Overlimit Skill Holder (Web Novel JP) - Vol 5 Chapter 3: Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 5

Vol 5 Chapter 3: Overlimit Skill Holder Vol 5

Vol 5: Chapter 3

The Border Earls Mansion was spacious, but compared to the mansions in the royal capital, it felt unrefined, simple and sturdy.

A huge bear mount was on display in the reception room. I almost thought it was a real bear trying to attack me. It had such a fierce aura. If an average person sees this, they might actually faint. Is it really okay to leave something like this in the reception room?

I heard the sound of heavy footsteps coming from the other side of the door. The reception room door threw open, and the Berserkerno, I mean, Border Earl Mule appeared.

Reiji! So you finally came to my territory for some fun! Attaboy! Where do you wanna go? The dungeons first? Or do you wanna shut down the rowdy adventurers all at once? Or do you wanna go explore unexplored region

F-Father. Those are all just your desires

Lady Mira appeared alongside the Border Earl.

When I last saw her with Lady Eva, my impression of her was a simple country girl. But now, she was looking like a proper noble lady.

Oh, I see. Its because she stopped calling the Border Earl Papa, and her conduct is more refined.

A-Ah right. Thank you for taking the time to come to a place so far. So, what kind of business do you have here? I didnt think you would return to the Holy Kingdom for a while after everything that occurred in the Holy City. Well, the Holy City seems to be busy with its neighbors right now.the Border Earl said.

I immediately understood the situation after hearing that. This man hardly knew what happened in the Lev Magic Empire.

First of all, I am honored to be granted an audience despite the sudden visit, Border Earl Mule.I said.

Huh? Why are you being so stiff

Reiji-sama is someone who has been directly acknowledged by the Lord of House Mule. You can come here anytime.

Lady Mira returned a simple noble thank you with her right hand on her chest, and then she glared at her father next to her. The Berserker flinched.

I am glad that Lady Mira is here. The border territory is in safe hands.

I came here today because I have a very important request to make, and I shall also explain what happened in the Lev Magic Empire.

When I broached the subject, the Border Earl, who was being overwhelmed by his daughters glare, suddenly became serious.

I see. So you are involved in that. Very well. Sit down. I will call my vassals too.


The spacious reception room suddenly felt cramped when 5 brawny men and women entered. When I finished my explanation, everyone was thinking about it silently.

I talked about everything. I kept it short regarding Asha and the details of the Covenant, and stressed more on the Back World and the coming of the dark elves and the underground people

Reiji. First of all, regarding your request, it is not a problem. We have excess unused land here, after all.

Your Excellency. But food in the territory is not bountiful. Adding thousands of people here would only

I havent finished yet.the Border Earl said.

My concern was whether my request would be accepted, which includes legal issues and also sufficient food.

If it happened to be too difficult, I was thinking of buying food from outside temporarily and looking for another land for them to live on.

Reiji, according to your story, the dark elves sound like theyre damn strong, is that right?

Well, yes.

Ah, I feel like this conversation is going in the wrong direction.

Because the Border Earls eyes were blazing.

Then, lets have them hunt monsters for meat. It could be the local specialty of our territory, and it could be quite profitable.

Father. Are you thinking of processing and exporting monster meat?

Exactly. Lets export delicious meat to those guys who ridicule our territory.

Then, the vassals started chipping in their own opinions and suggestions.

Apparently, the border territory has a lot of creatures, but they are relatively not hunted much. Since strong adventurers only aim for dungeon captures and rare monsters and rare plants, they do not hunt monsters stably.

The Border Earl dispatches troops whenever a town in the territory is threatened by monsters, but it is hard to say that they are steadily hunting monsters because it takes time to make a round trip.

It seems that he wants to leave the task of hunting monsters stably to the dark elves.

I raised my hand.

Well, I think the dark elves will be happy. Moreover, I think the underground people are also more combative than average soldiers, so they might also be useful.

The underground people have also fought against fierce monsters in the Back World without skill orbs, so they are undoubtedly strong. They just seem weak when compared to dark elves because the dark elves are unusually strong.

However, I seem to have said too much.

Your Excellency, isnt it too much to accept everything this child says without question?

The vassals were intently staring at me.

I have heard the stories, but no matter how you look at him, hes just a child. He doesnt look strong at all.

If Reiji-san is a child, then what about me?Lady Mira, who is two years younger than me, said sighingly.

But the vassals didnt notice her as they were staring at me with fire in their eyes.

Thats right. Im already shitty envious that he was able to fight side-by-side with His Majesty the Holy King

We cant judge strength based on stories alone.

And more complaints came up from the vassals.

Well, what do you mean to do about this, Reiji?the Border Earl asked, while grinning.

I knew it was going to end up like this.

Border Earl Mule, as I said earlier, I dont have time. I would like to go to the Lev Magic Empire as soon as possible to hasten the acceptance of the dark elves and the underground people.

Oh, right. I just remembered.the Border Ear deliberately hit his knee with his palm.

What did he remember?

Mira. When is the scheduled flight from the Holy City coming in?

Lady Mira was surprised when she was called.

Two days from now. The day after tomorrow.

Right, right. Reiji, the day after tomorrow, a magic airship from the Holy City will fly here and return to the Holy City. Its an old-fashioned airship to carry cargo, but if you get on it, youll reach the Holy City in half the time you would on horseback.


It seems that it would take two months on horseback on the shortest road from here to the Lev Magic Empire.

So even if I choose to go through the Holy City, I can arrive in the Lev Magic Empire in about a month on a magic airship.

Can I get on that airship?I asked.

I dont mind. But that means you will be free today and tomorrow, right?

It was my turn to be taken aback this time.

Well then, should we make arrangements?

The muscular men and women stood up, cracking their knuckles and neck. Lady Mira put her hand on her face and heaved a deep, deep sigh.