Peerless Martial God - Chapter 2292-2297

Chapter 2292-2297

Chapter 2156: Golden Mountain

People jumped onto the martial arts stage one after another. They made a big circle just like the senior official asked them.

"In a short while, I'll oppress everyone. If you fall off the stage because of the pressure, you can leave the Ye Clan. Of course, you can also stay here and watch if you wish. You're welcome here, as before," said the senior official of the Ye Clan solemnly. Then, he stepped forwards and a terrifying pressure came down on the martial arts stage.

He skipped to the center of the martial arts stage, the air began to rumble, lights dashed to the skies and surrounded everybody. Everybody sensed the overwhelming pressure. That kind of pressure contained a special kind of strength, as it kept attacking their minds!

That special strength seemed to operate according to rules, as each wave of strength was more powerful than the previous one. Very quickly, many people had cold sweats, their hearts accelerated. It was getting more and more difficult to resist…

Lin Feng stood there and looked calm and composed. His physical strength was too incredible; he could naturally sense the oppressive energies, but they didn't affect him at all.

But not everybody was like Lin Feng. Lin Feng had been cleansed by DevMara Kalpa strength a few times, he was extremely strong for an emperor. These days, only emperors at the very, very top of the Huang Qi layer could compete with him!

The senior official of the Ye Clan took another step. Terrifying oppressive energies kept shaking the contestants. Someone was hurled off the martial arts stage. He pulled a long face, his silhouette flickered and he was gone. He was the first one to be eliminated, he felt too ashamed to stay and watch.

With such pressure, I won't be able to resist much longer…, thought many people panting hard. In their respective hometowns, they were considered extremely strong, people called them geniuses and respected them. But here, they had the feeling they were merely ordinary.

They realized that the world was too big, there were too many geniuses!

The pressure grew more and more intense. More and more people fell to it. Each time a new wave of oppressive energy came down, their heartbeats accelerated. Indeed, selecting people this way was quick and efficient!

After a short time, less than a hundred people were left. However, the strong cultivator didn't stop!

Even though Prince Wu Qing and Jiu Ling Huang weren't taking the exam, they were also on the martial arts stage. They also sensed the pressure, but they stood there calmly, as if the strength couldn't affect them.

The pressure grew more and more weighty. The senior official stepped forward once again. The air quaked, and lights flashed

This time, he put his foot down three times. Many people groaned with pain or coughed up blood. Some people were forced off from the battle stage. It didn't stop, more waves of energies pulsed out. After the ninth wave, many people were hurled back. They looked at the battle stage and noticed only around fifty people were left.

Some people left the Ye Clan, some others continued watching. They looked desperate and disappointed. They hadn't even pa.s.sed the Ye Clan's exam! It was a sad moment for them. Many people had traveled across the world to come here, but in the end, they wouldn't be able to partic.i.p.ate in the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds.

The senior official of the Ye Clan glanced at those left and smiled calmly. Only around fifty people remained. They were all extremely strong. It was going to be much easier for him.

"If you manage to force someone off the battle stage, then you'll be selected and those who are forced off will be eliminated. Prince Wu Qing and Jiu Ling Huang, don't partic.i.p.ate," said the senior official of the Ye Clan with a smile.

The fighter's eyes glittered as they glanced around unhappily. They could force anyone off the battle stage to be selected? Of course, if a person had the chance not to be targeted at all and ended up in the remaining thirty cultivators, they'd pa.s.s too. It all depended on people's choices!

If they had the initiative, they'd be able to choose their target. It depended on luck, how could they know who was strong or weak?

It wasn't really fair, but the senior official of the Ye Clan didn't care. Among the thirty people who were going to be selected, maybe five would be selected to partic.i.p.ate in the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. Therefore, if five such people were there on the stage, they wouldn't be eliminated.

Finally, someone moved, he had blood at the corner of his mouth. He moved in an eyeblink, a sharp golden spear appearing, s.p.a.ce was bending around it. It was Dao power! In the twinkling of an eye, the atmosphere seemed to freeze. The face of the person who was targeted turned deathly pale. He couldn't dodge. He had to counterattack with even more strength to stay on the stage. Otherwise, he'd be forced off it and eliminated!

Many people moved towards the center of the stage when they saw that, they couldn't afford to give an enemy a chance. His attack was powerful; if they stayed near the edge, it could reach them! If they fell off accidentally, they'd be eliminated too!

Lin Feng didn't move, confident of himself. However, someone looked at him, and that person charged him as an oppressive strength surrounded him. The attacker's eyes were pitch-black, before fading to emptiness. He was trying to hypnotize Lin Feng! He was extremely strong and had a powerful vision technique.

However, that person saw that Lin Feng was totally calm and collected, just before cursing strength emerged from Lin Feng's eyes. Wisdom King dharmalaksana strength appeared and blinded the attacker. He was being cursed!

"p.i.s.s off!" shouted someone explosively. He groaned in pain.

When he came back to his senses, he moved back. He had to move back without having reached his goal. Lin Feng still stood there on the edge of the battle stage, looking confident.

A terrifying Qi emerged behind him; he wasn't attacking Lin Feng anymore, so someone else attacked him! He turned around and saw a terrifying fist coming in, containing immense b.e.s.t.i.a.l strength. It crashed onto his chest and a hole appeared. He was smashed off the battle stage.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" he shouted explosively.

