Overgeared (WN KR) - Chapter 644

Chapter 644

Why isnt he chasing?

Grids heart had thumped the moment Garam was hit with the second Linked Kill Wave Pinnacle. Garam allowed only three hits from Linked Kill and avoided it from the fourth strike, so he wasnt affected by Wave and Pinnacle.

His body was hit directly, but he avoided the following attacks...

Truly a monster. He didnt seem made for a one on one fight. The wound wasnt fatal, so Grid expected Garam to come after him right away. He was prepared to pour all his power to stop Garam and buy time for Han Seokbong and Sua to escape. Yet Garam didnt chase him for some reason. He avoided the fourth to seventh blows and just sat down in a collapsed position.

Did the story system force him to stop chasing me?

It was a reasonable hypothesis. The yangbans were too strong. The players at this point in time wouldnt be able to face the yangbans.

Anyway, its good.

They were able to escape unharmed. He couldnt miss this chance when Garam was still.

Run quickly and dont look back!



Grid and the Han Seokbong father and daughter sped up their escape speed.




Red blood soaked the soil. It was the blood of the yangbans that was more precious than rain during a drought.


Garam collapsed from Grids unexpected blow. He remained calm for a moment and Sam Dasoo wondered what happened.

Sir G-Garam...?

Sam Dasoo called out carefully to Garam. But there was no reaction from Garam. He just silently shed blood.

Is the wound so bad that his body hasnt recovered?

The yangbans?

An ordinary human dealt a critical blow to a yangban... Overgeared King... Are all kings on the West Continent so strong?

He was afraid of the people who would come from the West Continent sooner or later. Sam Dasoo gulped and cautiously took a step. It was to support Garam. The moment he approached Garam...


Garams shoulder shook.


Surely he wasnt mad at Sam Dasoo? The frightened Sam Dasoo closed his eyes.


Garam burst out laughing. The wound on his chest was already healed. The yangbans had the Red Phoenixs Breath, giving them an abnormal recovery.

"It was so outrageous that my head went blank? Kukuk, I missed the rodent.

Garam muttered while touching his torn clothing. He put the soft sword back in the sheath at his waist and neatened his clothing. The torn pieces of clothing started to gradually be restored. Garams robe was made with the scales of a blue dragon and this was the restoration ability of the Blue Dragons Breath.


After confirming that his clothing was clean, Garam turned his gaze to Sam Dasoo. His eyes were filled with killing intent. Sam Dasoos heart fell and his pants became wet at the sight.

"Stay silent about what you saw today.

Yes... Huh?

Garams words were unexpected. To be honest, Sam Dasoo thought that Garam would command all the troops in the Cho Kingdom to pursue Grid. But he was supposed to stay silent? Sam Dasoo was stunned while Garam clicked his tongue.

"I was hurt by someone who wasnt a yangban. Its better to keep this a secret since its too shameful for this to be known. Isnt this good for the Cho Kingdom?

Hat...! Yes! Thats right! I admire your deep thoughts!

The Cho Kingdom overcame its crisis thanks to Garams pride! Sam Dasoo was thrilled and bowed in thanks. Garams expression wasnt good.


In fact, Garam wanted to kill Sam Dasoo right now. His pride meant he didnt want anyone who saw his shameful appearance to stay alive. But if he killed Sam Dasoo, the other yangbans might suspect the situation. He judged that it was better to handle this as quietly as possible.

I will be laughed at if its known that I was hit by Pagmas Descendant.

To be honest, the word hit wasnt appropriate. Garam wouldve easily won if he fought against Grid to the end. Garam hadnt even used any skills. No, Grid wouldnt be able to touch him if he opened one of the sacred creatures breaths. But Garam was careless and Grid escaped in this gap.

I will kill him from the beginning the next time we meet.

Garams rage soared through the sky at the current situation. But it was strangely enjoyable. It felt like Grid revitalized his life that had felt boring after he passed the Chiyou test.

It has been 300 years... Hrmm, I should start training again.


Are you sure?

The execution square of Kars. Originally, it was the place where Han Seokbongs execution should be held. The execution time passed and Han Seokbong hadnt appeared. Then the yangban Garam showed up. Garam nodded at the Cho Kings doubtful words.

