Paladin of the Dead God - Chapter 163.2

Chapter 163.2


As soon as Isaac appeared, knights crowded around him. Edelred was at the forefront.

Are you alright? The curse

Edelred quickly checked Isaacs condition. There were no longer any signs of physical mutation, as Isaac had already defeated the curse.

The curse has been defeated. The witches will no longer harm me.

Admiration spilled from among the knights. Many knights had been killed or crippled due to the witchs curse. While dying on the battlefield was considered honorable, being crippled or living a miserable life due to a curse was a horror for them.

Most knights, feeling humiliated even in receiving sympathy in the kingdom of Elil, chose to end their own lives or had friends assist them.

Relieved, Edelred exhaled.

Thats good. Then theres no need for drawing lots.

Drawing lots?

Its rare to get a chance to take the life of a Swordmaster.

Isaac was about to smile at the joke, but seeing the serious faces of the knights behind, he felt uneasy.

Of course, it was better to die than live a grotesque life due to a curse, but he still wanted to live. There might be a chance to break the curse if he lived long enough.

But he remembered that obtaining such an opportunity to ease a comrades pain was also considered an honor among the Elil knights, especially if it involved a Holy Grail Knight.

If ever such a time comes, please seek my consent.

Uh, if you can still speak, definitely

No, even if I cant speak, I will make it clear through my actions, so please

Suddenly, a vast flock of crows burst into flight from the nearby fields. The knights, sensing an attack from the witches, quickly drew their swords to protect Isaac. However, the crows circled overhead instead of attacking.

Then they began to shout in unison.

Holy Grail Knight! Holy Grail Knight! The witches may forget kindness but never forget a grudge!

Enraged, Mors shouted back.

Defeated fools talk too much! Go back to your stinking dens!

The crows cawed mockingly in response. Several archers fired arrows, but there were too many crows.

How amusing, how amusing! Do you truly think you have won?

Elils thugs, without the Holy Grail Knight, you would be nothing

Then Isaac murmured quietly enough for only those nearby to hear.

Enough, leave.

At his calm command, the crows dispersed in an instant.

But the voice of the witch continued to echo.

We are banished in defeat by the Holy Grail Knights light and glory!

But we will return and challenge again Aaagh!

The crows voices faded into the distance.

I should have scripted their lines better.

This warning was part of Isaacs script. His last command to Hectali was to send the controlled creatures back

to the forest while also directing strong criticisms towards him.

It was designed to show the knights of Elil that Hectali had been defeated and to firmly imprint Isaacs presence in the kingdom.

However, Hectalis script was overly theatrical. Isaacs face flushed with the exaggerated tone, but fortunately, the knights were too outraged to notice his expression.

Damn witches, stuck in that swamp unable to move! Holy Grail Knight, dont mind them. We will definitely finish them off someday.

No need to worry, General Mors. Even if they regain their strength and return, by then, the gap between us will be too vast for them to reach.

Isaacs response impressed all the knights. His commitment to continue improving despite already achieving great power was inspiring.

Yet Isaac was thinking about something else.

Its about time for the Nameless Chaos to grant a reward.


[The Nameless Chaos watches over you.]

[Eye of Chaos is enhanced.]

[Eye of Chaos can now inflict confusion/fear/madness on opponents at your choice.]

The reward for defeating Hectali was the enhancement of the Eye of Chaos. It was useful in non-combat situations but had been somewhat lacking in battle; this upgrade addressed that flaw.

A decent debuff skill.

However, using it powerfully might cause tentacles to burst from his eyes. As long as he was cautious, it could be incredibly useful, especially since Isaac was about to meet one of the few Swordmasters in the kingdom of Elil.

Ill need to figure out just how much to use it.