However, the other one looked at him coolly and said, "Since you attacked other people, you should have been ready to be attacked by other people," before heading towards someone else.

People kept shouting unceasingly on the martial arts stage. "It's enough. You have exactly thirty people left." said the senior official of the Ye Clan smiling.

Everybody stopped. They weren't enemies. They just wanted to partic.i.p.ate in the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. Since the first round was over, they could stop.

The first round was really easy indeed. They didn't need much time, those qualified to go to the four influential groups had been selected already. Those who had been eliminated would have stood no chance at the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds anyway…

"Congratulations to those who succeeded. We collaborate with Golden Mountain, so in three days, early in the morning, we'll gather there. Some cultivators from the Ye Clan will take you to Golden Mountain. Get ready to compete for the next round, which will determine whether you can partic.i.p.ate in the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds or not," said the senior official of the Ye Clan with a broad smile.

People nodded. Some people looked excited, some others looked indifferent, as if nothing had happened. Their goal wasn't to be selected for the next round, but to be selected for the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds!

Many people sighed at the foot of the martial arts stage, thinking, I failed in the first round. There's another round in the four influential groups, and then there will be the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. What kind of people will end up at the top of the rankings of the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds?

Thinking about that made them sigh. No wonder some people said that the top hundred cultivators of the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds were powerful and influential throughout the whole Continent of the Nine Clouds.

The crowd gradually dispersed. Lin Feng also left calmly. During these few days, many of the groups of G.o.dly Clouds City organized exams. Afterwards, they'd head to the four influential groups. It meant that the date of the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds was approaching quickly!

Lin Feng followed some people slowly and gazed into the distance. He saw a golden empty s.p.a.ce castle in the distance, reaching up to the clouds. It looked unique.

"That's Golden Mountain!" said someone. The air began to whistle above them. Some people were moving quickly towards Golden Mountain in the distance. Even though those people were far from Lin Feng and the others, they could sense the Qi of the people in the distance. Before entering Golden Mountain, some people glanced at one another, they might become enemies inside…

Chapter 2157: Time

Golden Mountain was the strongest weapon manufacturing clan, unmatched in G.o.dly Clouds City. Their disciples were all powerful weapon makers. They first had to understand deployment spells and then they had to study weapon manufacturing techniques. Such people couldn't be weak!

In the continent, people who were alchemists, weapon makers, and so on had to be extremely strong. In order to become powerful weapon makers or alchemists, they first had to improve their own strength, which was not easy. Therefore, really powerful weapon makers and alchemists were usually quite old. Even if they were really talented, at the same cultivation level as other people, they were usually a bit older because it took time to improve their weapon and pellet manufacturing skills.

When people saw Golden Mountain, they had the impression it had been created like an imposing and magnificent weapon. It looked extraordinary. There were many dazzling and golden buildings floating in the air there. While watching those buildings, they could almost hear the narrations about Golden Mountain's splendid and glorious past in their heads.

"That's where emperors will gather!" said the strong cultivator of the Ye Clan, pointing at a place in the distance. There was a floating stage there, with many people aboard already. Lin Feng and the others arrived and slowly descended from the sky. They looked at the other deployment palaces, as Qi was still emerging from there.

G.o.dly Clouds City is in the central part of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. Golden Mountain's halls are made on the same basis as indestructible weapons. Such buildings are terrifying, thought Lin Feng. That was the secret of Golden Mountain. Lin Feng had been to the DevMara Thunder Clan, and seen that they also had secrets. They had a DevMara Kalpa fortress floating in the air, it looked dignified and majestic, vast and boundless. However, Golden Mountain's buildings looked even more spectacular than the DevMara Thunder Clan's ones.

"Holy Cultivation Tower, Demon Sect, Ghosts and Spirits Temple, what do those places look like?" wondered Lin Feng. The Eastern Town of G.o.dly Clouds City was extremely vast. The four influential groups had different positions there. Without incredible achievements, it wasn't easy to go to the four influential groups.

Lin Feng looked at the other deployment palaces, feeling that time was being modified around them. There were a dozen palaces, three hundred people each, which meant that more than three thousand people had been eliminated. Those three thousand people were extremely strong, or the Ancient Holy Clans wouldn't have accepted them in the first place.

Sharp whistling sounds came from the distance. The crowd turned around and saw gigantic discs moving towards them. There were strong cultivators on the golden discs, and it felt like they were able to travel across time and s.p.a.ce. Very quickly, they gathered together and their discs turned into one gigantic golden disc. Some strong cultivators were aboard it, the crowd could see them clearly.

"What a terrifying speed. That disc is a very powerful Great Imperial Weapon!" someone whispered.

The gigantic disc then divided into several parts again and turned into a spiral flight of stairs. The few people walked forwards and looked at the crowd. The leader of the group was a middle-aged man wearing a golden robe, looking clean and n.o.ble. He looked at the leader of the deployment palaces and nodded, "Thank you for your hard work, everybody."

"It is my duty," said the cultivators, one after another, bowing respectfully.

