Paladin of the Dead God - Chapter 128

Chapter 128

Chapter 128. The Brant Familys Concern (1)


At Isaacs grim expression, Dietrich burst into laughter.

Ha ha, its a joke. She didnt really say that.

Isaac looked at Dietrich with an expression as if to say, what kind of joke is that?

But listening to her, as a father, I can tell what my daughter wants to say. Even if she doesnt use direct words.

What did the inquisitor say about me?

Isaac didnt know what Isolde had said, but it was clear that Dietrich didnt see him as just an ordinary holy knight.

It was an awkward situation for Isaac.

Facing the second most powerful man in the empire as a somewhat accomplished Grail Knight was one thing, but dealing with a father concerned about his daughter was another level of difficulty.

However, instead of telling Isaac what Isolde had said, Dietrich brought up a different topic.

Ah, shes not an inquisitor anymore.

What? Did she quit?

In the Issacrea domain, Isolde had declared she would monitor Isaac. But after she left the domain, there had been no contact.

It was unthinkable that she had quit being an inquisitor.

Shes been indefinitely suspended from the Inquisition Office and is under house arrest. Its a shameful affair.

Indefinite suspension

It was as good as being expelled. Although she wasnt the type to look around much, she wasnt incompetent. There had to be a reason for her expulsion

Actually, there are too many points to consider.

She had always been treated like a burden by the Inquisition Office. Considering that inquisitors are often more involved in purges, assassinations, and cleansing operations, her position didnt fit her status. Thanks to that, she only went to scenes where she wouldnt have to dirty her hands.

Moreover, she was a fervent reformer, using words like blind followers in her heart. It wouldnt have been surprising if she had been expelled at any time.

May I ask what happened?

Why dont you take a guess?

Dietrich asked Isaac back. It wasnt a joke about his daughters issue; Isaac realized it was a simple test.

A test to see the capabilities of a successful Grail Knight.

It would be easy with the Eye of Chaos, but he didnt feel the need to use it.

Is it a heresy charge? Seems like she got entangled with the Red Chalice Club.

Dietrichs eyes widened in surprise. It was a test question Isaac had proposed, but he didnt expect him to guess so quickly and accurately, even pinpointing the specific heresy in question.

How did you know?

The Inquisition Office is an organization with strong internal unity. It would be difficult to expel a dukes daughter without a valid reason, no matter how much of a thorn in their side she was.

But more importantly

Otherwise, Duke Brant wouldnt have come all the way here.

The fact that Dietrich Brant was here was a clue in itself.

Isaac had disappeared from the world for the past few weeks, and the last place his whereabouts were known was here, Norden Harbor. It was there that the great Dietrich Brant had been waiting endlessly, for who knows how long.

The lady was originally monitoring me. But after returning to the Inquisition Office, the contact was cut off. I thought it might be because the internal investigation results didnt please the Inquisition Office, but since its a case involving the Prophet of the Red Flesh, I thought it was more likely she got entangled with that.

Whether the Inquisition Office tried to frame Isolde to expel her is unknown. They are skilled at such acts, and thats what they exist for. But regardless of the truth, just being accused of such charges is fatal for an inquisitor.

If you ask why they would do such a thing to the daughter of the churchs biggest donor, its because shes an inquisitor. Its an organization that looks into the dirtiest parts of the church.

If Isolde had been an ordinary priest, they would have rather pampered her than kept her in check.

To summarize, it seems that youve come to ask me to prove Isolde Brants innocence and clear her name. Is my understanding correct?

Dietrich Brant nodded as if surprised. A look of satisfaction crossed his face.

However, what bothered Isaac was Dietrichs expression. For a father whose daughter was in crisis, he seemed too relaxed. Isaac wondered if he had missed something.

Almost accurate, Sir Issacrea.

Is there something Ive missed?

Dietrich looked around and carefully adjusted his posture. Since they were alone in the VIP room, his actions were merely ceremonial.

Just an attitude that the words he was about to say were secret and should not be leaked outside.

The truth is, Isolde is not innocent.


That child is indeed a heretic, Sir Issacrea.


Dietrichs story was perplexing.

After returning to the Inquisition Office, Isolde had reported that Isaac was innocent and an excellent Grail Knight.

However, not long after, Ilya Dote, the Eastern District Chief of the Inquisition Office, concluded that Isolde appeared to have been exposed to forbidden knowledge while investigating the Prophet of the Red Flesh and placed her under house arrest. The term was until all signs of heresy were completely removed.

Isolde was furious and strong protests followed. But she couldnt fight against the Inquisition Office.

In fact, the fact that she received house arrest despite signs of heresy meant she was being treated incredibly leniently.

Of course, the Brant familys position as the churchs largest donor in the empire must have played a part. Anyway, Isolde returned to the ducal family with just a light disciplinary result of house arrest, despite the fatal wound of heresy charges.

That was indeed a light punishment. Because Isolde was truly a heretic.

Dietrich murmured, stroking his lips.

I knew Isolde made radical statements, but not to the extent of being called a heretic

Did she say that the churchs leaders all have eyes like melted candle wax in stone heads that need to be smashed? If that was the case, I wouldnt have called her a heretic either. Thats just venting dissatisfaction.

Well, she didnt go that far, but, um.

It seems Isoldes temperament might have come from her father.

