Pampered Consort Of The Fragrant Orchard - Chapter 096.3: Marriage Proposal (3)

Chapter 096.3: Marriage Proposal (3)

Grandpa Qi, how has your health been lately? Du Xiaoli asked as she looked at Old Qi.


, I, Old Qi, am in good health. Ive got food to eat and a place to stay. Im much better than I was in the past by who knows how many times! Old Qi said with a big grin. Its all thanks to you, Miss. If it wasnt for you, I would have gone to meet the King of the Underworld

long ago.

Du Xiaoli smiled and then asked, Previously, they came to plant grape seeds. How did that turn out?

Ive already swept out a section of land for them to go ahead and plant the seeds. They finished two days ago. A strongman walked over from the back garden. It was Big Gang

, whom shed arranged to watch the park with Old Qi.

Its been tough on you two. Help me prepare a horse. Ill take Silver and Gold out for a bit, Du Xiaoli said.

Yes, Miss.

Du Xiaoli had Xia Yuan and Qiao Zhu wait here while she went to change clothes. After that, she brought Silver and Gold to the back garden.

Without Du Xiaolis permission, the entrance gate at the back garden could not be opened. The reason was that she was afraid Silver and Gold would run out and hurt others. So this was the first time in over a month that the back gardens entrance gate was opened.

Big Gang stood in the garden while holding onto the reins of a horse. With a single leap, Du Xiaoli mounted the horse and pulled on the reins. She said to Silver and Gold, Lets have a race to see who can get to the foot of the mountain first.

Once she was done talking, she flung out the reins. The horse then lifted its leg and broke into a run. It took Du Xiaoli out of the Wolf Park in the blink of an eye.


Seeing that Du Xiaoli had run off, Silver and Gold rushed to catch up with her. It had been a long time since they last ran in such a carefree manner, so they were extremely excited.


Silver caught up to Du Xiaoli very quickly. However, after catching up with her, it did not surpa.s.s her. Instead, it kept the same speed as her and ran with her to the foot of Mount Yan.

Upon arriving there, Du Xiaoli dismounted and sat down on the ground. Silver went over to Du Xiaoli in a smooth series of actions through force of habit

and lay down behind her on its stomach, letting her lean against its body.

Meanwhile, Gold lay down in front of Silver with its head directly opposite the latters.

As Du Xiaoli leaned back against Silver and gazed at the cloudless blue sky, she said, Silver, do you think the sky here looks like the one above Du Village?


Its really similar, isnt it? Du Xiaoli said while reaching out her hand to stroke Silvers head and then Golds. One good thing about these ancient times is that there arent any factories, industrial waste gas, or pollution. Its always a clear blue sky wherever you go here. You know, we definitely wouldnt be able to see such a clear sky over there.


Du Xiaoli initially planned to bring Silver and Gold for a stroll in the mountain, but she was concerned about Du Xiuhengs marriage proposal. So, the moment she thought of her brother and father coming back for lunch, she decided against her plan with the wolves.

Ill bring you there next time Du Xiaoli was in the middle of speaking when she suddenly sat up. She looked at the woods behind her with an alert expression.

Silver and Gold also got up from the ground and howled toward the mountain


At Senior Cabinet Minister Fu's Manor, Fu Guangling, Fu Yalans father, had a bit of a headache from seeing the scene before him.

Lord Fu, you must certainly know of Lord Chens son. Hes elegant and graceful, and his age is just right to match with Miss Fu a gorgeously dressed

matchmaker said with a smile.

Lord Fu, the old prime ministers grandson fancies your daughter too! When he came to find me in the past, he even said that he wont get married to anyone but Miss Fu! a fat matchmaker exclaimed, interrupting the first matchmaker.

Lord Fu, Lord Lis son placed 14th in the compet.i.tion this time. It wouldnt be an exaggeration to describe him as someone of great talent, erudition, and academic ability. It need not be said as to what his future prospects are like. Moreover, he is an attractive young man

Lord Fu, our familys Lord

Fu Guangling was having a headache because of the several matchmakers before him and remarked inwardly, These people sure work fast!

He knew Fu Yalan would attract many suitors for marriage because she had gotten first place in the compet.i.tion this time, but the matchmakers were simply too quick. The compet.i.tion had only just ended the day before!

Thinking about how he had to face so many matchmakers the moment he got back from the Imperial Court, the corner of his mouth twitched uncontrollably a few times.

The matchmakers did not notice at all that Fu Guangling was losing his patience. Or perhaps, they simply pretended not to. What a joke... Of course, they did! After all, their clients offered to pay them handsomely. If they managed to settle this marriage for their client, they would receive s.h.i.+ning taels of silver!

At the thought of the taels of silver, these matchmakers smiled even more happily. In fact, they smiled so brightly that their faces looked like a bunch of chrysanthemum flowers!

Lord Fu, dont listen to them. The son of that provincial governor, Lord w.a.n.g, entered the ranks of the top 100 in the most recent imperial examination. Those young men theyre talking about

Enough! Fu Guangling yelled loudly for the matchmakers to stop. He could no longer tolerate this bunch of women chattering continuously in front of him.

Seeing that Fu Guangling was about to get angry, everyone went quiet. If they were to anger him and he chased them out what would they do then?

Fu Guangling stared at these matchmakers. He had actually heard about or already knew all the young men they had mentioned. Not even a few of them had made something of themselves, yet they sure were awfully zealous about getting a wife.

Look Lord Fu, so many of us have gathered here to present a marriage proposal. Are any of our clients to your liking? a matchmaker asked.

I have no intention to consider my daughters marriage matters for the time being...

Lord Fu, this way of thinking isnt right. Miss Fu is already of marriageable age. If you dont think about her marriage now, just when will you? a matchmaker refuted Fu Guanglings words, causing a wave of nods from the other matchmakers.

This official, I, still have matters I must attend to. Well discuss this at a later point in time, Fu Guangling said.

Lord Fu, this major life event of the children is more important than anything else. We


MoonWhisperer, TWIP's Thoughts

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