dingaan's cruelty and rapacity. He had himself, he said, long been anxious to escape from the country. But he was most closely watched, and were he to attempt flight, would most certainly be caught and put to death. He would not mind it so much if it were not for his motherless little girl."

"'No one would hurt her surely,' my father said.

"'Dingaan would hurt any one,' Mr Scheren answered. But he was more afraid of his kindness than his cruelty. He feared that Wilhelmine's beauty had attracted Dingaan's notice, and before long he would insist on having her for one of his wives.

"'Why, she cannot be thirteen years old,' my father observed.

"'No, she is little more than twelve. But they marry young in this country, and in another year or so she will be thought old enough.'

"We comforted Mr Scheren as well as we could, promising him Dutch protection, if Retieff succeeded in his design. The next day we had our interview with Dingaan. He was extremely friendly, and complained of nothing but the theft of his cattle. 'If these were restored,' he said, 'he would be willing to leave the Dutch settlers in possession of Natal, provided they did not interfere with him. But if they stole his cattle, and would not restore them, it was impossible for him to regard them as friends.'

"This sounded reasonable enough, and good Peter Retieff was quite taken in by it. He agreed to recover the cattle, and we all went off with him, nearly two hundred in number, and soon succeeded in tracing the oxen, and obliging those who had stolen them to give them up. We returned in a kind of triumphal procession, driving the cattle before us. We were received with the greatest friendliness; all Retieff's demands were conceded, and we were invited to a royal feast, to be given on the following day to the king's Dutch allies."

"I think I have heard what was the issue of that feast," remarked George. "But I had thought that all who attended it."--He paused.

"That all had been murdered, I suppose," supplemented Baylen. "You heard right: all who attended that horrible feast _were_ murdered. But I and my father did not go. We were just setting out when Mr Scheren stopped us. He told us that throughout he had suspected treachery was intended. But half an hour ago one of his converts had warned him that all the white men would be shot or stabbed. He had returned in all haste; but it was too late to warn Retieff and his friends, who were already in the royal kraal. All he could do was to save us. To convince us of the truth of his story, he pointed out to us a large force of armed Zulus, creeping stealthily up and surrounding the kraal.

There was nothing to be done but to escape. We went into his stable,-- where most fortunately we had kept our horses, instead of the place provided by the king for Retieff's train,--saddling and mounting with all possible expedition. We rode off without a moment's pause, but had not cleared the village, when we heard yells and screams which made our blood run cold."

"None of Retieff's party escaped, did they?" asked Hardy.

"Not one, unless you count my father and myself, and we had the narrowest of narrow escapes. We were seen by an Induna, who was late in attending the feast, and he instantly told Dingaan. He at once sent half a dozen of his fleetest men after us. They were on foot, and our horses, though c.u.mbered with two riders, at first left them a long way behind. But the Zulus are wonderfully swift of foot, and their powers of endurance are still more surprising. When we reached the Tugela, they were not a hundred yards behind us. The river was not high, but it was with the greatest difficulty that our jaded horses could cross it.

The Zulus came up before we had reached the bank, and hurled their weapons at us. One of the a.s.segays struck Mr Scheren, who was sitting behind my father, and he fell dead into the river. Another grazed my horse's flank, while a third stuck in the saddle, nailing Wilhelmine's gown to it. Fortunately for us, Dingaan's order forbade any Zulu to pa.s.s into Natal, for we could have gone no farther, and could have offered no effectual resistance."


"What is to be our next halting-place?" asked George of Ernest Baylen, as they rode out in the rear of the party on the following morning, having waited behind to see that none of the articles removed from the waggons on the previous day had been forgotten. "We have a long day's journey before us, I expect."