Dietrich Brant also seemed to have many complaints about the church. Even if he had heard about him, to say such things in front of a Paladin.

And yet, hes the churchs biggest donor.

Either a devout believer or a great ambitious man. One of the two.

Either way, it was clear he was more dangerous than he appeared.

I also thought it was the churchs check when I first heard she was under house arrest by the Inquisition Office. She was indignant, claiming it was unfair. But the child who returned home was clearly not normal.

Not normal means there were clear signs of heresy for anyone to see.

And yet, Isolde was safely returned to the Brant domain by the Inquisition Office. This could only be interpreted as a result of her being the daughter of the Brant family.

It seemed like they were saying, Were sending her back, so deal with it at home.

But still, Dietrich didnt seem worried, although he might have been troubled.

May I ask what the problem is?

For a moment, Dietrich bit his lip hard. Isaac was surprised as Dietrichs composure vanished in an instant, but Dietrich quickly erased that expression.

However, he still seemed somewhat anxious.

Im sorry. Honestly, I still dont know how to accept this situation. I dont even understand it very well.

The more detailed explanation you provide, the easier it will be for me to respond.

Thats according to the Inquisition Office, it seems that she received some kind of blessing from the Red Chalice Club.


What Dietrich requested was simple.

He wanted Isaac to visit the Brant domain and purify Isolde, who was afflicted with the heretics blessing.

There were many more capable people in the church who could perform purification miracles, but Dietrich insisted on Isaac. It seemed to be because of the blessing that Isolde had received. Dietrich was reluctant to mention or reveal what kind it was.

He acted as if he was just visiting a famous Grail Knight all along.

Isaac then set sail for the Brant domain.

However, the ships of the Salt Council did not return to Norden Harbor but instead requested to accompany him. It was essentially a siege disguised as an escort, but Dietrich accepted it calmly.

I heard that Sir Issacrea has shown great favor to them. Its not easy to receive such respect from heretics, but it seems that Grail Knights have an amazing charm, as Ive heard.

Thats an overstatement.

Isaac thought, does killing their angel also count as a favor? But he accepted it as a good thing. In reality, he was treated more like a prophet than just someone who had shown favor, but that was a secret for now.

In any case, it allowed Isaac to stand tall.

Even so, the difference in power between Isaac and Dietrich was as vast as the sun and a firefly.

The Brant family directly and indirectly controlled nearly one-fifth of the Gerthonia Empires mainland. The size of the territory directly governed by Dietrich was enormous.

He was a noble among nobles within the empire, with no equal.

Just comparing the nobles of the faction he led to Isaac was incomparable. He was even a contributor to the current emperors rise to power, and his daughter was devoted to the church.

I thought it was just a distant story

But up close, Dietrich was just a doting father.

During the journey to the Brant domain, despite the difference in power, Isaac quickly became friends with Dietrich.

Isaacs charm might have had an effect, but Dietrich Brant himself seemed like a friendly person who easily got along with others. And it seemed that Isoldes judgment had influenced him as well.

The problem was that his attitude was so ambiguous that it was unclear whether he was treating Isaac as a Grail Knight or as a potential son-in-law.

Of course, Isaac was under no illusion.

The Brant family had the power to change the political landscape of the empire. And Isolde, as the only daughter of that family, was a political entity in herself. Even if Isaac was a successful Grail Knight.

Its true that Isolde views me positively, so maybe hes checking to see if any strange fellows are entangled.

Of course, Isaac assumed that Isoldes favor was as a respectable Grail Knight, not as a romantic interest. It was natural for her to have some favor after all the effort he had put in. If Dietrich also thought favorably of him, that was enough.

Were almost there. This is my home, Rougeberg.

Dietrich said as they entered the port city flanked by sheer cliffs. Atop the cliff was a massive fortress carved out of a red rock mountain, too grand to be called a home. The castle built on the steep cliff looked majestic.

But the ship did not dock at the harbor. Instead, it anchored near the coast by the cliffs, and they transferred to a boat. They then joined the knights who had been waiting on the coast and headed straight for Rougeberg Castle.

During this time, Isaac had to move with his entire body covered in a robe and his hood pulled down to his nose. Even the warship that had brought them here did not return to the harbor but sailed out to the open sea. It seemed to prevent the sailors from even stopping at the harbor.

The ships of the Salt Council did not go to such lengths, but at Dietrichs request, they agreed to refrain from entering the port for a few days.

The fact that Sir Issacrea is currently in my domain could create a somewhat difficult situation if it becomes known. Since the secret will be out in a few days anyway, I would like to maintain security for at least those few days.

The security of the Salt Council is quite thorough.

At that, Dietrich looked intently at Isaac.

Sir Issacrea. How do you think I believed you would return and waited for you at Norden Harbor?

That was something Isaac had also been curious about. Only Eidan knew that Isaac had returned from the afterlife, and they had been heading straight to Norden Harbor without any chance for rumors to spread.

I bribed one of the Salt Councils priests at Norden Harbor to get information about you. Theres no such thing as perfect security in front of sword and gold.

Isaac fully agreed with that point.

There was no reason to refuse a polite request in the first place. Considering the power that Duke Brant could wield, it was better not to make an enemy for a smoother life.

Fortunately, the captains of the Salt Council understood.

Isaac felt like he was on a secret mission as he went to meet Isolde.