Overlord In Cultivation - Chapter 52: Plunder Like A Bandit

Chapter 52: Plunder Like A Bandit

Su Yan closed his eyes and began to cultivate the spirit by the Soul-refining Manual, because he was unwilling to waste any time.

His forehead was crystal clear and was absorbing the essence from s.p.a.ce. Spirit cultivation was a tough and slow process, especially that it took quite some time to successfully breed the soul.

Moreover, the stronger the spirit was, the faster the speed of comprehending would be.

Su Yan had to admit that Yi Yuan's choice was right. As long as he could make his spirit stronger, challenging the Training PaG.o.da would be very easy.

But it was an unquiet night. As soon as the news got out, Huaxia College was buzzing with the news.

“Jing Yanghui is challenging the Training PaG.o.da.”

“Not surprisingly, Jing Yanghui’s first place is taken away by a freshman. It is nothing short of insult for Jing Yanghui. And you know, Su Yan beat his brother Jing Yangyu twice in succession.”

“Aye! How can Jing Yanghui reconcile himself to such a fact? Indeed, Jing Yanghui has not challenged the Training PaG.o.da for a long time. He has been in the top position among core students all the time to mainly get more resources. Now the resources have been taken away, how can he still keep calm?”

Many teachers were concerned about this matter. Jing Yanghui should not be so weak that even suppressed by Su Yan. Getting through the eighth floor might not be difficult for him, but no one could predict the final results.

“Jing Yanghui?” A trace of anger came in Liu Peng’s heart when he got the news. The reason for his anger was that Jing Yanghui clearly had the qualification to become a golden student, but he had been deliberately lingering in the top of core students and commandeering the resources rewarded.

Three days later, the college was in a sensation. Jing Yanghui had pa.s.sed the eighth floor, retaking the first place of core students. But this time it didn't cause much stir. First, nearly all in the college were clear that Jing Yanghui had the capability to do that. Second, winning a freshman was nothing to be proud of.

“I wonder when Su Yan will break through the ninth floor? Hha, I always want to see them fight!”

“That looks difficult. I think it's hard for Su Yan to get to the ninth floor. Only the golden students have the capability to do it. It’s said that lots of teachers want to accept him as disciple, including deputy dean, Liu Peng. But Su Yan seems to have rejected them all.”

“He rejected! Is he crazy? He’ll have no future following Yi Yuan.”

“Who knows? I’m more interested if Jing Yanghui can make it to the tenth floor!”

Huaxia College showed an air of superficial clam but there were signs of unease under the surface. Many students went for closed-door cultivation as it was difficult for many senior students to accept that they were surpa.s.sed by a new student.

On this day, Yi Yuan came back and said, “Today is the day to go, you should cultivate hard outside for a period of time. Then try to get past the ninth floor!”

“Is there any way to pa.s.s the ninth floor?” Su Yan’s eyes lit up.

Hearing that, Yi Yan continued, “It’s savvy. It has to do with the human spirit and willpower. You are gifted and have a strong ability to learn and deduce something. All you need is just some predicaments to fully arouse such gift and ability!”

“Ok, I get it. Please wait a moment.”

Su Yan quickly took out the communicator then sent a message to the Fatty and Lin Wanlan. Treasure Cave could not be wasted. The secret in this house would be discovered sooner or later, and it would be better for his two good friends to come here for cultivation.

After arranging everything well, Su Yan followed Mr.Yi to leave.

Huaxia College was located on the outskirts of the wilderness region, and there were no fierce beasts in the surrounding area. But Yi Yuan's destination was a dangerous region thousands of miles away from the wilderness region, where beast kings entrenched. It was extremely dangerous!

Su Yan felt so excited about the unknown journey.

They ran all the way from sunup to sundown and had travelled about 200 miles.

Atmosphere of terror spread throughout the region, and Su Yan could feel it from anywhere.

