Overgeared (WN KR) - Chapter 1912

Chapter 1912

The combat situation wasnt bad.

The stage was a trump card that Hayate and the tower members had been thinking about for hundreds of years.

The battlefield created on the assumption of a battle against a dragon had a tremendous effect. The ground drawn with Abellios brush didnt only exist below his feet. It took root in the ground in all directions in the form of diagonal, straight, or curved lines. It was imperfect, but it was a square.

This meant that a ceiling existed in every direction. It was a structure that restricted a dragons ability to fly. Additionally, the magic stones that resisted physical force and the strange rocks that absorbed magic power were exquisitely arranged along the road. Each one served as a barrier to protect the tower members and a maze to make the dragons cautious.

The bombardment of the Tomb of the Gods from outside the battlefield further hindered the march of the dragons, who seemed to be spinning in a wheel.

The Overgeared Cannonsthey were the work of Only One God Grid. The Overgeared artillerymen army, which had grown through all types of raids and battlefields, amplified the power of the cannons by several times.

They might not be able to penetrate the dragons Absolute Defense, but they shook it little by little. The scales of some dragons shook when the bombardment rained down.

Yura and Jishukas sniping repeatedly pierced the gap in the scales and caused significant wounds.

The group of dragons reacted quickly. They designated Yura and Jishuka, who delivered powerful attacks even from a distance, and the hundreds of Overgeared Cannon Cannons, as the top targets and fired Breaths.

Every time, the Tomb of the Gods tilted from side to side. It rose and lowered in altitude to avoid some of the Breaths. This was possible thanks to the strange rocks installed on the battlefield. In order for a dragon to fire a Breath, it was necessary to avoid the rock formations and aim. Thanks to this, the speed of shooting the Breaths was very slow.

Even considering that, it is a near-perfect evasive maneuver.

Lauel felt satisfied. The person who was currently controlling the Tomb of the Gods was none other than Zibal. The rare class called Ancient Rider judged the Tomb of the Gods to be a ride and helped it move according to his will.

It is literally a gods weapon.

Biban repeatedly admired it.

An airship that could hold firm even with several Old Dragons on board it. The Tomb of the Gods was the essence of magic, science, and all types of powers. It was even classified as a territory and belonged to the Overgeared World. It had a beneficial effect on those who served Grid and gave a strong sense of oppression to the enemy.

This is our only chance now that Hayate has bound the Old Dragons' feet. Try to break through the battlefield as soon as the time comes.

Cranbel was in charge of the top dragon, who was difficult to deal with.

Biban interpreted the situation positively, but he wasnt being arrogant. The goal was to retreat safely. He judged that this was only possible as long as the battlefield that Abellio drew was maintained.

As you said before, it seems quite advantageous... wouldnt it be nice to fight here?

Chris carefully gave his opinion.

A chance to slash a dragon. It could also possibly kill one.

If he made a significant contribution to the death of a dragon then he could become a Dragon Slayer. It was a never-before-seen opportunity. Chris judged that they should make the gamble and a significant number of the members of the Overgeared Guild agreed.

Biban cut off those thoughts at once. Sir Abellios painting isnt permanent.

No further explanation was necessary. The current situation was favorable due to the battlefield that Abellio drew. The moment the square battlefield holding the group of dragons disappeared, the tide would turn immediately.

In fact, the magic stones and strange rocks that hindered the advance of the group of dragons were being destroyed. The magic stones collapsed due to the dragons swinging paws and tails, while the strange rocks collapsed due to magic. There was a scene where the tower members still left on the battlefield were desperately fleeing.

Additionally, the Old Dragons will arrive soon. There is really no chance or hope then, Biban added with a dark expression. It was a statement that seemed to take it for granted that Hayate, who was confronting the Old Dragons somewhere, would be defeated.

He felt a deep sorrow.

Lauel nodded. Lets pick up all the tower members and retreat.

In the first place, the goal of this expedition was to rescue the tower members. They werent able to help the most important one, Hayate, but they shouldnt make Hayates sacrifice be in vain. As many of the tower members had to be saved as possible.

Just then, the battlefield shook.

Part of the land on the side couldnt cope with the breaths of an intermediate dragon and was destroyed.

Dragons escaped the battlefield through this gap. They spread out their wings and started flying. They drew closer to the Tomb of the Gods in an instant.