Its true. I have let the Han Seokbong father and daughter go. I thought it was too harsh to execute them just because they dont know where the maker of the Red Phoenix Bow is.

Ahh...! Sir Garam is too kind!"

"The yangbans deserve to be respected!

Han Seokbong was a noble who was loved and respected by the people of the Cho Kingdom. Many people were dissatisfied with Han Seokbongs execution. Once Garam said that he spared Han Seokbong, the people were glad and revered him. The Cho King spoke to Garam on behalf of the people.

Thank you! Thank you very much! I will be loyal without forgetting the mercy you have shown!

Hooray Sir Garam!

"Hooray the Hwan Kingdom!

"Hooray then yangban!


No one questioned it when their king bowed to the yangban. It was natural. Everyone was busy praising Garam and the Hwan Kingdom. Garams expression was unaffected when he looked at them, unlike when he faced Grid. It was a face filled with no fun or interest.

...Stupid fools.

Garam muttered as he left.

Prepare a carriage! Im going to Pangea!

The Cho King gave a command as soon as Garam disappeared. He wanted to be reunited with his dearest friend as soon as possible. He wanted to apologize for not being able to help Han Seokbong when he was struggling and to congratulate him for living.

But the Cho King wasnt able to achieve this dream. The reunion between the Cho King and Han Seokbong was only possible in the distant future.


It seems that theres no pursuit.

Sua had all types of training as Han Seokbongs heir. She was born talented, so despite having the body of a female, she became the best warrior of Pangea. She was also proficient in all fields of studies and calligraphy.

Name: Han Sua.

Age: 25 Gender: Female

Level: 277

Strength: 930 Stamina: 722

Agility: 1,511 Intelligence: 885

* Daughter of Pangeas lord.

* There is a 10% increase in stats in Pangea.

* Captain of the Red Phoenix Group.

There is a 10% increase in the stats of the Red Phoenix members when under her leadership.

* The strongest warrior in Pangea.

There is an increased bonus combat skill proficiency.

* The first beauty of the Cho Kingdom.

There is a high probability of bewitching the enemy.

The daughter of Han Seokbong. She has innate talent, beauty, and status, and has gained the respect of all residents in Pangea. Unlike her father, she is skilled in calligraphy like her grandfather. She looks perfect on the outside, but theres a desire that cant be controlled deep in her heart. If she cant meet a good match, she is likely to be corrupted.

Skills: Drawing (A), Singing (A), Finding the Enemy (A), Intermediate Weapons Mastery (Lv. 9), Han Familys Swordsmanship (A), Fighting Spirit (S+), Calligraphy in the Dark (SS-), Peerless Beauty (SS), An Irresistible Desire (SS+).

Grid observed Sua with the Great Lord's Sword. As Grid expected, Sua was a named NPC who boasted outstanding stats. But surprisingly, she didnt have many combat skills. This made Grid shake.

The best warrior of Pangea only has grade A swordsmanship...

Sua was talented. He didnt know how far she would be able to grow if she was taught by Sticks, Piaro, and Asmophel.


There was an extremely worrisome part. An Irresistible Desire? If she couldnt meet a good match, she was likely to be corrupted?

She truly is perverted...

Sua might became a demon if she wasnt paired up with a man who could bear her desires.

Why dont we take a break here?

The outskirts of Kars. Grids group was still in the territory of the Cho King, despite running for half a day. In fact, there was no time to rest. But Suas Finding the Enemy skill was excellent and she didnt see any pursuers. It seemed like they could take a break for a while.

Han Seokbong was worn out. Now was the right timing to get a good rest. Grid thought the same as Sua.

Then we will rest. Ill go bring my comrades who are hiding in Kars.

Han Seokbong was startled.

"Youll go back to Kars again? Havent you been running for half a day without a break after fighting with Garam? You can still move?

Im a little strong.

Grid was an all-rounder. Why could he perform the role of a tanker? It was possible because of his items as well as his high stamina stat. Grids stamina was overwhelming. Sua looked at Grid with moist eyes.



It was vaguely creepy. The confused Grid hurriedly stepped away the moment he met Suas eyes.

Then Ill be back soon!

Take care... Hah...

Sua flushed at Grids back that was quickly retreating. The reason for her red cheeks and sigh was omitted.