The middle-aged man looked at the crowd of fighters and smiled. "Everybody, you're here in Golden Mountain, which means that you have the potential to be selected for the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. The Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds will start in three months from today. In two months, my group, Golden Mountain, will start the selection process. The most outstanding cultivators will be selected. During these two months, apart from forbidden areas, you can go anywhere. If you need help, just ask."

He waved, golden robes appeared in the air and he said, "Those are the golden robes we have prepared for everybody. For your safety, please wear them. If you wear them, it means you are temporary members of Golden Mountain and you will partic.i.p.ate in the selection process. n.o.body will dare attack you. If we have announcements to make, we'll also be able to contact you."

Everybody put on the robes. They could already see that these robes weren't ordinary. Even though they weren't useful to them, at least people outside would recognize them as people from Golden Mountain and wouldn't dare attack them. Pale lights undulated on them; as the man had said, the robes contained receptors which allowed the wearers to receive messages from Golden Mountain.

"Of course, if you use that social status to kill people recklessly and insolently, we won't protect you," said the middle-aged man, suddenly sounding cold. It meant that some people had probably used those robes to steal treasures or kill people, so he was warning them. Golden Mountain protected the people because they were maybe going to be selected for the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds, not so they could kill people recklessly in G.o.dly Clouds City.

"We understand," said everybody, but they also understood that as long as they didn't act too recklessly, people in G.o.dly Clouds City wouldn't dare attack them!

"Alright, today, everybody has gathered here, but it's just for an introduction and to give you a designation. During these two months, if there's anything else, Golden Mountain will contact you," said the middle-aged man to everyone, and then he looked at those who had brought them there again. "Thank you for your help, everybody."

After that, the middle-aged went back onto the top disc. However, some people stayed behind.

It was a simple introduction meeting for the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds.

"If you want to live in Golden Mountain, follow me and I'll show you our headquarters!" said one of the strong cultivators of Golden Mountain who had stayed there.

"Since I'm here, I can find a place to stay."

"Right, we'll be able to spend time here and enjoy Golden Mountain!"

n.o.body wanted to leave quickly, as they didn't lack time. The members of Golden Mountain took them to different golden halls and showed them where they could stay. Everybody had a great room and a splendid courtyard.

"Bro, let's go and see weapon makers! We've seen pellet makers, but we haven't seen Great Scholars yet," Yao Yao said to Jiu Ling Huang. She sounded excited. Jiu Ling Huang and the others had all come to Golden Mountain. They were really strong, and had been able to withstand the Ye Clan's senior official's oppressive strength, so they had had gotten qualified. Jiu Ling Huang was already qualified ahead of time, too. They all had earned the opportunity to come to Golden Mountain.

Lin Feng looked over at Yao Yao. She was an extremely strong pill maker, and she wasn't a bad fighter, either. Otherwise, she wouldn't have been able to withstand the pressure. No wonder she was a king's descendant in Red Clouds.

"Alright," said Jiu Ling Huang nodded. As a respected scholar himself, he also wanted to see how people made Great Imperial Weapons.

Lin Feng had seen people make powerful weapons. He had even helped Mu Lin Xue make weapons. Back then, they had made powerful weapons together. But at his cultivation level, he wasn't interested in Imperial weapons anymore. He was interested in Great Scholastic Masters of Weapon Manufacturing Arts, and how powerful their deployment spells were.


Lin Feng arrived in his hall, going to a cultivation room to practice cultivation. There were a few people in his spirit world: Yang Xiao, w.a.n.g Jie, Ye Que, and some others. Those three people were extraordinarily talented, especially Yang Xiao and w.a.n.g Jie. Yang Xiao could steal people's memories, and w.a.n.g Jie was an extraordinary fighter.

However, now, their eyes were filled with demon lights. They had turned into Lin Feng's Demon Puppets.

"The Celestial Evolution Holy Scriptures are yours already. Practice cultivation as hard as you can. w.a.n.g Jie, you're from the Pellet Kings Clan, you have many medical recipes and your physical strength is terrifying. I'll give you the Kalpa Indestrutible DevMara Skill, make your physical body even more powerful. Ye Que, you can study the Three Thousand Great Deployment Spells and my deployment spells. Use your full strength to practice cultivation," Lin Feng instructed the three cultivators.

"Yes, Master," the three people bowed. These three Demon Puppets were Lin Feng's best ones. He had to take good care of them.

"Yang Xiao, continue developing and improving your memory stealing ability. I may need you at anytime." said Lin Feng to Yang Xiao. "Go now," ordered Lin Feng indifferently.

In the twinkling of an eye, the three people dispersed to practice cultivation. Lin Feng also closed his eyes and started practicing cultivation. The Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds was going to start soon. Lin Feng needed to become stronger, he needed to be sure he could defeat the geniuses at the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. How strong were the Third and Fourth Beasts of the Animal District? How strong was Saint Tianhun? And what about that terrifying cultivator who had a spiritual deployment body? The First Masters of the Continent of the Nine Clouds? How strong were they? How strong had Chu Chun Qiu become? What about those people who had king-type bodies? How strong would they be on the stage of the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds?

Lin Feng didn't know these things, and he had to prepare…

Chapter 2158: One Month Pa.s.sed

A month pa.s.sed. The Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds was approaching. People were getting excited in G.o.dly Clouds.