It wasnt a particularly good decision. The Tomb of the Gods was part of the Overgeared World.


One of the dragons was startled as he arrived at the airship and opened his mouth. He realized that the circulation of magic power needed to shoot the Breath had slowed significantly. The dragon quickly realized that the space itself was working against him. He was about to turn when Bibans sword soared like a pillar and pierced his abdomen.

The energy of a Dragon Slayer weakly dwelled in the sword energy that could cut anything. It penetrated the Absolute Defense of the low-grade dragon and the entire abdomen.

Even so, isnt it too much to expose your belly?

There werent even scales there.

Biban shook his head and grabbed his sword with both hands. He swung the giant sword that pierced the dragons large body with all his might.

The dragon fell to the Tomb of the Gods.

The members of the Overgeared Guild rushed in like wildfire. Like starving demons, they stabbed at the dragon with weapons or poured out magic and skills. Unfortunately, it didnt cause any significant injuries.

However, some people gained an increase in status while others gained achievements or titles. There were differences depending on the individuals position, but as a result, everyone had grown.

Biban straightened his sword once again and was about to behead the dragon.

Then more than 10 Breaths were fired. Many of the members of the Overgeared Guild turned to ash and the disgraced low-grade dragon escaped under the cover of chaos. Massive damage was inflicted everywhere. If the tanks, including Vantner and Toban, hadnt responded quickly, then the Ul Clan magicians wouldve been destroyed.

It is a really great learning ability.

Vantner clicked his tongue as he was half-melted from the Breaths. Rubys heals focused on him but her expression was dark.

A group of dragons escaped from the battlefield. They didnt hastily approach the Tomb of the Gods. They kept their distance and fired one Breath at a time. That alone caused a third of the members of the Overgeared Guild to be destroyed. It was safe to say that everyone except for the top rankers were dead.

Im glad there is a cooldown.

The Old Dragons could fire the Breaths in an unlimited manner, but the ordinary dragons were subjected to considerable restrictions. Each Breath fired had at least two minutes of cooldown. Of course, this didnt mean that the threat had disappeared.

Dragons were the masters of magic. The inability to shoot a Breath didnt significantly reduce their firepower.

This shit.

As expected, all types of magic were activated and filled Vantners vision. Tsunamis that could engulf a city, tornadoes filled with lightning, a rain of flames, the soaring earth, and the raining meteorites, etc. Each one was an overwhelming attack and magic that was classified as great magic.

The Tomb of the Gods was attacked from all directions. He was going to die this time...

It happened as Vantner cursed and raised his shield in front of the Ul Clan...

There was a commotion from behind them. It was the sound of the members of the Overgeared Guild, who just died, resurrecting and rushing toward them. They had previously changed the resurrection point to the Tomb of the Gods and quickly rushed in.

Even so, what was the point?

Vantner thought this, but reality was different. The Overgeared members who died and came back were definitely stronger than before. Once a dozen or so grouped up and joined forces, they were able to handle the magic of a dragon. The reward of damaging a dragon earlier was worth dying.

[...It is better not to target them.]

Unlike the low-grade dragons, who became more excited when their magic was blocked, a few intermediate dragons turned their backs without any regrets.

The direction of their gaze was Euphemina. A magician who used magic unfamiliar even to dragonsunless they could do something about that moving dimension, it seemed like it would take a lot of effort to penetrate her magic barrier.

In the first place, they didnt feel much hostility toward players. It was instinct.

The tower members are in danger.

As the dragons retreated one by one and returned to the battlefield, Lauel became impatient. He noticed that they were targeting the tower members who were isolated in the square battlefield.

Biban was already chasing after them. The Broken Sword repeatedly expanded and contracted as it was used as a grappling hook. He inserted a knife into the back of the dragons ahead of him and repeatedly jumped, allowing him to arrive at the battlefield before anyone else. The speed of one of the few Absolutes of the human world was at a level that narrowly shook off the pursuit of the intermediate dragons.

Biban rescued Radwolf first. The magic machine carrying him was swept away from the battle between Cranbel and Kubartos. He was floundering in a crack in the collapsed ground.

It is a pity but I cant bring the magic machine with me.

N-No! How much effort didnt I put into this new work...?!

