Paladin of the Dead God - Chapter 31

Chapter 31

Chapter 31. Human Hunter Hunt (5)


Isaac wondered what kind of trickery this was now.

However, seeing inside Heinkels mind, Isaac realized the Duke was making a huge mistake. Zihilrats faint divinity, Isaacs unbelievable power, and then

[I should have realized when I saw his face! His appearance is unmistakably a holy body sent by the Red Chalice! I was ruining His plans with my war games!]

It was Isaacs appearance that was the proof, at least in Heinkels mind.

It seemed plausible enough, not entirely absurd. Heinkel, of Wallachia royalty, had drunk directly from the Red Chalice the blood of the god.

So, he knew what a gods face should look like.

The god of the Red Chalice, Muhui, is a Nephilim too, right?

In the Red Chalice Club, being a Nephilim wasnt a disadvantage, and this was precisely why.

In Nameless Chaos, gods are divided into two types. Ancient gods born naturally from peoples perceptions and beliefs over a long history, and the mortal-born gods who began to appear around a thousand years ago with the advent of the Age of Light initiated by the Codex of Light.

The Nine Faiths predominantly consist of these mortal-born gods.

The god Muhui, worshiped by the Red Chalice Club, was not a secret Nephilim. Muhui became a god after killing her angel father and eating his heart. This melodramatic tale led her to become the god of the Red Chalice, governing eternal beauty and life.

Given her backstory, it wasnt strange for Heinkel to mistake Isaac, who shared the Nephilims appearance, for something more.

Instead of risking a lie that could be detected, Isaac decided to use Heinkels misconception.

A lie might be caught anyway

Isaac calmed himself and spoke.

Are there no other Wallachia hunters nearby?

Heinkel, struggling to find a suitable term for Isaac, was provided with a helpful response.

Youve already recognized me, havent you? Do you need another test?

Isaac didnt miss Heinkels mention of the prophet of the red flesh, one of the celestial beings of the Red Chalice Club.

Like other sects with their own gods, clubs have their celestial beings, and the Red Chalice Club is no exception. Their chief celestial, the prophet of red flesh, is a creature with three arms and legs and flayed skin. It represents the most vital, essential charm something along those lines, but to Isaac, it just looked like a grotesque monster.

However, at a glance, Zihilrats current form might appear similar.

Neither were intentional by Isaac, but having once reached an ending with the Red Chalice Club, he could convincingly mimic it.

Heinkel frantically shook his head, but Isaac had already read his thoughts.

[Even though I have sinned gravely, why is the prophet of the red flesh here? What benefit is there in corrupting this monastery?]

Heinkels mind, completely submissive, was an open book. Isaac realized why Heinkel was so easily swayed.

Confess your misdeeds. Lets hear how shamelessly youve acted.

Zihilrat pinned Heinkels head to the ground. Heinkel, pressed against the floor, began spilling everything he knew.


Even in a state of terror, Heinkels words were coherent.

But they werent particularly satisfying for Isaac.

The Immortal Order had tasked Heinkel with a simple mission: to periodically assist their priests in crossing the border into the territories controlled by the Codex of Light.

Such foolish actions.

The Kingdom of Wallachia, though part of the dark forces like the Immortal Order, wasnt really on good terms with the gods. Skeletal undead and hedonistic immortalists hardly get along.

Mainly, they were politically influenced by the powerful Black Empire nearby.

Duke Heinkel Gullmar, desiring this influence, had assisted the Immortal Order, helping the priests with their illegal entry and subsequent actions. When communication with a priest at this location was lost, he came to investigate.

To assist if possible, or to erase evidence if not.

Did the Immortal Order stir the ancient gods as part of their strategy for the dawn army expedition two years later?

The actual start of Nameless Chaos gameplay was two years later, with the organization of the dawn army. Thats when ancient gods began to resurrect across the continent, but they didnt significantly impact the overall world.

They were just additional field or mid-level bosses.

Compared to the Nine Faiths nearly invincible gods, ancient gods were just slightly stronger monsters.

Isaac thought he had extracted all the information he could from Heinkel and pondered what to do with him.

Heinkels current obedience stemmed from his fear of death, encountering an unknown powerful force, and being overwhelmed by Isaacs charisma.

Thus, doubts would likely resurface once he left this place.

You nearly ruined my plans.

I have no excuse.

Then you must face the consequences.

Heinkel bit his lip and tilted his neck at Isaacs words.

Devour me. Enjoy a feast with my flesh, and grace your banquet with my body!

You think your tainted flesh is worthy of a feast?

Heinkel might have hoped for forgiveness with such a plea, but Isaac, unconcerned with unnecessary clemency, impaled Heinkels neck with a tentacle. Shock and disbelief flickered across Heinkels face.

However, the tentacle rapidly drained his blood.

[Heinkel Gullmar (S) consumed.]

[Dead Gods Intestines perk efficiency increased.]

[Charisma significantly enhanced.]

[Vampirism perk efficiency enhanced.]

[Red Prayer (S) perk acquired.]

It didnt take long to completely drain Heinkels blood. Consuming the royal blood that Heinkel received from the Red Chalice, Isaac experienced an unprecedented pleasure.

His consciousness blurred with the intoxicating sensation.

[Nameless Chaos watches over you.]

That notification from the nameless chaos snapped Isaac back to reality.

Dangerous, isnt it?

Isaac realized the pleasure was from vampirism, akin to a drug for him, who had no resistance. But the moment he received the nameless chaoss notification, he quickly returned to his normal state.

The overwhelming pleasure was not something he wanted to experience again. The sensation of losing oneself was more terrifying than the pleasure.

As Heinkels form lost its shape and crumbled to dust after being drained of the Red Chalices blood, Isaac felt a strange emotion.

Kalsen, and now this guy, both had significant roles two years later with the dawn army How will things unfold now?

Someone more dangerous might take their place, but Isaac couldnt let Heinkel live. Heinkels doubts were one thing, but an opportunity to consume someone like Heinkel might not come again.

It seems I cant acquire abilities through consumption.

Isaac examined the perks gained from consuming Heinkel.

The fact that his charisma could be further enhanced was surprising. It was already effective enough to fully sway the Duke of Wallachia. Becoming stronger could have unpredictable outcomes.

Should I become a cult leader or something?

Acquiring Red Prayer was a significant gain.

As Isaac extended his hand, his fingertips dissolved into red mist. This ability, frequently used by Heinkel, was inherent in the royal blood and thus gained through consumption.

Isaac tested Red Prayer.

His body momentarily lost form and moved swiftly, scaling almost vertical walls. Although not as freely as Heinkel, it could be useful for causing confusion or sneaking in.

But it uses satiety

More precisely, it seemed to consume blood, or rather, bodily fluids. Isaac had a foreboding feeling.

No way, Im not turning into a vampire, am I?

Drinking blood and transforming into mist was typical of vampires. However, a reassuring message appeared.

[The curse of the Red Chalice cannot invade due to a stronger curse.]

This stronger curse was likely due to the nameless chaos. Isaac realized he had avoided becoming a vampire but remained a tentacle monster.

Which was better was hard to determine.

Isaac searched through Heinkels remains for anything useful.

Most equipment quickly disintegrated, likely conjured by abilities, but he found a notable item in the dust.

A sword?

Isaac discovered a thin, narrow sword in the dust. Without decoration, it had a heavy, dark hue.

Ive never seen Heinkel use such a weapon.

Puzzled, Isaac touched the weapon, and information about it appeared before him, causing a dizzying sensation.

A relic?

Isaac blurted out involuntarily.

It was a weapon he shouldnt have been able to obtain here, an item beyond his reach.