The Line of the Sun, which is otherwise called the Line of Success or the Line of Brilliancy (1-1, Plate XV.), is one of the most important marks on the hand to consider.
It has in its symbolism almost the same significance as the Sun itself has to the Earth.
Without this line the life has no happiness, no sunshine, as it were, and even the greatest talents lie in darkness and do not produce their fruit.
Amateurs, in looking at hands, often make the greatest mistakes in seeing what appears to be "a good Line of Fate," and in consequence rush off and predict great success and fortune, whereas, as I explained in the preceding chapter, a Fate Line unaccompanied by the Line of Sun may simply mean a fatalistic life full of sorrow and darkness.
The quality that the Line of Sun denotes is, what is generally called "luck"; with a well-marked Sun Line even a poor Line of Head promises more success, and it is the same with the Line of Fate.
People with the Sun Line appear to have more magnetism, more influence over others. They more easily secure recognition, reward, riches, and honours.
They also have a happier and brighter disposition, and this has naturally a great deal to do with what is called success.
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE XV.
From whatever date in the hand the Line of Sun appears, things become brighter, more prosperous and important. The Line of the Sun may rise from the following positions: From the Line of Life, the Line of Fate, the Plain of Mars, the Mount of the Moon, the Line of Head, and from the Line of Heart, or it may only appear as a small line on its own Mount.
Rising from the Line of Life (2-2, Plate XV.), it promises success from whatever the life is that is led, but not from "luck."
From the Line of Fate (3-3, Plate XV.), it is a sure sign of recognition for the career adopted, but brought about by the personal effort of the subject.
From the Plain of Mars, and not connected with the other lines, it foretells success after difficulties.
From the Mount of the Moon (4-4, Plate XV.), success is more a matter due to the caprice of others. It is more changeable and uncertain and is by no means such a sure sign of riches or solid position. It is more the sign of success as a public favourite, and is often found in the hands of those who depend on the public for their livelihood, such as actors and actresses, singers, and certain of artists, speakers, clergymen, etc. For all such professions it is, however, fortunate, and an extremely lucky sign to have, as it promises in all cases luck, brilliancy, and recognition in the world.
Rising from the Line of Head, the Sun Line gives success from the mental efforts and qualities, but not until after the middle of life is past. It is found on the hands of brain workers, students of some particular branch of study, writers, scientists, etc.
From the Line of Heart, success will come late in life in some way depending on, or through, the affections. In such cases it generally promises a very happy marriage late in life, but it is always a certain sign of eventual ease, happiness, and worldly comfort.
Marked only on its own Mount, the Line of Sun promises happiness and success, but so late in life as to make it hardly worth having.
When the third finger--called the finger of the Sun--is much longer than the first with the Line of Sun well marked, the gambling instincts will be much in evidence. Nearly all successful gamblers for money have these two indications.
When, however, the third finger is equal to the second, the love of ama.s.sing wealth will be the dominant pa.s.sion of the life.
When the third finger is extremely long and twisted or crooked, the person will endeavour to obtain money at any cost. This malformation is much seen in the hands of thieves or criminals who are likely to commit any crime for the sake of money. Note--if the Line of Head is very high on the palm, and more especially if it rises upwards at the end (3-3, Plate III.), these evil qualities will be still more accentuated.
When a hand is found to be artistic in its shape, with pointed fingers or long and narrow, the Line of Sun on such a formation promises rather success and brilliancy in Art, on the Stage, or in Public Singing, than in anything else.
The real musician's hand, such as the composer's or player's, is however rarely a long, thin-shaped hand, because such persons must have a more scientific nature. This quality is not found with those who possess the long, slender, very artistic-shaped hand, who depend more on their emotional temperament than on scientific study for their foundation.
On extremely long, thin hands, those that belong to what is called the Psychic Type,[4] the Line of Sun has very little meaning except that of temperament, such persons being too idealistic to care for either wealth, position, or worldly success. They have as a rule, simply bright, happy, sunny dispositions if this line is marked on their hands, and they go through life as in a dream, and their dreams are to them the only things that matter.
[4] See Types of Hands, Part II., page 123.
A curious characteristic, however, and one that has not been noticed by other writers on this subject, is, that on all hands where the Sun Line is seen, the nature of such people is much more sensitive to environment than that of those persons who do not possess this Line. For this reason the Line has been considered a sign of the artistic nature. But what is known as the "artistic nature" may show itself only in the love of beautiful things, harmony of surroundings, and such like; whereas the people who do not possess any mark of the Sun Line, seldom even notice their surroundings and would live equally happy in the most squalid homes. They would not trouble whether their curtains were black, green, yellow, or some fearful conglomeration of all three.
When many lines are found on the Mount of the Sun, they show also the artistic nature, but one where the multiplicity of aims and ideas will prevent any real success.
Two or three Sun Lines, when running parallel and evenly together, are good and indicate success in two or three different lines of work; but one good, straight, clear line is the best sign to have.