At the DevMara Thunder Clan, Lin Feng's clone suddenly opened his eyes and his silhouette flickered. He moved towards the exit of the palace. In all the palaces surrounding that one, he was the only person left. The others had all left and gone to the Holy Cultivation Tower, where they might have been selected for the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds.

The DevMara Thunder Clan's strong cultivators were watching his clone, but now he had to leave.

At night, a few people followed Lin Feng. When he arrived at the periphery of the DevMara Thunder Clan, a few people prevented him from leaving.

"I went to Golden Mountain a month ago. I might be selected for the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. Why continue this little game of yours?" said Lin Feng coldly. That was these people's fear; since Lin Feng had joined one of the four influential groups, n.o.body could attack him anymore.

"Make your real body come out to talk!" ordered one of them coldly. However, when that person said that, they looked over and saw someone wearing a golden robe. That golden robe was Golden Mountain's robe!

"Are you looking for me?" said Lin Feng indifferently. The members of the DevMara Thunder Clan frowned and stared at Lin Feng.

One of them asked coldly, "You're Lin Feng?"

"Indeed. My clone is made of my soul. Back then, I changed my face. Therefore, my clone looks different from me. Now, he's mine again!" Lin Feng smiled coldly. His clone moved towards him; they stood next to one another. Suddenly, Lin Feng's eyes filled with ice-cold lights and murderous intent.

The two great emperors frowned, clearly seeing that Lin Feng wanted to kill them. Lin Feng groaned coldly and the Ten Thousand Evolutions Cauldron appeared. A terrifying death sound rang out and made them shake. At the same time, the Ten Thousand Evolutions Cauldron diffused dazzling lights around them. Instantly, the two people had the impression their souls were going to be sucked into it. Their faces changed drastically.

"Die!" said Lin Feng, moving in a blur of motion, a sword appearing and lacerating the s.p.a.ce.

"No…" one of the great emperors released Qi, terrifying DevMara lights appeared, and he punched out. His punch was incredibly quick and contained powerful demon cosmic energies.

Lin Feng s.h.i.+fted position, deployment lights appeared, his silhouette disappeared. He reappeared in front of the great emperor, a sword Holy Spirit which seemed like it could cut anything appeared. There were rumbles of energies fighting. The Thunder cultivator looked ferocious, but his physical body exploded nonetheless. His soul turned to smoke and was sucked into the cauldron, where the cauldron began refining it instantly.

"Insolent!" shouted the other great emperor. Lin Feng merely smiled coldly. His clone fused together with his body. At the same time, he waved his hand, and the cauldron moved back to him. Another sword moved towards that great emperor, but he blocked it.

"You dare a.s.sault and murder people from the DevMara Thunder Clan?" said that strong cultivator extremely loudly. His Qi rolled towards Lin Feng. Demons appeared around Lin Feng.

"I'm a potential candidate for the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. Back then, there were no tensions between the DevMara Thunder Clan and me, and the DevMara Thunder Clan promised me to bring me to one of the four groups… but then they sold me out. Now you have kept my clone for such a long time. How insolent is that? Such a behavior should naturally be punished!" retorted Lin Feng coldly.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" The strong cultivator of the DevMara Thunder Clan punched out in Lin Feng's direction. Lin Feng didn't dodge as the fist impacted his chest. His golden robe fluttered and Lin Feng was forced away and coughed up blood. However, Lin Feng just smiled coldly.

The strong cultivator of the DevMara Thunder Clan didn't understand and his face stiffened. He suddenly looked scared. How insane. He didn't block the attack at all, he endured it all. What if he had died, what would have happened…?

Lin Feng coughed a few times. He stared at the cultivator again. His eyes were pitch-black and he said coldly, "I've recorded what happened here with my G.o.dly awareness, and I'll spread it in the Eastern Town of G.o.dly Clouds City. At the same time, I will also tell Golden Mountain that the DevMara Thunder Clan bullies me. I'll also tell them that from now on, I'll kill people from the DevMara Thunder Clan when I meet them."

Lin Feng turned around and strode away. The strong cultivator of the DevMara Thunder Clan was astonished.

"b.a.s.t.a.r.d!" shouted that strong cultivator, staring at the departing Lin Feng. His eyes were filled with murder. Lin Feng had provoked him on purpose, and now he was injured. In the future, he'd be able to act insolently when meeting cultivators of the DevMara Thunder Clan. He would be able to justify himself and say he did those things with good reason!


Lin Feng did as he said, and quickly, the news about the DevMara Thunder Clan's behavior spread in the Eastern Town of G.o.dly Clouds City.

"The DevMara Thunder Clan is a level two group in the Eastern Town of G.o.dly Clouds City and surprisingly, they dared act like that. Back then, Lei Dong Tian promised Lin Feng he'd protect him, and in the end he betrayed him. They sold him out to the Pellet Kings Clan, and then they imprisoned Lin Feng's clone so Lin Feng was right to go and pick up his clone with his real body. But as before, they tried to stop him. The DevMara Thunder Clan and the Pellet Kings Clan really have no values!"

"The Pellet Kings Clan was furious because of w.a.n.g Jie, they wanted to avenge him. Even though it's not something they can be proud of, it's understandable. But the DevMara Thunder Clan really sucks."

