Paladin of the Dead God - Chapter 170.2

Chapter 170.2

Isnt there blood on Lady Rosalinds own hands as well? Its natural to harbor resentment seeing your people die horribly, but isnt it unjust to blame a child who has never stained his hands with blood?

A child? Ha! The moment he wears the crown, he is not a person but a concept of a king. He represents the state and inherits all the wealth and power amassed through the evil deeds of his predecessors. Is it a vile tradition of the Codex of Light to separate the good from the bad?

Then the previous king should have exterminated the seed of Saltain.

Rosalinds expression froze, and her anger erupted moments later.

Bang. The impact of her slamming the table caused the teacup to spill.

What did you say!

If all sins are eternally inherited, then we should just eradicate the beings to be blamed. Its because King Alfred was too lenient that Edelred has to pay the price now.

How dare you

Are you angry? Good. Lady Rosalind. How about this? Lets kill King Edelred. And lets wipe out his lineage too.

Rosalind glared at Isaac with bloodshot eyes, her rage bubbling at the suggestion, but she was a foreigner and a heretic to Isaac; she hadnt sworn loyalty to Edelred.

Then we should rightfully make some innocent child the king. Wait, that might upset others. Maybe some people like Edelred, and we shouldnt forget the Georg family. Lets kill them all off too. The last one standing gets all of Elils favor.

What would be left for Rosalind at the end?

A terrified young king, more hatred, and more enemies.

Just like King Alfred before her.

The sacred sword of the Elil kings, Kaldbruch, means justice, you know. Is this the justice you seek, Lady Rosalind?

While Isaac didnt think Edelred was entirely blameless and understood where Rosalind was coming from, ,inheriting the throne means inheriting its burdens too how should justice be served? Killing Edelred wouldnt help anyone, nor would telling the victims to forget and forgive be responsible.

Ultimately, there was no easy answer.

Thus, Isaac was selfishly pushing for reconciliation for his own benefits.

Rosalind caught her breath, her eyes still red from rage, but soon she controlled her breathing and regained her composure as if she had never been angry.

If I were ten years younger, I would challenge you to a duel, but its clear I would lose now.

Thats fortunate.

Rosalind refilled the overturned teacup with tea.

Holy Grail Knight, you misunderstand something.

A misunderstanding?

Rosalind nodded.

What I want is not revenge.

Then what is it you seek?


Salvation? It was the same word she had used earlier.

Salvation from what?

There must be a tormentor for one to seek salvation from it. From what was Rosalind seeking salvation?

An unjust world? The constant fear of attack?

The desire for revenge she couldnt fulfill due to her own weakness?

However, Rosalind did not explain.

She merely tilted her teacup with a bitter smile.



Yes, be careful. Hes a Swordmaster.

Isaac requested Hesabel to investigate Cedric. It would be faster if he moved personally, but as a conspicuous Holy Grail Knight wandering around Aldeon looking for another Swordmaster, it could lead to misunderstandings.

Well, it was pretty clear what kind of misunderstandings.

Hesabel looked at Isaac suspiciously.

You want me to look for a Swordmaster in the Kingdom of Elil? Do you know what kind of uproar it would cause if they find out I carry the blood of the Red Chalice?

A Swordmaster was also a powerful priest of Elil.

Hesabel was worried about being justified by such a powerful priest-warrior. But Isaac sighed and said,

Im not sending you to fight, just to gather information. And

Isaac looked her over.

Hesabel, do you remember why you decided to follow me?

To win?

Yes, to win. You might not realize it, but as I grow stronger and absorb more faith, you are also becoming stronger. Even if you face a Swordmaster, it wont be a complete disaster.

Hesabel had felt it when they faced the End-Eater. Her aura had significantly strengthened compared to before. As Isaac grew, so did his followers.

Hesabels eyes sparkled.

So, youre saying I might even beat a Swordmaster?

No, I mean you wont die screaming at least.

Isaac praised her but didnt plant false hopes.

Still, that was something. Swordmasters were among the strongest beings in the Elil faith, second only to angels. Just being able to escape alive was a sign of strength.

Hesabel couldnt fully utilize her power in public like Isaac could. Even if she could win, fleeing was often the better option.

Though Hesabel held a significant position, it was still not enough.

If it seems too dangerous, use my name to buy yourself some time. Whats important is finding out about Cedrics whereabouts. I dont think he would, but if he challenges Edelred to a duel or accidentally kills him, that would be problematic.

Got it.

TL Notes