Radwolf screamed but Biban didnt care. He cut open the cockpit of the magic machine stuck in the crevice and pulled Radwolf out. Immediately afterward, a spear of magic pierced the empty cockpit.

Biban had no time to feel relieved. He looked around quickly.

Ken, who had been seriously injured in the beginning, and Jessica and Betty were the next targets to be rescued. He decided that the other tower members could hold on against the dragons for a while.

However, there was a problem. It was that the group of dragons were observing him. All the dragons, except for Kubartos, focused their senses on him. Based on the situation, they saw through his psychology and predicted his next move. They quickly surrounded Ken and Jessicas location.

It is really possible to fight endlessly, Ken said cheerfully as he was surrounded by dragons.

Both torn ears and his right arm were still bleeding. It was because it was a wound made by the claws of a green dragon. The effect of the potion Grid gifted him didnt work properly.

I will open the way, so please take care of the aftermath.

Biban couldnt stop him.

Ken suddenly stood up and his energy changed in an extraordinary manner. Before he knew it, his waist-length hair had turned gray. He consumed his Origin True Energy. He burned his own life force.


Kens stride widened and the fist he swung broke a dragons legs.

A roar and a magical bombardment ensued. Ken didnt dodge and instead moved forward. There were holes all over his body and he was engulfed in flames, but he didnt stop.

Im finally piercing through it properly, the Absolute Defense.

The face that melted in the heat. Ken was smiling even at the moment of death.

It was something that would forever be imprinted in the minds of his colleagues.

...It is thanks to Grid.

Kens gauntlet was also a dragon weaponGrid made it from the bones and scales of an Old Dragon and it was an unforgettable memory for Ken.


Kens voice, which had been emitting smoke every time he spoke, suddenly became inaudible. His lungs and vocal cords were completely burned and he was unable to speak.

Nevertheless, his fists never stopped. His fists, which had been tempered for nearly a thousand years, were given wings after meeting the dragon weapon. They pierced the dragons Absolute Defense and shattered even the scales. The pride of the ancient, absolute species was reduced to a shard of glass that projected the flames of his body.

...May you rest in peace in hell.

Biban didnt allow the sacrifice of his colleague to be in vain. He broke through the path that Ken had opened for him and reached Jessica. She was crying. The endless Echo magic responded to the staff created by Grid and amplified the power again and again. It made some of the low-grade dragons flinch.

Thanks to Ken buying time, Katz and Kraugel arrived on time. Hurent and Chris also came to help support Biban. It wasnt just Jessica. Betty was rescued as well.

Chris had a dark look on his face.

Death. He overlooked the reality of it and couldnt help cursing himself for being greedy a few minutes ago.

Kens final kick raised the chin of the dragon chasing after the group.

After that, it was quiet. It was a silence brought about by a silent death.


It is embarrassing.


Bibans group returned with miserable faces. To their surprise, it was Ken who greeted them. He lay with his head on the lap of Saintess Ruby. He was covered with so many wounds that it wouldnt be strange if he died immediately, but the wounds were steadily recovering.

Faker stood by him.

The group understood the situation and sighed with relief or cheered.

In particular, Biban and the other tower members couldnt hide their emotions. Biban even hugged Faker tightly.

...Hurry and go. Faker couldnt stand it any longer. He hid in a shadow and urged them. He was a shy person.

Biban laughed and headed back to the battlefield. The Overgeared Guild was supporting him. Thanks to Jessica and Betty, who were deployed on the deck of the Tomb of the Gods, the long-range support firepower increased dramatically.

Biban and the Overgeared members were able to break through the camp built by the dragons more quickly. Of course, there was a price paid for it. More than half of the members of the Overgeared Guild were forced to log out after two deaths.

Being trampled on by a giant foot, being beaten by a tail, being burnt to ashes by Breaths and magic, being crushed by falling rocks, etc. There were many different ways to die.

The screams continued endlessly and the columns of ash continued to rise. Nevertheless, there was far less damage than initially expected.

After a three hour struggle, the group was able to rescue everyone safely. It was a miracle created by Kens decision to burn his life force.

Humans were strongCranbels Dragon Words gained traction and became more powerful.

rainbowturtle's Thoughts

(3/4 weekly.) No set day for release.

Translator: Rainbow Turtle

Editor: Jyazen

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Current schedule: 4 chapters a week.