Many people in G.o.dly Clouds City were making fun of the DevMara Thunder Clan because of their behavior. After the news spread, some cultivators of the DevMara Thunder Clan b.u.mped into Lin Feng. Lin Feng killed them and everybody in town thought it was justified. Lin Feng went on a killing spree and really enjoyed it.


A few days pa.s.sed, and the news that w.a.n.g Jie hadn't died spread out. He had shown up in the Eastern Town of G.o.dly Clouds City. He had killed two young men from the DevMara Thunder Clan, but the most astonis.h.i.+ng thing was that he now knew how to use Kalpa strength and the skill he seemed to be using was the Kalpa Indestructible DevMara skill.

When hearing that, many people didn't believe a word of it, but then they saw him use it with their own eyes. Some people even recorded the scene with their G.o.dly awareness to show it to other people.

The DevMara Thunder Clan was furious.

The Pellet Kings Clan was more discreet, yet had doubts.


In a palace of the DevMara Thunder Clan…

Many people with long faces were gathered here. The leader of the group was the one who had negotiated with the Pellet Kings Clan back then. He looked at the crowd and asked, "What do you think?"

"Many of our people have been killed these days. We can't exclude the option that they may have transmitted the Kalpa skill, especially since he doesn't have the full skill. However, w.a.n.g Jie has it now…" that person didn't finish their sentence.

"Last time, the Pellet Kings Clan paid a very high price to capture Lin Feng and save w.a.n.g Jie, but they failed. They asked us to give what we had obtained back, but we refused. Everybody probably remembers that," said someone else.

"Everybody knows that Lin Feng came to the DevMara Thunder Clan a few days ago. The Pellet Kings Clan won't get their revenge. However, w.a.n.g Jie hasn't died. So is w.a.n.g Jie back in the Pellet Kings Clan? Who knows."

"But why has he recovered so quickly?" asked someone.

"Don't forget that it's the Pellet Kings Clan, they have incredible remedies. They would spend all they have to cure him. It's w.a.n.g Jie, after all."

"Maybe, but it's only been a few days. Even if the Pellet Kings Clan exchanged w.a.n.g Jie against something with Lin Feng, and then killed our people and stole our skill, how could w.a.n.g Jie study it so quickly? "

"w.a.n.g Jie is extremely talented, everybody knows that. He's at the top of the Huang Qi layer, and can easily learn such skills. Besides, the DevMara Kalpa skills aren't really useful for him, he already has a terrifying physical strength."

The members of the DevMara Thunder Clan kept talking about these things. Their conclusion to explain everything was that the Pellet Kings Clan had forced their people to hand over their skills and techniques, and they had taught them to w.a.n.g Jie.

The DevMara Thunder Clan was infuriated!


In Holy Cultivation Tower, two more people looked furious.

"Very good, the members of the Pellet Kings Clan surprisingly dare kill people from my clan and steal our skills and techniques, very good. w.a.n.g s.h.i.+, I'll remember this!," said Lei Dong Tian coldly.

"Ridiculous. Back then, you didn't do what you had promised. You joined hands with Lin Feng to bully my clan. Now you're accusing us? How insolent!" said w.a.n.g s.h.i.+ aggressively. The two of them were wearing the robes of Holy Cultivation Tower, and their Qi was rising. They couldn't fight before the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds to a.s.suage their anger.

"You'll see, everybody will learn the truth. The Pellet Kings Clan stole our skills and techniques, we won't leave the matter at that!" said Lei Dong Tian coldly.

"We'll see then!" replied w.a.n.g s.h.i.+ coldly.

The two left in opposite directions.

Chapter 2159: Put Aside All Considerations of Face

Lei Dong Tian and w.a.n.g s.h.i.+ went back to their own respective clans. Lei Dong Tian knew what was going on, the Pellet Kings Clan had joined hands with Lin Feng, and forced the disciples of the Clan to reveal their skills and techniques.

w.a.n.g s.h.i.+ learned that his brother w.a.n.g Jie hadn't gone back to the Pellet Kings Clan, but he knew that he had appeared. However, he had studied the Kalpa Indestructible DevMara Skill; the Pellet Kings Clan didn't understand what was going on. Had Lin Feng released w.a.n.g Jie?

But even if Lin Feng had released w.a.n.g Jie, why had w.a.n.g Jie studied the Kalpa Indestructible DevMara skill?

The Pellet Kings Clan understood that no matter what, the DevMara Thunder Clan couldn't believe them. Therefore, they didn't need to try and make efforts. Could such a powerful clan as the Pellet Kings Clan even beg the DevMara Thunder Clan to believe them? Probably not.

Strong cultivators of the DevMara Thunder Clan went to the Pellet Kings Clan and asked them for an explanation, but the Pellet Kings Clan didn't give them any face.

Lin Feng didn't show up. How could he show up in such circ.u.mstances? The DevMara Thunder Clan was furious at the Pellet Kings Clan. If Lin Feng showed up, it would be an opportunity for the Pellet Kings Clan to accuse him.

Many people from G.o.dly Clouds City came to see the fun, looking amused. Many strong cultivators were watching from up in the sky. The skills and techniques of the DevMara Thunder Clan had been revealed, that was exciting, some people hoped they might be able to obtain them. They hoped they would see a great war, too!

