Pampered Consort Of The Fragrant Orchard - Chapter 61.4

Chapter 61.4

First Time Gathering (4)

T/N: Chapter sponsored by Emlee, crankyreader, Noir! Thank you for supporting!

"What does Du third miss want to drink? Don't know if grape wine is okay?" Fu Wan San asked.

"Grape wine has come out?" Du Xiao Li asked, somewhat surprised. Wasn't it just the end of the sixth month right now? Didn't the newly produced grape wine need to wait until the seventh month? And that was still just the grapes from the south that matured first.

"No, it's remains from last year, there's still one more jar. If Du third miss wants to drink, I can have someone bring it up." Fu Wan San said.

"Shopkeeper Fu, you still have grape wine here? This grape wine sold up to a thousand taels a jar last year, and you didn't even sell it all?" Du Ke Xin said in shock.

(T/N: I want MC to drain them of all their money lmaoo)

"Hehe, we left it in case of a possible moment of need." Fu Wan San said.

Everyone all knew that Du Xiao Li loved to drink grape wine. Although they didn't know when she'll come, each and every store all prepared some aside, and won't sell off the last one." 

"Really, then bring it up first." Du Xiao Li's two eyes lit up.


"Wait." Just when Fu Wan San was preparing to go down to call someone, Du Ke Xin stopped him.

Fu Wan San turned around and looked to Du Ke Xin, "Du second miss is there something you need?"

"Since there's still some grape wine, then leave for later when everyone comes." Du Ke Xin said.

"Eh, this----" Fu Wan San looked to Du Xiao Li.

Du Ke Xin looked to Du Xiao Li with a smile, "This grape wine is very valuable, and right now there's only this one jar. If we leave it to drink until after everyone shows up, it'll give the Prime Minister Manor quite a lot of face."

"She's not the one paying, what are you asking her opinion for?" Du Ke Hui swept Du Xiao Li a glance, afterwards saying to Fu Wan San, "Shopkeeper Fu, just do as what my sister said." 

"Then just do as second sister said." Du Xiao Li said, "I'll just continue drinking this yuhua tea."

"Then, add a jar of grape wine to the beverages for noon?" Fu Wan San said.

"En, that will do." Du Ke Xin nodded. She didn't expect that there was still grape wine. Previously when they asked, they all said they'd already sold out. If during the gathering today, they bring out the grape wine, then it can mean that she has face.

Fu Wan San poured another cup for Du Xiao Li and said, "Then I'll first go to the kitchen to check, if there's anything you need just call for us."

Fu Wan San said and went out. A while later, another waiter sent some food up.

Du Xiao Li picked up a piece of dessert for Du Xue Qi, afterwards picked up a piece for herself too. She leaned against the windowsill, watching the streets outside as she ate. 

Actually, the advance preparations Du Ke Xin spoke of simply was just nothing. Just, because they were the hosts today, they needed to arrive the earliest. If they were to come later than the guests, then that would be considered very mannerless. 

"Third sister, this place is really lively." Perhaps because the bustling scenery below made Du Xue Qi feel somewhat excited, she too leaned by the windowsill to look. 

"Indeed very lively." Du Xiao Li agreed.

"Third sister, is the place where you lived before lively?" Du Xue Qi turned her head to look at Du Xiao Li.

"No, I lived in a farming village previously. The entire village didn't have too many people. It can't be considered lively, but it wasn't desolate either." Du Xiao Li reminisced. 

"What all did you do every day in the past? Go work in the fields? Then how did you pa.s.s the provincial exam, obtaining the qualifications to partic.i.p.ate in the national exams next year?" Du Ke Hui came to Du Xiu Heng's side and asked. There was no lack of mockery in those words. 

Du Xiu Heng glanced at Du Ke Hui and said, "The things we did are all things you don't know how to do."

