[1] Reclus' anarchist brochure _A mon Ami le Paysan_ is a veritable literary gem.
[2] When they do not render it unproductive by transforming it into hunting grounds or pleasure parks or leave it sterile, either through want of sufficient capital to ameliorate it or simply from indifference and neglect.-_Jean Grave._
[3] In France. The usage is somewhat different in certain other countries.
[4] Normally, all posters must carry revenue stamps.
[5] The officers of an a.s.sembly are so called in France.
[6] Charenton is the Paris insane hospital.
[7] The word _trimardeur_ is derived from the dialect word _trimard_, which means _grande route_ (the great road).
[8] Strictly, at 2 sous a four-page folder, each folder containing the words and music of one song and the words of two or three others.
[9] Ravachol was convicted of several overt acts, among them the dynamiting of the house of the judges Benoit and Bulot.
[10] M. Leroy now has a little book-store in the Montsouris district.
[11] Henri Berenger's _L'Action_, for all its violence, cannot be so cla.s.sed. A p.r.o.nounced anarchist, Charles Malato, was for a time one of the pillars of the acrimonious daily _L'Aurore_, and it is frequently recommended by the anarchist press for anarchist reading. But it was never, strictly speaking, an anarchist sheet. It is now under the control of the radical Clemenceau.
[12] The general t.i.tle of the series is _La Bibliotheque Doc.u.mentaire_.
[13] The office of the _Temps Nouveaux_ has been transferred to the rue Broca, in the same district.
[14] A set of anarchist groups, loosely federated, which devote themselves to study with persistence and zeal.
[15] Drawn after an _image de propagande_.
[16] Author of the explosion at the _Cafe Terminus._
[17] The of Carnot.
[18] Inability to pay this fine involving further imprisonment, the real term of the editors condemned for two years became in most cases three years or three years and a half. It should be noted, however, that a considerable proportion of them were condemned for contumacy, they having made good their escape to England or Belgium before their cases were tried.
[19] M. Gabriel Girond has written a volume ent.i.tled _Cempuis_ on this educational experiment, which no educator or student of education can afford to neglect. Maurice Devaldes, also, in a brochure ent.i.tled _L'Education et la Liberte_, compares the educational experiment of Tolstoy at Yasnaa-Poliana with M. Robin's experiment at Cempuis, to the advantage of the latter.
[20] Believed by many to have been managed by the police in order to sow dissensions and cause divisions in the ranks of the anarchists.
[21] In Russia, where many of the most violent _propagandistes par le fait_ are men of letters or scientists, the situation is quite different.
[22] Reclus' daughters have entered into _union libre_ openly with their father's entire approval. A man of Elisee Reclus' standing would not aid and abet such a course without profound conviction.
[23] A strike of pick-and-shovel labourers, to supervise which the government hurried 75,000 soldiers into Paris, although there were no signs of violence.
[24] Certain anarchists hold that it is proper for an anarchist to penetrate into the unions, so that he does not preside at their formation nor hold office therein,-an att.i.tude which is amusingly a.n.a.logous to that of the scrupulous Episcopalian dame who drew the line of the permissible in Lent just this side of white kid slippers.
[25] Communist-anarchists, in spite of the word _Socialistes_ in their t.i.tle.
[26] Vaillant threw a bomb in the French Chamber.
[27] Bresci killed King Humbert of Italy.
[28] Estimated in France officially, and hence conservatively, as 40,000.
[29] Special laboratories, with walls constructed to minimise the force of a shock were erected at this time at four different points in Paris,-Montrouge, Aubervilliers, Berey, and Le Point du Jour.
[30] Salsou, who attempted to the Shah of Persia, was a _trimardeur_.
[31] Whence the slang verb _watriner_ and the substantive _watrinade_.
[32] Another version is that Pini, having voted twice, was condemned to three months' imprisonment, and that it was to avoid this that he left the country.
[33] Frustrated by a faithful dog.
[34] This sentence was commuted to long-term imprisonment by President Grevy.
[35] _Le terme_ (rent) in Paris must be paid quarterly and in advance.
It is due on the 1st, and must be paid on the 8th or 15th (according to its amount) of January, April, July, and October.
[36] There is a distinct cla.s.s of men and women in Paris ready at any moment to cry a bas or vive, no matter whom or what, for a five-franc piece. Napoleon Hayard, known as the "_empereur des camelots_," who died recently at a ripe age, was known to Parisians for many years as an organiser of manifestations.
[37] It was Rochefort who declared the mysterious shooting of Labori during the Dreyfus trial at Rennes to be a fict.i.tious manuvre.
[38] The curious filing of the hammer of Salsou's pistol, which rendered impossible-according to a portion of the expert testimony-its discharge, lent a certain colour of truth to this accusation.
[39] As lately as 1902 the anarchist spy service was recruited in this fashion, and so openly that spies might almost be said to have been advertised for.
[40] M. Andrieux's _La Revolution Sociale_ was probably not the last journal of its cla.s.s.
[41] The militant anarchist's knowledge of the code and of legal procedure is also phenomenal. There is nothing he enjoys better, when in good humour, than to remind his judge of a forgotten or wilfully neglected formality.
[42] Baumann shot a priest who was personally unknown to him for the sake of the propaganda.
[43] Ravachol was attempting to make a convert an hour and a half after the explosion of the rue de Clichy.
[44] Pa.s.sanante attempted to King Humbert of Italy.
[45] The prosecution of Tailhade was probably a sop to the Russian diplomats, his article having been specially directed against the czar.
[46] Ravachol justified these acts to himself on the ground that the living and still more the dead had no right to hold wealth in unproductiveness while human beings were starving. The proceeds of both these deeds were religiously consecrated by him to the _propagande_.
[47] The probable author of the explosion at the _Restaurant Very_.
[48] Accused of complicity in various overt acts, but not condemned.