Before night fell, wilderness region looked like erupting flash floods and tsunamis. It seemed a lot of demons were coming to life and huge beasts with horrible breath were roaring, unleas.h.i.+ng the power formidable enough to devour the moon and quake the mountains!

In the evening, the beasts appeared and absorbed the essence of the sun and the moon. The whole wilderness region was full of ferocity, seemingly to tear up the territory!

“Let’s not hurry, we will cultivate here for half a month.”

Yi Yuan explored around and found a great waterfall. He jumped down and reached into the pool with his hand. Then he found the water was extremely cold.

“The environment here is good. You can cultivate in the freezing water at night to forge the Qi and blood in your body, so that your physical basis is more vigorous!”

Su Yan scratched his head. The dragon totem was heating. It seemed to have found some treasures under the pool.

“Don’t hem and haw. Go down the water quickly!” Yi Yuan said with a serious face.


As soon as Su Yan jumped into the pool, he s.h.i.+vered and immediately closed his pores.

The water was so freezingly cold that even his body with such a strong corporeity trembled.

The speed of movement in the water was hindered, but the icy water stimulated his body to run automatically, his blood boiling instantly.

“It really works!”

Su Yan was surprised and swam in the water like a live fish.

His spine was constantly twisting, sending out deep voices of dragon and arousing his own strength of Qi and blood that constantly surged in the spine. He was using the dragon form to forge the Qi and blood in the body.

“You naughty boy!”

Yi Yuan felt quite speechless at the frisky fish being thrown to the sh.o.r.e.

This was a rare delicacy. The living fish that survived under such a harsh environment were all great supplements.

Yi Yuan took out a cauldron from the jade bottle, made a fire and began to cook fish soup.

“Wow, eels! They are good for nouris.h.i.+ng Qi and blood!”

Yi Yuan laughed heartily and caught an eel of arm thick that just flew out of the pool. Although these supplements did not have much effect on Su Yan, daily use of it could still improve his physique and forged the Qi and blood in his body.

So the hard life of cultivation had begun.

Su Yan went out to hunt down ten beast lords every day. It was a task given by Yi Yuan in which stipulated that every beast lord Su hunted shouldn’t be under the second level of Destiny Spring Realm.

It was difficult. While hunting, Su Yan had to cautiously guard against the beast lords and manage to survive. There were at least three beast lords lurking nearby!

Every day his stress sustained high!

What surprised Yi Yuan was that Su Yan went back with precious herbs every time. Once he even brought back a 300-year-old ginseng after seven-day hunting!

Yi Yuan was stunned, "Su Yan is so sensitive to treasures. Is he a born treasure seeker?"

"As I expected, there are something good below. The cold iron for forging super weapons!"

Yi Yuan laughed out heartily. On that day, Su Yan threw out three pieces of cold iron from the bottom of a pool, which belonged to super material of high value and could be sold for billions of Huaxia coins.

Su Yan ate all kinds of treasures.

Half a month later, Su Yan scale new heights in cultivating the Incipient Scripture. He felt that he was not far away from the Furnace of Heaven and Earth.

In the process Su Yan also a.s.similated an essence stone, which made his qi and blood turbulent. Yi Yuan looked forward to what level Su Yan could awaken himself to and wondered how astonished people would be if Su Yan’s present power were known.

"Teacher! Help!"

A month later, Su Yan ran in the mountain forest like a savage which swayed the mountains and created gusts of wind that blew the mountain forest in a mess!


It was a giant ape chasing Su Yan roared violently, shaking the earth.

Su Yan stole its Monkey Liquor which was essential to the ape.

A large pool of Monkey Liquor was on Su Yan’s shoulder. It was made from precious materials and was of great value.

"It was not necessarily a good thing to have a good nose for treasures."

Yi Yuan followed Su Yan but did not offer any help. He saw that under this dangerous circ.u.mstance, bright divine beams bl.u.s.tered from Su Yan’s body like he opened up immortal treasures one after another. Su’s control towards his own Qi and blood became stronger!