Everyone in the entire capital all knew, Prime Minister Du's daughter was both beautiful and talented, but his son instead was ignorant and incompetent. In the Imperial Academy, Four Way Inst.i.tute, he often stirred up trouble, and his grades were forever the lowest of the low.

"Che, didn't you just pa.s.s the provincial exams, what's there to be pleased about?" Du Ke Hui heard the meaning in Du Xiu Heng's words and clicked his tongue, returning to Du Ke Xin's side to talk about some things in the capital. 

Du Xiao Li wasn't that interested in their conversation either, so she had her attention turned towards the streets. A crisp voice attracted her line of sight.

She only saw a beggar with a small and skinny figure, in tattered clothes, dirty all over. In their left hand was a stick, and their right hand a broken bowl. They continuously called out to the pedestrians, "Hey, this aunty, have mercy and give some money, I haven't eaten in two days." 

"Many thanks aunty, with you being this kind-hearted, the bodhisattva will definitely bless you with a long and healthy life!"

"Yo, this sir, see your face glowing today, this must be the sign for wealths to come!"

"Yo, thank you sir, with you this generous, you'll definitely live for a hundred years!"

"Aunty, have mercy, and take pity on me. I not only haven't eaten in three days, I even have an old beggar to take care of in that broken house......thank you aunty, wish you the best of luck!" 

"Go away, go away, where this beggar come from!"

Some pa.s.serby will directly push her away when they saw her, and others will take pity and give two copper coins. As soon as she saw there was money in the bowl, she will pick it up and blow on it. Afterwards, place it under the sunlight to look at. Those glistening two eyes made Du Xiao Li can't help but laugh. Truly a smooth-talking clever person.

Just then, a gorgeous palanquin came over from the streets, stopping outside Feng Xue Lou. Next, a fifteen sixteen year old girl came down from inside, wearing a blue short coat dress. On her head, she wore only a blue hairpin, and on her neck hung a blue crystal pendant. And on her wrist was only a single crystal pearl bracelet. Pretty facial features, a tranquil temperament, and a pair of eyes that seem to envelop the entire world, yet also appeared as if nothing walked into her world. 

(Left: Short coat dress or Ru dress; Right: Long dress for comparison)

(T/N: I'm legit convinces she has eye-zoom powers, how the h.e.l.l do you see someones eyes from the fourth floor.)

"Such a strange girl." Du Xiao Li looked to that girl and said.

"That's Cabinet Minister Fu family's miss, Fu Ya Lan. Heard she grew up in a nunnery in Jiangnan. Said her fate was stiff and have to grow up in a nunnery. She only came home after she turned 10, and after living in their Jiangnan ancestral home for two years, she finally came to the capital." Du Xue Qi said from the side. 

"You're acquainted her?" Du Xiao Li asked. Didn't Du Xue Qi rarely go out, how come she even recognizes these people?

Du Xue Qi shook her head and said, "I hear second sister mention her frequently, that's why I know her. Afterwards, when I was together with some shu-born misses, I saw her from far away, so that's how I know, can't be considered acquainted." 

Di-born misses generally always got together with other di-born, and shu-born together with other shu-born. However, sometimes, everyone would all gather together too. 

Very soon, Fu Ya Lan came up. She didn't bring too many people, only a close servant girl. 

"Miss Fu." Du Ke Xin only stood up to greet her and didn't go forward to welcome. 

Fu Ya Lan nodded towards Du Ke Xin and said, "The other misses all haven't come up yet? Looks like Ya Lan has come early."

"The other misses and young masters should be here soon. Miss Fu have a cup of tea first." Du Ke Xin said. Xiao Cui thus went forward and poured Fu Ya Lan a cup of tea. 

Fu Ya Lan lightly took a sip and said, "This must be this year's newly produced yuhua tea from Jiangnan?"

"Miss really is impressive, immediately knowing this tea's origins from just a sip." Du Ke Xin praised.

T/N: My mood throughout this entire chapter...

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