People Found Out About The Base I Built On the Moon - Chapter 620: AFK Mode (3)

Chapter 620: AFK Mode (3)

Chapter 620: AFK Mode (3)

Translator: Dragon Boat Translation | Editor: Dragon Boat Translation

Its nothing

Hao Yu Wei wiped her tears and smiled. Im just too happy. I thought you


Pan Yi Ting finally understood and feel a little annoyed. Weve been outside for

too long. Weve forgotten about you

She was doing her investigation about Zhao Yus ability. She just wanted to see through his abilities, more than ten hours had pa.s.sed without her realizing it. Its okay, its okay. Its good that youre back, its good that youre back!

Hao Yu Wei quickly hugged Pan Yi Ting.

Compared to Ji Wu Shuang and Zhao Yu, she was obviously closer to Pan Yi


Yang Hui Yan came up and said, You guys go in quickly. Ill inform the other

three sisters. They must be worried sick too

With that, she turned around and walked into the camp.

These words seemed to be for the sake of the other three, but in fact, it highlighted that the two of them were worried about them, and the other three were here as well.

It also emphasized that Yang Hui Yan, like Hao Yu Wei, cared about the three of them.

After all, she wasnt as good at acting as Hao Yu Wei, who could cry whenever she wanted. This was the only way.

The group returned to the camp.

After a short walk, Yang Hui Yan ran down with the other three girls.

Were upstairs preparing dinner for you

Ive booked a room for you

The three women also realized that they had left at the wrong time, but they saved them in time.

Unfortunately, Ji Wu Shuang did not appreciate it. She appeared emotionless

and inquire Take me to my room. Im going to wash up and rest.

One of them volunteered to lead the way.

Ji Wu Shuang turned her head and glanced at Zhao Yu. However, due to the large number of people, she did not say anything about staying with him.

Zhao Yu rubbed his nose and pretended not to see it.

However, lets take a shower first

Okay, Brother Yu. This way, Ill bring you there Another woman came forward to fawn over him.

Pan Yi Ting, on the other hand, had been dragged somewhere else by Hao Yuwei.

Zhao Yu followed a woman to the fourth floor. Under Ji Wu Shuangs warning gaze, he entered a room.

just as the woman was about to follow him in, Zhao Yu stopped her. Theres no need for an introduction. I know how to use it

Then, he closed the door.

Seeing this, Ji Wu Shuang walked into her room with a smile on her face.

After was.h.i.+ng up, Zhao Yu left the room and returned to the first floor. He went straight to the martial arts practice room.

Unexpectedly, he saw Hao Yu Wei was standing at the side of the corridor where the martial arts practice room was.

From this angle, she seemed to have dressed up carefully, wearing a jade hairpin with her long hair cascading down to her waist, resembling a figure from an ancient painting, exuding a hint of ethereal charm.

Especially with her delicate facial features, it highlighted a sense of n.o.bility that made people unable to help but being attracted to her.

Zhao Yu twitched his nose and caught a faint fragrance, refres.h.i.+ng his senses.

He casually asked, What are you doing here?!

Hao Yu Wei smiled softly and replied, I heard you were coming to the martial arts room after showering, so I brought you some zero coins

As she spoke, she took out a sachet from her waist and handed it to Zhao Yu. Zhao Yus gaze had already swept over it countless times, and wonder if he should accepted it or not as there were only a dozen or so zero coins in the sachet

Perhaps the intention was not about the coins after all!

As he lifted his head to say something, he saw Hao Yu Wei lower her head, her cheeks slightly flushed, and she whispered, If theres nothing else, Ill leave With that, she pa.s.sed by Zhao Yu with a fragrant breeze.

It seemed that her visit this time was indeed just to deliver some zero coins.

As Hao Yu Weis figure recede into the distance of the corridor, Zhao Yu rubbed his chin, lost in thought.

It wasnt until the figure disappeared at the end of the corridor that he withdrew his gaze, shook his head to focus and stepped into the martial arts hall.

The price of the martial arts room was twice that of the martial arts hall, but the advantage was its privacy. Once inside, the door could only be opened from the inside, and outsiders couldnt barge in.

Unlike the martial arts hall, there were no restrictions on entry and exit, and anyone could come and go.

Although he was nominally in charge of the camp, Zhao Yu was still uneasy.

He would rather spend a few more zero coins to study and practice martial arts in this martial arts room instead of martial arts hall.

On the other side of the corridor, where Zhao Yu couldnt see, Hao Yu Weis lips curved slightly upwards and was happy about their first encounter.

She was very sure that her charm was enough to attract any man.

From Zhao Yus reaction, she could also tell that he was indeed attracted by her beauty.

Although she had some affection for Zhao Yu, she could still control herself rationally.

But after communicating with Pan Yi Ting and learning about Zhao Yus unique ability to evade powerful monsters in the wilderness and lead the hunting team to prey on low level ones.

A hint of desire arose in Hao Yu Weis heart.

Compared to Pan Yi Tings promise which might not be fulfilled anytime soon, Zhao Yus current demonstrated abilities were enough to safely promote anyone.

Rather than relying on the friends.h.i.+p of Pan Yi Ting and Ji Wu Shuang to indirectly seek Zhao Yus help.

It would be better for her to take action herself.

She didnt aim to become Zhao Yus main woman, after all, Ji Wu Shuang still loomed large.

What she sought was just to become Zhao Yus lover, to receive a share of his love, enough to elevate her to the first-tier high level and thus survive.

As for Li Tian Ba, she believed that with Pan Yi Ting covering for her, Zhao Yu should not reveal their relations.h.i.+p.

Of course, these were all things for the future. At present, the most important thing was to win Zhao Yu over..