Formation lines could be seen everywhere he pa.s.sed by.

Su Yan refined some Soul-nouris.h.i.+ng Liquid. His soul was strengthened, enabling him to open the smriti of the black ore. He observed it earnestly. Though it was still hard to understand, the little enlightenment he got did great help to comprehend the Taoist Formation!


Ten days after Su Yan got rid of the giant ape, a cliff trembled and the roars of dragon nearly smashed the clouds high in the sky!

Su Yan's spine was about to rush to the vault of heaven. The power of his qi and blood were terrific like a giant dragon wakening; beasts far and near were palpitating with fear.

Su Yan was born with tremendously strong body whose force could frighten beasts. Now that it performed the dragon shape, it was filled with aura of primordial dragon!

Yi Yuan and Su Yan jointly performed the occult skill of dragon form in the mountain forest!

Improved by Su Yan and Yi Yuan together, the divine martial art’s power became more astonis.h.i.+ng. Once the might of this divine martial art revived, it would cause an explosion of Qi and blood in the whole body, and its power would skyrocket!

"Hahaha, Mr. Yi, I dug up a seven hundred years old Solomon's seal!"

Yi Yuan smiled. Seven hundred years old Solomon's seal was a valuable herb, which could even be refined into third-level elixirs!

Time pa.s.sed quickly. Su Yan had disappeared for two months.

By virtue of Treasure Cave, Lin Wanlan got into the fifth level of Destiny Spring Realm. Yet the Fatty was brewing, being about to leap a new level!

"d.a.m.n you, Su Yan!"

After coming for Su Yan several times, Teng Yingjie cursed savagely, "Don’t reckon yourself a champion just because of your savvy. I don’t believe that you can hide outside for a year!"

Then another month pa.s.sed!

The dangerous mountain forest was never in peace. Various beast kings had been troubled by Su Yan, while they could do nothing about him!

Such a foxy boy! Bandit! Although besieged by various beast kings many times, Su Yan fled every time.

He dug away a thousand-year elixir, stole a pool of Monkey Liquor and took a beast king’s egg…

Too many delicacies were swallowed into Su Yan’s belly, which broadened Yi Yuan’s horizon. Having a walk in the forest, treasures were laid on the wayside!

This day, dragon and tiger pulse led to the surging of Qi and blood like the curling smoke of beacon-fire with Su Yan revived.

Full of air of violence and kill, Su Yan stood here like a mountain overlord, looking down all the world; even beast kings dared not to bother him.

"Just about enough."

Yi Yuan beckoned Su Yan, "The a.s.siduous cultivation has finished. You can start taking medicated bath from today onwards!"

"Medicated bath?" Su Yan scratched his head like a savage who was spattered with blood and wearing tattered clothes with his hair dishevelled.

"Yes, that's what I got accidentally. It can be regarded as the sixth-level medical liquid!"

Yi Yuan's words shocked Su Yan that he could not even believe it, "Six-level medical liquid? Are you a six-level chemist?"

"How can it be!" Yi Yuan was stunned, "The medicated bath is different from the medical liquid. It doesn't need to be refined and the only thing it needs is enough materials."

"I thought it was impossible to succeed, but I have studied the big stone you stole. It is probably the legendary divine iron as it is full of incredible divinity!"

Su Yan was very excited. The Dragon Totem released a great heat half a month ago, which was even more staggering than when he met the mountain treasure. Su Yan felt that he had met a precious treasure, so he quietly skulking down and stole it from the rhino beast king.

He was chased for hundreds of miles and fled for three days in order to get rid of the rhino.

Yi Yuan then took out a big tripod from his jade bottle!

Su Yan was so envious about the jade bottle that he couldn't help asking what it was, why there were inexhaustible treasures in it, and whether it had anything people wanted.