"Make w.a.n.g Jie come out. You stole our skills and techniques, at least tell us why!" said a Saint Emperor of the DevMara Thunder Clan. DevMara Kalpa strength rose in towering waves. He looked like a G.o.d of darkness. The strong cultivators of the DevMara Kalpa Thunder Clan were all surrounded by terrifying black lights.

"I'll say only one thing: even though Lin Feng released w.a.n.g Jie, we haven't seen him, not even once!" a member of the Pellet Kings Clan shot back coldly.

"You're still lying, how shameless!" said the Saint Emperor of the DevMara Thunder Clan furiously.

"We're not as shameless as you! You promised you'd deliver Lin Feng, then you promised us you'd help us, and then you continued your little games and didn't do what you had promised!" retorted the cultivator of the Pellet Kings Clan coldly. The crowd in the distance heard that: as expected, both clans were evildoers.

The strong cultivators of the DevMara Thunder Clan looked furious. The Pellet Kings Clan's members dared talk about those things in front of everybody, how shameless!

"It seems that the Pellet Kings Clan isn't willing to give an explanation!" stated the Saint Emperor of the DevMara Thunder Clan coldly.

"We have nothing to explain!" said the strong cultivator of the Pellet Kings Clan unhappily and aggressively.

"Grandpa!" At that moment, the members of the Pellet Kings Clan were surprised, they suddenly turned around and gazed into the distance. They looked stupefied.

"w.a.n.g Jie."

"w.a.n.g Jie!" The members of the DevMara Thunder Clan were stupefied too. A strong cultivator jumped forwards and DevMara Kalpa strength surged forwards. A strong cultivator landed in front of w.a.n.g Jie as flames turned into millions of embers and destroyed the DevMara Kalpa strength. At the same time, another cultivator grabbed w.a.n.g Jie and took him back to the group of cultivators from the Pellet Kings Clan.

"Pellet Kings Clan, what do you have to say now?" the strong cultivators of the DevMara Thunder Clan were furious. Their Qi rose to the skies. It was a terrifying sight.

The members of the Pellet Kings Clan had antic.i.p.ated such a reaction, and said nothing. They looked at w.a.n.g Jie and asked, "w.a.n.g Jie, what's going on?"

"Lin Feng didn't kill me. He imprisoned me for some time. He was afraid that the Pellet Kings Clan would seek revenge because I'm a valuable a.s.set. Then, he went to Golden Mountain. I think he feels safer now that he released me. He hopes you will forget about what happened and forgive him. He doesn't want to be enemies with the Pellet Kings Clan," whispered w.a.n.g Jie. It all made sense. w.a.n.g Jie was alive and he didn't look strange at all.

"Why didn't you come back to the clan directly?" asked w.a.n.g s.h.i.+.

"I met some people from the DevMara Thunder Clan. I know they didn't want to give back what you gave them, so I couldn't let them off. I killed some of them and stole their skills and techniques, but I didn't manage to obtain the full version. If I could get it, it'd be perfect. My physical strength would increase a lot. Besides, with everything I know, I can easily learn the Kalpa Indestructible DevMara skill," said w.a.n.g Jie smiled. He looked a bit evil and cruel.

The crowd s.h.i.+vered. No wonder that guy was known as the little insane cultivator of the Pellet Kings Clan! He dared say such things, he was really crazy!

Even though tensions between the DevMara Thunder Clan would worsen, it didn't matter, as the most important thing was now to get their skills and techniques.

"Hand w.a.n.g Jie over!" said a strong cultivator of the DevMara Thunder Clan coldly. They had to kill w.a.n.g Jie, otherwise, their skills and techniques would spread.

However, the Pellet Kings Clan had struggled to get him back, how could they abandon him and let the DevMara Thunder Clan kill him? Besides, the DevMara Thunder Clan's skills and techniques… when they thought about that, their hearts were suddenly filled with ardor. In ordinary times, they didn't dare do such things. But now that w.a.n.g Jie had started… and what if they could obtain the full Kalpa Indestructible DevMara Skill…?

No matter what, they couldn't let w.a.n.g Jie go!

"Bring Little Jie back and protect him," said a strong cultivator of the Pellet Kings Clan coldly. However, at that moment, the strong cultivators of the DevMara Thunder Clan all dashed forwards and surrounded them. In reply, the strong cultivators of the Pellet Kings Clan released their own Qi, which filled the air. The strong cultivators of the DevMara Thunder Clan said coldly, "Do you really want this, Pellet Kings Clan?"

"You make no distinction between good and evil. You keep bullying us. That's enough now," said a voice in the distance. The members of the DevMara Thunder Clan pulled a long face. A really strong cultivator of the Pellet Kings Clan expressed their view, they weren't going to hand w.a.n.g Jie over.

People remained silent. Finally, a strong cultivator of the DevMara Thunder Clan waved and they left. They didn't fight. However, everybody understood that it wasn't over. It was even more scary than a battle. The two clans didn't care about face anymore.