An "island" on any part of the Line of the Sun destroys the position and success promised, but only during the period where the island appears (5, Plate XV.). In nearly all cases it denotes public scandal, and when very clearly marked a cause celebre or something of that sort.
All opposition lines, viz., those that cross over from the thumb side of the hand, and especially those from the Mount of Mars or from its direction, are bad (6-6 Plate XV.). If these opposition lines pa.s.s through, cut, or interfere with the Line of Sun in any way, they denote the jealousy or interference of people against one.
Curiously enough, these opposition lines from the Mount of Mars relate to the interference of members of the same s.e.x as the subject; while, if they come from the Mount of Venus, they relate to the opposite s.e.x of the individual on whose hand they appear (7-7, Plate XV.).
A "star" found on the Line of Sun is one of the luckiest and most fortunate signs to have.
A "square" is a sign of preservation against the attacks of enemies or efforts to a.s.sail one's position.
A "cross" is an unfortunate sign, and denotes difficulties and annoyance, but only relating to one's name or position.
On a "hollow hand," the Line of Sun loses all power, and its good promises are never fulfilled.
The complete absence of the Line of Sun on an otherwise well-marked hand, indicates that no matter how clever or talented these people may be, the recognition of the world will be difficult or even impossible to gain. In other words, their life will remain in darkness; people will not see their work and the "Sun of Success" will never dawn on their pathway of labour.
The Line of Heart is that Line which runs across the hand under the fingers and generally rises under the base of the first, and runs off the side of the hand under the base of the fourth or little finger (1-1, Plate XVI.).
The Line of Heart relates purely to the affectionate disposition, in fact, to the mental side of the love nature of the subject. It should be borne in mind that, by lying as it does on that part of the hand above the Line of Head, it is consequently on the portion of the hand that relates to mental characteristics and not to the physical.
The Line of Heart should be deep, clear, and well coloured. It may arise from the extreme outside of the Mount of Jupiter (2, Plate XVI.), from the centre of this Mount, from the s.p.a.ce between the first and second fingers (3, Plate XVI.), from the face of the Mount of Saturn (4, Plate XVI.), or from directly under this Mount (5, Plate XVI.).
From the outside of the Mount of Jupiter, it denotes the blind enthusiast in affection, a man or woman who places his or her ideal of love so high that neither fault nor failing is seen in the being worshipped. With these people their pride in the object of their affection is beyond all reason, and all such extremists as a rule suffer terribly through their affections.
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE XVI.
From the centre of the Mount of Jupiter, the Heart Line gives more moderation, but also great ideality, and is one of the best of the variations of this Line that we are about to consider.
People with such a Heart Line are firm and reliable in their affections, they have an unusually high code of honour and morality. They are ambitious that the person they live with be great, n.o.ble, and successful. They seldom marry beneath their station in life, and they have fewer love affairs than any other cla.s.s.
If they once really love, they love for ever. They do not believe in second marriages, and the divorce courts are seldom troubled with their presence.
The Heart Line rising from between the first and second fingers, gives a calmer but a very deep nature in all matters of the affections (3, Plate XVI.).
These people seem to strike the happy medium between the ideality and pride given by Jupiter, and the more selfish love nature given when the line rises from Saturn.
They are not very demonstrative when in love, but they are capable of the very greatest sacrifices for those they care for. They do not expect the person on whom they bestow their affection to be a G.o.d or a G.o.ddess.
When the Line of Heart rises on the Mount of Saturn the subject will be rather selfish in all questions of affection (4, Plate XVI.). These people are not self-sacrificing, like the previous type. They are inclined to be cynical, reserved, undemonstrative but very insistent in trying to gain the person they want. They will let nothing stand in their way, but once they have obtained their object they show little tenderness or devotion.
They are very unforgiving if they discover any lapses on the part of their partner, but as they are "a law unto themselves," they close their eyes to their own shortcomings.
The Line of Heart that rises from under the base of the Mount of Saturn (5, Plate XVI.), exhibits all the foregoing characteristics, but in a much more intensified form. Such persons live for themselves, and care little whether those around them are happy or not.
The shorter the Line of Heart is on the Hand, the less the higher sentiments of the affection make themselves manifest.
When the Line of Heart is found in excess, namely, extremely long--it denotes a terrible tendency toward jealousy (2, Plate XVI.), and this is alarmingly increased if the Line of Head on the same hand is very sloping towards the Mount of the Moon (6, Plate XVI.). In such a case the imagination will run away with itself where jealousy is concerned.
When the Line of Heart is found curving downward at the base of the Mount of Jupiter (7, Plate XVI.), it tells of a strange fatality in that person, of meeting with great disappointment in love, and even with those they trust in friendship. He seems to lack perception, in knowing whom to love. His affections are nearly always misplaced or never returned.