As the crowd expected, the members of the DevMara Thunder Clan and the Pellet Kings Clan burst out into open hostilities. Each time their members b.u.mped into each other in G.o.dly Clouds City, they had cruel battles. The DevMara Thunder Clan's members didn't kill the members of the Pellet Kings Clan, they captured them and then tried to force the members of the Pellet Kings Clan to give the skills and techniques back in exchange for their fire.

But the Pellet Kings Clan and the DevMara Thunder Clan were different because the Pellet Kings Clan was a clan of alchemists. They made pills with fire, and could also study the Kalpa Indestructible DevMara Skill now. However, when the DevMara Thunder Clan obtained some of the Pellet Kings Clan's skills and techniques, they couldn't study them at all so they were useless, especially the skills and techniques which belonged to extremely strong alchemists. The core disciples of the Pellet Kings Clan didn't even have access to some of the most powerful skills and techniques of the Pellet Kings Clan, just like some core disciples of the DevMara Thunder Clan didn't even have access to the full version of the Kalpa Indestructible DevMara skill.

The battles were ferocious, cruel, and bloodthirsty. One day, the DevMara Thunder Clan lost a great emperor; the next day, the Pellet Kings Clan lost a few emperors.

Celestial Emperors even started fighting. The DevMara Thunder Clan and the Pellet Kings Clan were already fighting so much, how could they stop? Both clans had become fearless.


One day, two great emperors fought in the Eastern Town of G.o.dly Clouds City. Their battle was devastating. In the end, they were both injured. At that moment, a young man appeared, he had a gigantic cauldron, lights emerged from the cauldron and Qi filled the air.

"Go!" Lin Feng stretched out his hand. The gigantic cauldron shone out, and the great emperor of the DevMara Thunder Clan was surrounded by lights. He was still fighting against the great emperor of the Pellet Kings Clan when he sensed that his soul was shaking. It turned into lights and was sucked in by the Ten Thousand Evolutions Cauldron, which then refined it. The great emperor shrieked horribly as he died.

Lin Feng smoothly took his cauldron back.

When the great emperor of the Pellet Kings Clan looked at him, he looked scared.

"Who are you?" asked the strong cultivator of the Pellet Kings Clan coldly.

"I'm friends with the Pellet Kings Clan!" said Lin Feng smiled. At that moment, in the distance, whistling sounds heralded the arrival of more people. One of them was Lei Dong Tian. People from the DevMara Thunder Clan had arrived, and they recognized Lin Feng.

"Lin Feng!" said Lei Dong Tian coldly. The strong cultivator of the Pellet Kings Clan frowned. That was Lin Feng?

"Brother Lei, long time no see," Lin Feng smiled. The strong cultivator of the DevMara Thunder Clan looked furious when they saw Lin Feng's golden robe.

"Brother Lin Feng, you've killed many of our people these days, right?" Lei Dong Tian said, watching Lin Feng with murder in his eyes.

"Everybody knows that the DevMara Thunder Clan started it all in G.o.dly Clouds City. I just struck back," answered Lin Feng calmly, "Besides, I never kill people who are not at least high-level emperors. How come the DevMara Thunder Clan felt so confident and at ease and thought they could imprison me? Is that how you protect me, Brother Lei? "

Chapter 2160: Fighting Against Lei Dong Tian

"Brother Lin, you killed many of our people. Do you think Golden Mountain can still protect you only because you're wearing their robe? Do you think the DevMara Thunder Clan won't dare kill you?" swore Lei Dong Tian coldly, looking at Lin Feng like a dead man.

"I really do think so. Am I wrong? Would the DevMara Thunder Clan really dare kill me?" said Lin Feng with a smile yet not a smile, looking back at Lei Dong Tian. He then said calmly, "However, if you want to exchange views on cultivation with me, Brother Lei, we can. We are both potential candidates for the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds, nothing prevents us from exchanging views on cultivation. We can ask for the four influential groups to supervise the battle, and we can agree on a battle to the death."

When Lei Dong Tian heard Lin Feng's mocking tone, he was even more infuriated. He waved and the strong cultivators of the DevMara Thunder Clan moved towards the strong cultivators of the Pellet Kings Clan. Suddenly, the sky was filled with terrifying DevMara Kalpa strength.

"Interesting. I'd love to see, Brother Lin, what makes you so confident," Lei Dong Tian said calmly. He stretched out his hand and Kalpa lights appeared and surrounded his own body. The Kalpa lights contained a terrifying destructive strength.

Lei Dong Tian was the strongest young man of the DevMara Thunder Clan. He was probably extraordinary. He was also curious to see how strong some of the new geniuses in G.o.dly Clouds City were.

Terrifying demon cosmic energies surrounded Lin Feng's body. However, he didn't use Kalpa lights to do that, he used pure demon strength. He suddenly looked like an ancient demon. He stood there with his hands clasped behind his back. The two cultivators' demon energies collided in the air. It looked incredible.

Lei Dong Tian's eyes gradually became pitch-black. They looked more and more terrifying. His eyes were filled with Kalpa strength.

Sharp lights emerged from his eyes and shot towards Lin Feng, turning into Kalpa light beams. He wanted to kill Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's eyebrows looked like swords. Sword intent condensed in his eyes, Wisdom King Holy Spirits condensed and turned into indestructible Wisdom Kings. The energies emerging from the two fighters' eyes collided loudly. Their energies could easily kill ordinary emperors!

Lei Dong Tian took a step forwards and a demon appeared. His blood started boiling, and the air went dark. Everything seemed like it was going to be destroyed under their energies. Demon Kalpa swords appeared above Lin Feng's head, much more powerful than Lin Feng's Kalpa swords. It was a special kind of strength the members of the DevMara Thunder Clan had, since they had the full version of the Kalpa Indestructible DevMara Skill. They had all sorts of demon skills, and were experts in using demon energies.

A gigantic sword demon sword appeared. It seemed to be alive.

"Die!" shouted Lei Dong Tian coldly. Demon Kalpa swords charged towards Lin Feng, looking like pitch-black thunders.

Lin Feng was surrounded Sword intent, all sorts of Holy Spirit swords condensed around him. He also punched out with physical strength. His terrifying energies astonished the crowd. This guy's punch is filled with demon sword energies, how crazy!

The crowd was shaking, the s.p.a.ce began to break. The demon lights pierced through the demon sword, the oppressive DevMara strength was destroyed, and the sky became normal again.

Lei Dong Tian moved again, trying not to look worried. He didn't want to show how he felt. Lin Feng was strong, that was a fact!

Lei Dong Tian's gigantic DevMara wings appeared. They contained terrifying demonic marks, and his hands turned into demon Kalpa claws. He looked dangerous, the crowd was taken aback. His Qi became far more powerful.

A fearsome demon appeared in the crowd's field of vision. Demons charged towards Lin Feng. If Lin Feng had been an ordinary cultivator, he would have died already.

Lei Dong Tian flapped his DevMara wings and suddenly disappeared. A Demon Kalpa hand charged towards Lin Feng. Lin Feng felt a pressure, as if the claws were about to rip into him.

However, Lin Feng looked calm and composed, as if nothing could affect him. He punched out in his enemy's direction, the air shaking at the blow. Demon deployment lights surged out. However, Lei Dong Tian disappeared and more claws shot towards Lin Feng from above.

Terrifying energies made the earth and sky shake. People's hearts started pounding. The two fighters had already collided a few times. Behind Lin Feng, deployment lights started intertwining. Very quickly, they turned into dazzling deployment wings.

"That Lin Feng is really strong. No wonder he defeated w.a.n.g Jie back then," murmured some spectators when they saw that, their hearts starting to beat faster. Lei Dong Tian was a member of the DevMara Thunder Clan, his physical strength was incredible, as were his spells.

However, Lin Feng looked unmoved. His physical strength was also incredible…

Lin Feng definitely had the potential to partic.i.p.ate in the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds. He might even end up in the top hundred.

After all, Lei Dong Tian was the First young man of the DevMara Thunder Clan. Not many people could compete with him. In G.o.dly Clouds City, only fifty or so people could compete with him, but he was probably as strong as them, not weaker! He also had the potential to end up in the top hundred!

Since Lei Dong Tian had that potential, then Lin Feng did too!

Lei Dong Tian attacked again, but this time it was Lin Feng who disappeared. Lin Feng reappeared in the sky and descended while saying to Lei Dong Tian, "You're not the only one who's fast!"

"Very good, let's show you the DevMara Thunder Clan's spells!" Lei Dong Tian jumped forwards. Demon intent surged up. Lei Dong Tian's intent was getting more and more powerful.

Lin Feng glanced at the Demon Kalpa lights. He released demon strength which turned into sharp swords, they seemed to be able to conquer every obstacle.

Lei Dong Tian closed his eyes. He looked like a darkly enlightened being. Demons appeared around him.

"Kalpa!" said a voice coldly. At that moment, extremely powerful Kalpa lights surrounded Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's muscles shook violently. His blood started boiling, and it was only the beginning.

Lin Feng disappeared and shot towards Lei Dong Tian. However, Lei Dong Tian disappeared, and demons made of Kalpa strength appeared everywhere.

Lei Dong Tian reappeared in the sky, opening his mouth and sucking in energy. He absorbed all the Kalpa strength, and turned into a Kalpa demon.

The crowd was shaking. A Kalpa demon! Lin Feng looked up at him and smiled. If he used the Kalpa Indestructible DevMara Skill, perhaps it could help him become a Saint in terms of physical strength?

Lin Feng didn't have time to play around.

Lei Dong Tian had the potential to become a partic.i.p.ant of the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds, could he kill him in front of everybody?

Lin Feng suddenly disappeared. The crowd was stupefied. Lin Feng stopped fighting? Lei Dong Tian put him under pressure, it seemed.

The crowd looked at Lei Dong Tian, the first young man of the DevMara Thunder Clan. He had absorbed Kalpa strength, and could easily kill ordinary great emperors. As expected, he was a terrifying presence.

A strong cultivator of the DevMara Thunder Clan attacked, but Lin Feng turned into a hurricane and his cauldron's death strength filled the air. It destroyed the man's physical body and absorbed his soul, then Lin Feng smiled, "Brother Lei, I'm sure we'll meet again."

He turned into a beam of light and departed quickly. Lei Dong Tian flashed down, could only look after him with murder in his eyes.

When the crowd saw Lin Feng retreat, they were astonished. During the Meeting of the Continent of the Nine Clouds, would Lin Feng lose against him?