These people have, however, as a rule, wonderfully kind, affectionate dispositions. They have little pride about whom they love and they generally marry beneath their station in life.
A Line of Heart made up like a chain, or by a crowd of little lines running into it, denotes flirtations and inconstancy in the love nature, and seldom has any lasting affection.
A Line of Heart from Saturn in holes or links like a chain, especially when it is broad, denotes an absolute contempt for the subject's opposite s.e.x. It is one of the signs of mental degeneration as far as love is concerned.
When this Line is pale and broad, without any depth, it denotes a nature blase and indifferent with no depth of affection.
When very low down on the hand, almost touching the Line of Head, the heart will always interfere with the affairs of the head.
When it lies very high on the hand and the s.p.a.ce is narrowed only by the Head Line being abnormally high and out of its place, it indicates the reverse of the above, and that the affairs of the heart are ruled by the head. Such persons are extremely calculating in all matters of love.
When only one deep, straight line is found across the hand from side to side, the two lines both Head and Heart appear to blend together. This denotes an intensely self-concentrated nature. If such a subject loves, he unites with it all the forces of his mind, and if he put his mind on any subject, he throws his whole heart and soul into whatever it may be (Plate VI.).
These people are also terribly head-strong and self-willed in all they do. They do not seem to know what fear means in any sense--they are dangerous lovers and husbands to trifle with, for they will stop at nothing if their blood is once roused.
They are also dangerous to themselves. They rush blindly into danger, and they usually meet with terrible accidents and injuries, and very often suffer a violent death (see also page 29).
When the Line of Heart commences with a fork, one branch on Jupiter and the other between the first and second fingers, it is an excellent sign of a well-balanced, happy, affectionate disposition, and a good promise of great happiness in all matters of affection.
When the Line of Heart is very thin and with no branches, it denotes coldness and want of heart.
When there is no Line of Heart whatever, it is a sign of a cold-blooded, unemotional nature. Such people can, however, be brutally sensual and especially so if the Mount of Venus is high (see Mounts, page 140).
A broken Heart Line is a certain sign that some terrible tragedy in the affections will at some time or other overwhelm the subject.
It may not often be found nowadays, but I have seen it in some few cases, and these persons never recovered the loss of the loved one or ever had love in their lives again.
What is called the Line of Marriage is that mark or marks, as the case may be, found on the side of the Mount under the fourth finger (1, Plate XVII.).
I will first proceed to give all the details possible about these lines, and then call my reader's attention to the other marks on the hand that qualify these Lines of Marriage, and further add a wealth of information regarding them.
The Line, or Lines, of Marriage may be found as very short marks almost on the very side of the hand, or they may appear as quite long lines rising from the side of the hand into the face of the Mount of Mercury, or, in some cases, going farther still into the hand itself.
Only the clearly formed lines relate to marriage, the short ones to deep affection, or marriage contemplated, but never entered into (2, Plate XVII.).
When the deep line is found lying close to the line of Heart, the marriage will take place early in life, but the other marks I am going to explain later will give more accurate dates as to when the event will occur.
For a happy marriage the lines on the Mount of Mercury should be straight and clear, without breaks or irregularities of any kind (1, Plate XVII.).
[Ill.u.s.tration: PLATE XVII.
When the Line of Marriage curves or droops downwards (3, Plate XVII.), the person on whose hand this appears will outlive the other.
When the line turns upward in the reverse direction, the possessor is not likely ever to marry (4, Plate XVII.).
When the line is clear and distinct, but has a lot of little lines dropping from it, it foreshadows trouble and anxiety in the marriage, but brought on by the delicacy and ill-health of the partner (5, Plate XVII.).
When the line has a curve at the end, and if a cross or line be found cutting into this curve (2, Plate XVIII.), the partner will die by accident or a sudden illness of some kind. But when the Marriage Line ends in a long, gradual curve into the Heart Line, the death of the partner will come about by gradual ill-health or illness of a very long duration.
When the line has an "island" at the beginning, then the marriage will be for a long time delayed, and the two persons will be much separated at the commencement of their married life.
When the "island" is found about the middle of the Marriage Line, some great trouble and separation will take place about the middle of the married life (3, Plate XVIII.).
When the "island" is found towards the end of the line, the marriage will most probably end in trouble and separation one from the other.
When the Line of Marriage divides into the form of a fork (4, Plate XVIII.), the two people will live apart from one another, but when the fork turns downwards towards the Line of Heart a legal separation may be antic.i.p.ated (5, Plate XVIII.).
When this fork is more accentuated, and turns down more into the hand, divorce may be expected, and especially so if one end of this fork stretches across the hand in the direction of the Plain of Mars, or the Mount of Mars (5, Plate XVIII.).
In many cases a fine line may be found crossing the entire palm, from the Marriage Line, and in such a case the greatest animosity and bitterness will enter into the fight for freedom and divorce. In such an example there is never any hope of reconciliation.